Reminder Kefla is still in SS1 which means Goku SSGSS Kaioken X20 won't stand a change against her Berserker or SS3 form
Dragon Ball Super
God i hate Super
"still in SS1"
She has black hair you retard.
She has green hair in the preview, so it's the controlled berserker form, and she's scratched against Blue Goku without Kaioken and looking surprising at something he did. She isn't taking this.
>frightened at ssb in super saiyan
>ss2 is 2x and ss3 is 4x
>stronger than kaioken x20 blue
In the Preview you retard
>and she's scratched against Blue Goku without Kaioken and looking surprising at something he did
Then inmediatly after she is smiling. Goku will probbly win but by an asspull
this fight should have happened before the ultra instinct shit, doesn't it seem strange?
This is what I've been saying. SSGSS Kefla could tear Frieza apart. I don't think the fanboys should be as confident as they are.