Why Nintendo never bothered with anime again? Animal Crossing anime movie was surprisingly good and anime series like Kirby were funny.
Why Nintendo never bothered with anime again...
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anime is a pump and dump art form, nintendo games hold their value and people's attention for far longer than your typical 1 cour anime series.
There was a Super Mario World manga in the early 90s that was actually decent.
Anime based on Nintendo games is mostly mediocre though, and the Western cartoons/comics (the ones by DIC) were utter trash.
>metroid gets an anime
>but not zelda
Why nintendo?
Yeah, the Kirby anime is underrated. Too bad no one subbed the later episodes. I can understand rudimentary Japanese so I was able to finish it raw. I feel bad for other people.
They're probably saving things up. Kirby was a 100 episodes long and worked as a major merchandising opportunity in Japan, same with AC. Problem is that most games tend to not exactly fit the right mold, which require lots of modifications.
The zelda mangas are really good I dont know how thell fit as an anime due to the pacing
A bunch of their series had 4komas.
Honestly at this point Star Fox would work so much fucking better as an anime than as a video game.
There is a straight to youtube Splatoon "anime" but even calling that animation is stretching it. It's basically the manga with sound.