This is a japanese guy

This is a japanese guy.


what a faggot

Clavicles on point.


this is also

Now it's a girl.

He's the one who plays bass guitar, right?

I want to fuck this Japanese guy.

isn't he from sweden?

No wonder they have breeding problems

what show is this?

Why is Ueno so shit?

no thats yohio, this is mia from mejibray, they do look similar though

Is there any proof?

>long haired Kirito

Fuck off mute retard


I want to mute you so I can't hear your shit taste.

Shit is shit user. Every girl besides glasses is better than Ueno.

japanese men are cucks

So, is the movie even good?
Read the manga and thought it was generally good, but the last chapters was fucking trash. Is Yuzuru still a more prevalent character than Shouko?

I want to make Ueno my sex friend

That's a drawing.

sauce plis

Ebin meme.

He is gay as fuck too.

I want to fuck Shouko at a funeral.

Heard it's just a really compressed manga, character development outside of the main cast is lost completely, lots of "unnecessary" things got cut, but they say animation and music is good.

>enjo kousai jk

Pleases old men with her pussy

Ueno literally did nothing wrong. She's also my favorite girl. I mean, the movie portrayed her like a villain! That's not true! She's actually really likable in the manga!!!!!

Yeah, she's really good at it. Her rates are pretty affordable too.

Kirito is cuter though

>Shit is shit