What does Sup Forums think of pic related?
What does Sup Forums think of pic related?
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shit. it's all shit. everything is shit.
I mean the climax was garbage but the show looked and sounded okay
Top Tier OP
Great Atmosphere
Writing went full hack at the end and turned into classic tearjerker about value of life and shit. They should have dropped the whole world building. Just people coming there after death and looking at their life was enough.
Def better than anything discussed in Sup Forums.
>Writing went full hack at the end and turned into classic tearjerker about value of life and shit. They should have dropped the whole world building. Just people coming there after death and looking at their life was enough.
This. The show was at its best when it was doing that. But my god that final episode was a fucking disaster
user are you having a rough day?
I still like Death Billiards more than any of the episodes from Death Parade
I liked it first watch but later thinking about it realized the whole premise was shit.
>Beings with huge responsibility of granting reincarnation or eternity in darkness.
>Let's half ass our judgement and make a game out of it for no reason.
Fuck Ginti, and fuck the entire crew.
I didn't really like the bimbo, but she was just an idiot kid that was starstruck. She didn't do anything wrong. She didn't suicide. She didn't kill anyone. She was even willing to sacrifice herself for her shitty idol. Her life was just kinda shallow, but again, that's not very fair, since she wasn't even an adult. Then that fucking piece of shit, Ginti, vaporized her for basically no reason.
Why have arbiters that are autistic and would destroy souls for basically no reason at all? Why even give any single other person in this show a chance at all if being an average teenager is worth a voiding? The others that were judged all did worse things than her, but she gets to be thrown out of the cycle of reincarnation because Ginti just says so.
What the fuck is the point if you just vaporize whomever? Might as well draw lots to decide judgement at that point. To me, their entire organization is a worthless pile of shit, and they are just pretending to be doing a good job, but are not doing any better than if the entire process was automated and random.
It's been a while since it aired, and I'm still fucking mad.