Doth thou REALLY need a sword longer than 12 inches for self defense?!

doth thou REALLY need a sword longer than 12 inches for self defense?!

a dagger should suffice!, anything longer is compensating for thine minuscule endowment!

ban all swords!!

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bump for 1500's Sup Forums

yay verily, I declare OP to be correct.
these university stabbing must cease!

A for effort

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The day I can kill a man from 1000 yards with my dick, or whip out my dick when I am getting robbed, or someone breaks in to my house and I kill him in self defense with my dick, THAT's the day I give up my guns.

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Tis not the swords that are the problem, we need mandatory mental health checks naive!

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I depiction of mine sword. Tis so large it doth not fit on the woodcut!

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of course then some fucker will kill a school full of kids with his dick, and then it's background checks to be born a boy,

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I wonder if people really did think shit like this back then, or if this mentality is a recent thing

no. every weapon had a purpose. Usually the giant 2 handed swords from the german mercenaries loved was for cutting into the pikes

Long nose tribe tell grug he no have reason to have rock with stick. Stick plenty to save grug. But grug saw grugs from long nose tribe using rock-sticks to kill sand tribe for new caves. Grug think he hides his rock-stick in his cave in case long nose tribe do same to him.

Can't zwerchau with a dagger.

You are making a joke but in medieval europe paesants were often forbidden from having weapons.

Farmers were often forced to improvisr and use modify farm tools as larping swords( in a way conceptually similar to what you guys do with bump stocks)
an example is the beidana a weapon developed by the valdese minority in Italy pic related.

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>This actually happened in several countries, hundreds of times

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If you own a sword you need to do some serious soul searching about the direction your life has taken.

they were required to have a long bow and practice with it regularly.

O! But what say ye of the Lucerne though?

What man of God be needful of a spear, hammer and pick in a unity? It has a reach unfair! An arm that worketh in single combat, in battle and with the capacity to unhorse a man be too much!

I say to thee we must ban the Lucerne and all multi-function polearms, they are too powerful!

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archer master race here. swordfags are plebs.

prove me wrong, pro tip:
>you can't

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bumb :DDDD

but my sir, the knights may poke thine breast from afar!