GTO thread

Was he the best MC of all time?
Also general Onizuka thread.

To the user who posted about him being their husbando, if you're reading this, I hope you're doing OK. I remember you posting about him 2 years ago on /cm/.

Because he's in the cooooolest drivers hiiiigh

Also fuck that impreza, that's why

do the spinoffs stand a chance of being animated?

Threadly reminder that 20 years later he's still a virgin and the principal will keep getting more crestas no matter how many onizuka destroys.

Fuck, I realized as soon as I read it that it was actually called a cresta. I'm too drunk to brain right now. But then I should probably rewatch the series too

adding on to this, please do message me if you see this. 暴走天使#1046

Even the original manga wasn't fully animated. What do you think?

I love this man, one of my favorite MCs ever

the dorama is really good