New Game!

Is Nene the overall best girl?

Other urls found in this thread:

>I'm a simple girl
>When she told me about your situation, I just wanted to help you
That's when I knew she was best girl.

Nenecchi is an Angel.

>Uhu~ pudding hakki!
That's when I knew she was best girl


No, that is Ahagon.

Aoba is for mating press
Always remember this

Which girl would most likely make the true ending of her newest game payed dlc only?

S1: Ko and Hifumi
S2: Nenecchi
Overall: Ko

this would be canon for Kou

Things that are facts: Nene can legally drink



Nene can legally drink Ahagon's pee.

I've never actually watched this show, Sup Forums.

Read the manga.


Latest chapter had them going to Tsubame's ryoukan for the company trip.
I thought it was going to give us an opening for her to change her mind, go back home to work with her family and be written out of the manga for good but they gave her a sucky mom so it looks like we're still stuck with her.

Kou is gone

Momo is best.


Is he still trying to make us feel bad for her?

They should extend their company profile and ship out that #2 to me.

I want to be Nene's househusband

If you want to not exist, you should just use a rope.

Nene is the Nenest girl.

No but she definitely redeemed herself with a lot of people in S2.

fanservice ova when?




Are Nene and Aoba no longer minors? Where's Aoba's drinking party?

>Are Nene and Aoba no longer minors?
>and Aoba

Nene is older than Aoba. Nene has always been older than Aoba. Not surprisingly, no one knew this (except Aoba).

Nope, that's Hajime.

That's not a girl, that's a sex toy.

Nenes soft little body was made for big brown women.

It was made for being manhandled and bent over things in the house.

Hajime was S1's best girl. Aoba second.
In S2, Momo was best girl. No doubt. Momo's cute, and her personality is even cuter. Aoba was second, Hajime was third because she didn't have alot of screentime.


Nenebutt is a blessing.


Nenecchi is great and also for ecchi.

>not when i shift into MAXIMUM OVERWIDE

Hell yeah.

Waaay too sweaty for that.


The legal drinking age in Japan is 20. Nene is a few months older than Aoba who's still only 19.


Don't stop.

That means Aoba still gets anal creampies from me while Neneshit can go fuck herself.

More gyaru Nenes please.


>nene thread


>cleaning every crease of Yun's butthole with my tongue

Yun's husbando army report in!

I'll be honest with you, if Yun was my wife/gf, I would wake her up in a way that she absolutely needed a shower.

Yunposting is becoming too rare these days.

oh my

>poor Hotaru can't draw because she has to hide her erection
Damn Nenechi.

Nenechi is too ecchi.

Yun is my wifegirlfriend.



Please tell me her butthole is bleached though.

It has brown stains, actually.

She's too lazy to wipe?

dried blood from all the scabs

Christina deserved more screentime.

Pair programming with Nene!

Not too lazy. She just prefers it that way.

Anal sex with Aoba-chan.

Armpit sex with Hajime-chan.


Sex in the break room with Ahagon.

what is happening there?

Aoba riding the office sybian as part of her orientation.

I heard Nene programs in C++ and makes her own engine. That's pretty hardcore for an anime girl.

>pre-law college student picks up programming at her side job and does well enough to be hired full time as an apprentice
Nene is a fucking champ.

Piss enema by me to Aoba.

Ahagon's tanned Okinawan tummy!

Congrats you've made Aoba cry.

I want to taste Aoba's tears.

Reminder the 2 new characters were shit and all the other side characters vanished so they could focus on these shit duo

I'll give her a saliva enema instead.


How is it possible for a character to be as cute as Aoba? Is that legal?

>all the other side characters vanished
One main character too. Momo was a good girl though.

Who's that girl? She looks cute. Will she be introduced in S3?

Is it time?

I liked the new characters but they really spread themselves too thin. Hifumi didn't deserve this.

I wish I could drink Nene's pee.

but she's in her house.

A boy can't be best GIRL.

Every single time.

You did play Nene's game, right Sup Forums?