Dragon Ball Super Manga

Alright Sup Forums...

Which is better? Left, or right?

the anime

Right has better art and more expressive faces. It also has text, which the left side sorely lacks.
I'm also not a big fan of flat grays in manga, but that's just me being a traditionalist.

Yeah except Goku's face looks stupid in the right

Right. Jiji's stuff always looks flat

Left has a better understanding of perspective and looks more like old school Toriyama, also Trunks doesn't look 12 years old.

Did Toyotaro do a redraw after Toriyama scolded his shitty artstyle?

What the fuck is that shit on the left?

Also, why is right so low quality? That kinda hinters judgement.

But right is much better, just look at the hair.

Right looks better except for the top right panel. Goku's proportions look slightly off there.
Left Zamasu looks like shit.

shit taste detected

left has way better foreshortening

Oh my god OP, what is that shit?

>spics think this is '''''good'''''

"Darn you Zamasu, I need to get back to the North Pole to help Santa load his presents!"

without shitty watermark

>one panel

How about all the others that look better you raging Caulicuck Gohan shitposter faggot?

Not to mention crappy coloring

Holy shit ta

What the fuck is that color of hair on the left?

Did Goku achieve a new form? Is that Saiyan Green?

>How about all the others that look better

Post them. Toyotaro is a shit mangaka that can't even draw characters in perspective properly. Prove me wrong.

It's right there you goddamn idiot. If you want more read the manga, faggot.

Now can someone tell what is that shitty edit OP posted? It's clearly not redrawn from the new volume because that chapter is not even there.


>I have no proof and I must spicpost

Thanks for proving your stupidity, incompetence and revealing your name is Pablo Rodriguez.

My point still stands: Toyotaro is a shit-eater, shitty mangaka and self-proclaims himself to be the 'No. 1 DB fan' like the inner spic/korean he is.


Both pictures have the same perspective. Stop using words you don't know dumbfuck.

Also, shitty hair and faces on the left, jesus christ

Did he copy pasted from the original manga and colored like an amateur?

>calls everybody spic
>it's others who are spicposting


Plenty of people have said already. All you can say is how about much hate Toyotaro while saying spic a thousand times.

Spic spic spic

Close-ups (except Trunks) look better in the old version but the new version has better bodies

Spicposting is needlessly defending Dragon Ball Super because it is your religion, spicposting is coming up with convoluted and stupid fan theories because you somehow believe this shitshow will get better because you are emotionally invested and bought a lot of Goku toys to pray to in your local mexican church, spicposting is defending Toyotaro the worst mangaka in the business (who is not only shitty at drawing but also has no ideas of his own), spicposting is flat out denial of any criticism of DBS.

What I posted wasn't spicposting but well established facts. You are just some dumb Paco in denial.

Not that guy but your head is so far up your ass you can't even see how shitty the Zamasu is in the redraw.

What about this

OP probably drew that himself. Why else would he get so butthurt over anons saying left looks like shit?


You are incredibly dumb to think all spics can make a dent on the sheer size of HUEBRs fanbase. Stop focusing on a bunch of small countries that no one cares about. Focus on one big country people are afraid to get diseases from.


>What I posted wasn't spicposting but well established facts
Strawmanning and name-calling aren't facts.
The paneling on the left is weaker and the characters aren't even on model. Why the fuck does Goku have black irises?

toyotaro BTFO

Which better for him to look stupid.

zamatsu looks better on the right, he is supposed to look less than a chingoku

Too stiff, doesn't convey any emotion.

Left looks really dull.

the left is youngjiji?


What, did OP draw the shit on the left? I can’t see any other way someone thinks the left is better in any way. The faces are small, stiff, and expressionless. You can tell it’s a redraw even if you never saw the original.

Panel by panel:
>first: left
>second through fourth: right
>fifth: left
sixth: tie
The sixth panel reads better on the left but looks better on the right, the right's art with left's speech bubble placement would be best.

Right has better closeup expressions and framing angles, whereas left has stronger anatomy and art overall (hair notwithstanding on Goku). The first panel on the left, while not great foreshortening, has much more depth and thus impact than right's flat pose you just pan across. The smoke on left especially looks great and adds to that dimension, as well as the feet extending slightly off panel border along with the arms. Right pushes "out" of panel, but left pushes "off" to give more focus.

Line variation is generally better on left, but it's close there.

As for the hair, it's a coin toss. The tone looks unnatural on the left and makes the entire page feel a bit flatter, while the right's adds dimension to the hair and the hair alone, which makes it more distracting.

And lastly, the left has the stronger SFX. An oft overlooked element in terms of perfecting, Sound effects *and by extension, speech bubbles* are like the bass players in comics. If done well, they shouldn't be noticeable unless they're VERY good. Otherwise, when they're bad, they're unable to be ignored. Left's SFX makes the action feel more definitive, whereas right's feels more mundane. A mundane action followed by an intense closeup doesn't feel as great as an intense action followed by a slightly mundane closeup.

Overall, both have a lot of stiffness and the only panel that gives a strong impression is right's last panel on its own. In context, dunno.

Youngjiji drew the one on the left. Some people think he should be the one drawing the manga

While both are stiff, only the left's major panels pass the horizontal flip test. Flip the image and see how bad left's Goku panels look.

I guess some people like having characters look like jacked up babies. Don’t read dragon ball, but Toriyama is way better based off this example.

Right is more Toriyama, left is more Yamamuro.

>that Zamasu in the left pic

It's Blanco

Wew lad how embarassing, is this guy ever going to get over the fact that he wasn't chosen to draw Super?

This kind of butthurt is funny at first but it's getting pitiful now.

it's still better than Salagir who has to come here everyday trying to point out something toyo traced or how dragonball super "stole" his idea about a product they own.

Ah I see you are OP

Sorry, it looks like shit

Did you had to make the empty balloons THAT big to cover your shitty drawings?

The rest is literally traced.

The color is also terrible, my god. Retarded can't shade. Even the fucking eye is wrong.

Then it should be white.

Everybody thinks left is crap. Is everyone spicposting or are you?

the rightmost panels are better on the left, and the leftmost panels are better on the right.

Tell me how those smaller faces with no expression (problably traced too) covered by giant balloons because the OP problably fucked up, especially that shitty zamasu face looks better.

Gonna go with right. Expressions are more expressive and the framing/angling of the faces is more dynamic.

Read the thread. OP didn't draw that image. It was a Japanese doujin artist.

I like Jiji because he used to make 9/10 Dragon Ball porn.

I was bewildered to learn that Multiverse was still going to this day, at least the original artist seemed to have the sense to actually stop at some point.

I don't like how he draws faces

>stole the idea of parallel universe
>stole the idea of tournament arcs

>stole the idea of tournament arcs
Did you even watch DB?

This might be one of the reasons he wasn't chosen to draw the manga.

The left page, top right panel looks like shit. But the rest is better than the right.

Right, Jiji is simply bad.

>Small-ish faces with huge ass panels, totally off balance
>Art looks plainly inferior

Who the fuck actually like right? Is it the same retard that enjoy poorly made shit like the DBS anime?

The way toyo draws bodies its really off, i'll take left in this case, it has a better angle and the faces are more masculine

>Who the fuck actually like right?

Do you even need to ask? This is taco town, buddy. Pray to santo Toyotaro, el grande padre of el iglesia de Toriyama for he can do no wrong according to latin america.

That is how the body supposed to look since niggas are lean / skinny in that form

don't call people 'niggas' if you're a fucking spic.

Go be a nigger somewhere else

>Right has better art
Um... no?

Jiji has some better design elements (insofar as they look more like their Z counterparts) but he doesn't really have the dynamic range that Toyotaro has. His work is much flatter, and his characters are expressionless.

Right is far superior. I don't like the goofy faces Toyo does most of the time but the anatomy looks far superior. Seriously pay attention to where the head is posited in the left page top right panel, it's like it's stuck to his chest. And bottom right panel it's like he has no stomach and his chest is glued to his legs at a weird angle. Also his face is too small for his head.

The more I look at it the worse it gets.

>people saying left looks better
What? Am I the only one noticing how the faces are off, especially Zamasu's and Goku's in the bottom panels, and how Goku has humongous ears while his head is hunched forward in the top panel too much? His arms are too thick and his hair is too big.

Can you draw it better? thought so, shut the fuck up.

I like the right more
Shows more personality

Left is superior.

toyo goku has elf ears

You just made me realize how fucking huge Goku's ears look in Jijii's first panel.



that is terrifying

I want to lick Pan

>That absolute lack of style
>Those Deviantart tier presentation choices.
No wonder he's so jealous of OurGuy Toyotaro.

toyo is bad
>stick body
>no boobs
>no tights

Holy shit that is hilarious

Reminder that BoG Goku was a 60% of Beerus full strength

>but Beerus one shots SSB Vegeta!
Goku and Vegeta being about a 70% of Beerus full strength would mean they are still far weaker than him, check the manga for examples (Cui with 18000 units was a 75% of early Namek Vegeta with 24000, yet Vegeta one shoot him).

>but the difference between SSGSS and SSG is the same as between SS and base, one is 50 times stronger than the other!
Debunked headcanon because SSGSS affected by the cooldown can only use a 1/10 of his full power, making it worse than a full power SSG in the manga. If SSB was that strong compared to SSG, it would be better even after the cooldown.

Also don't forget Iwne already said the SSG Goku vs Toppo battle was god tier, and Beerus said only after surpass SS3 (going God) Goku was able to reach Toppo's level, and Toppo is already prepared enough to be GoD according to Vermoud ("I'm training him to succeed me as the next GoD. To tell you the truth, I'm planning on retiring any day now").

SSB is close to SSG, and Goku and Vegeta are strong enough to become GoDs already.

>>That absolute lack of style


>Gohan didn't train one bit since Buu arc
>Mystic Gohan almost rivals SSB Goku
>hurr durr Gohan is only 1/10th as strong

Both have lack of style, just trying to replicate the art of toriyama.



You're supposed to fear his godly chin.


Who drew the one on the left? It feels like Goku from the Frieza Saga has returned on the left panel.

The left looks more like classic Dragonball Z, back when Super Saiyan meant having big elevated hair. Both Goku and Zamasu actually look intimidating on the left, making the scene more intense.

*"Jaws" theme plays menacingly*

Panel 1 Left
Panel 2 Vegeta looks better on Right but Trunks looks better on Left
Panel 3 Right
Panel 4 I'm gonna go with Left
Panel 5 Left although background looks more detailed in Right
Panel 6 I prefer Right a bit better

The more important panels (1 and 4) look better on the left one, so I guess the left one looks better?

shit I meant 5

>Seriously pay attention to where the head is posited in the left page top right panel, it's like it's stuck to his chest

Firstly, that is called a top-down perspective, you can obviously tell the artist is trying to give the panel a 2.5D look. Secondly, please point out the 'neck' on Toyotaro's Goku in panel 1, because I don't see it and I don't understand how spic you have to be to criticize one panel but act negligent to Toyotaro's mistakes.