Himouto Umaru-chan Final Chapter Spoilers


They are like a family.

>Final Chapter

Sankaku just announced Himouto Umaru G.

Oh that's it already

RIP Kanau.

So does Tahei and Ebina become a thing then.

HAHAHA. Fells good on the winning side.

Anybody got killed?

Does Kirie finally get the V?

What does G stands for?

Geimu or Genital

Gebina, Onii-chan and Ebina' s son who will go Obaa-san route.

No one cares

Wait so are we also getting Himouto Umaru Go and Shin Himouto Umaru, with SankakuHead dying part way through writing Himouto Umaru Arc?

>let me show you how much i don't care by taking the time to bump your thread


So, does this mean Ebina won the Onii-sanbowl?

is someone going to pick up the manga again? I really like this one, please dont let it die like this.

Okay by what about KyrieXAlex and more importantly SylphieXUMR.


Ebina spin-off ended with her being married to Taihei and having restaurant



Does everyone know about umaru’s secret.

It was announced after the final chapter
Kamen rider G

What about the relationship to their parents? Always wondered why a grown-ass salaryman who is pretty smart has to share a literal cuckshed with his sister with the parents nowhere in sight.

He was disowned for a shamefur dispray.

Poor office lady, she'll either die alone or get with afro guy

>or get with afro guy
he gets with someone else in the office

nani. I may take a look at this.

what about TSF's brother?


Kirie is thirsty for vagina.

Sequel is going to be great

>Ebina wins again by defaults
I'm okay with this

>that huge capital G next to the logo
Nice reference



what everyone said was going to happen is exactly what's going to happen

The nug is immortal.
Good, there are still things that need to be addressed.

Yeah, wtf has happened.

Yup, fucking MSM these days.

So why even "end" the manga if they will do another one anyways?

Switching magazines I think

Look at this nug


But it literally says there it will be published on Young Jump.

Look at it.

The Nug wins again!

Nug needs a little bulling from time to time.

She got her own back.

That's not bullying anyway, but appropriate punishment by a loving, caring parent. Taihei is trying to teach her a lesson that'll be valuable for her, not to just throw his own trauma on some vulnerable person, like bullies do.


This pleases me



Is there more than three pages?

ewww stinky nugget juice

It's in the last chapter of Akita Imokko! Ebina-chan

where is the rest?

I-is it over...

Kirie checkin' out that Eb

So ebina wins the oniichan bowl?


She's gonna get really fat.

She's Ebina's wingwoman.

The reflex is Umaru on her real form, right? Nice touch

I didn't even notice that

5 episodes into the season. Dare I say it may be better than the 1st season so far.

season 1 was more mayhem, season 2 is more feels

When's UmaruXX? Or World?

in 3 years and then 3 years after that, umaru is forever

dubs confirm Umaru until 2099

It's still a fun show, but I think Umaru being a nice girl now takes something away from it. S2 has a more CGDCT so far, and less nug doing nug things. The OP is still great though.

It definitely gives off more of that vibe, especially later on if you know how it goes. She becomes a lot nicer to Taihei and close to her friends.

That is true but the CGDCT is a lot better than it was last season.

>Best girl lost again


Did Ebina reunite with her brother?

S-she's the only viable choice tho

Umaru really is like a little teddy bear.

I still headcanon that there are to Umarus, one normal (who also goes UMR) and one little kid and we see things from point of Tahei who get little crazy and delusional and believe he have only one sister as effect of some trauma (like parents death or something).



>Pic related.
The name of the restaurant.

>implying that's not a dream like usual
Onii-san belongs to Kanau.

>mfw dreams do come true

But does Sylphyn get UMR?

he's going to commit suicide when he sees the electric bill

What about aunt Umaru? Did she achieve manga success?

Kirie turned her into a dyke and now they have over 2 dozen cats.

Nope, the spin-off ends with her friends visiting the place where she's working 10 years later. It's never said if she's the owner or if she ever married Taihei.

Just according to keikaku

Will we ever get nugg adventures back instead of the feelsie shit?

In S3 Umaru will become a genuine NEET nug and never leave the apartment.

>not banging your high school aged sister's big titted friend.

Are you dumb or something?

One of the first chapters had her confessing to Taihei years later and said this was her love story.

If that's what you're looking for, you'll have a rough time with the rest of the season. I'm guessing they'll get to adapting the arc where Umaru seriously contemplates and almost reveals to everyone that she's also UMR and the nug.

That was in the 2nd ova

I posted it here but to be fair to them we don't see his response so anons can justifiably doubt