
Would you lewd a matsu?

moe by definition is cute + lewd, why wouldn't everyone?

i want to lewd them all

Aren't those kind of mousepads pretty uncomfortable to rest your hands/arms on? I know they're squishy but they don't look very practical

New episode when?

In a couple of hours maybe?

30 minutes.. i think

>Ichimatsu is the most exposed
wew is it because he's a fatty

it's because he's a slut
and because he wears baggy, loose clothes

where can I buy that shit

The Matsus lewd themselves, therefore it is acceptable.

Is it out? Where can i watch it?

it's ending soon
now we wait for subs

Holy shit Totoko has fans that aren't Matsus.

More sleeping order.

Colorfags are at peace again.

something doesn't seem right about this one...can't really put my finger on it though

What? 524? Holy crap, my fave trio.

Oso and Todo combo ep next week.

>shelfwarmermatsus on the left
>popularmatsus on right

It's the dog on the bottom right

Isn't Oso more popular than Juice now though?

Thank you staff for putting Oso and Choro next to each other where they belong.

Maybe now we'll see fan content related to the episode.

Juice is

Are they gonna shuffle the positions everytime it gets shown? Are they trying to pander to everyone?

You mean this or in general in s2? Since today was mostly about Iyami's dick out.

Why is this show flopping?

I wouldn't say it's flopping, but the wait between seasons was too long and a number of the fujos gave up and moved on.


Fujos only hop to the new bandwagon once and never look back. They made the right call into telling them to fuck off in Episode 1.

matsu2cour just trended today.

>depicting fujos as cute background girls whose only crime is their inexplicable adoration of these shitty NEETs
>"telling them to fuck off"
Sure, buddy.

trending on japanese twitter isn't exactly difficult or news wortht
Remember how back during S1 fujos managed to keep Kara omorashi tag trending for over a week?

I fucking remembered, holy shit. I actually helped trend that, the art was pretty amazing

They're comfy as hell. But I have skinny twig wrists that fit perfectly in them.

Caveat, they suck when playing video games though.

And the IchiKara AV too.

I know man, just that people having the staring at trends or the lack thereof past weeks.

>ichikara av


> Newfag

You're late user. They already have 2 AVs, one normal (NEETs) and one with the Doctor and Basketball student school AU.

I love how karas ahoge shrivels up in that gif
Also why do people give Ichi shark teeth? He's not Rin

>want to start watching
>little things like this will be completely lost to me.

Here I go anyway.

It's happened in the show, but people like it because it's a good look for Ichi.

But only for comedic effect/exaggeration, not all the time. It's looks out of place and makes him look much too sinister

>and makes him look much too sinister
That's the point, some people still see him only as a psycho

You will know all six brothers off by heart by about 3-5 episodes in.

This is my punishment for being new: missing out on the good shit and dwindling fan interest.

Psycho Ichi is hot, though. Still, I'd rather there be a balance between psycho and moeblob.

We only had a chance to watch the first IchiKara AV
Few laughs aside, you missed nothing. In fact you should consider yourself lucky. It was so low budget, it was painful to watch

Poor dude

Would you eat Iyami's home-cooking?

>saw a preview of it

I don't feel bad missing it.

Man, he's so hot cute? Idk, man. I just want to ruffle his hair.

>next episode is called Osomatsu and Tdomatsu

Shit, I really wanted more Oso and Kara interactions.
Guess I'll settle for some Kinnikumatsu then.

looks more like its made by Ichi

I'm been waiting for 2 hours and still nothing has come. You lied to me

480p and 720p are out

have you tried refreshing nyaa?

>Oso and Kara
They talked a lot this week at least.
>mfw STILL not used to Karamatsu kindness

I downloaded it, but I can't play it. It says "safari can't open the file because no available application can open it"

how about you use a normal browser, applefag

Does chrome work with nyaa downloads?

Never mind my computer just died, I'll have to wait

that sounds more like he has no program to open the torrent with, not that he's using a shitty browser
uTorrent m8

Totty looks holy when he's doing the nipple thing.

>not knowing how torrents work
Fucking fujos

Show us your titties, Totty.

Keep talking out of your ass, I'm sure it's working. Made in Abyss """""flopped""""" too.

>that stare down

I’m glad I can now put characters to the voices I’ve been hearing in songs. This already seems like my type of humor. They tend to do this more often in little kids shows, except theirs is clean.

That user seems to have been popping up to speak of doom for a while now.

That was cute as hell

I didn't get why they looked at each other with a confused face after that line. How come Oso wasn't mad?

Honestly I don't like the new artstyle as much, it's too cutesy and chibi.

it's exactly the same as before, and less cutesy and chibi than 80s

I think it's more a muted shock from Oso that he would dare to throw him under the bus and Kara waiting to see next what he will say. You'll see in the following scenes that Oso started to tease Kara to not end up like Iyami, and Kara served the insult back to him. And then they had another scene of them exchanging insults.

I thought it was a sweet eldest bro interaction, like trying to one up each other.

>not liking the artstyle
For shame, user!

While I'm a super fan I didn't really laugh during this episode, but the ED always cheers me up.

It's a subtle change


Yeah you'd know it'd get bad if they morphed into fat apes like the last dozen or so 80s stories

So we had an episode with Ichimatsu and Choromatsu, the next one is Osomatsu and Todomatsu... is it safe to say we will have more Karamatsu and Jyushimatsu?

>too cutesy and chibi

user, do you even know what chibi means?? Chibi would be more like the style of Tabimatsu

Those who identify as otaku, they sicken me deeply

Osomatsu-san was a mistake




I want to compliment Ichi

Chibita is really nice


Hobo's finest foods


Well I guess now there's fuel for the fan's needs for Kara angst

Some really have been shitting themselves about how the season has ruined him by having him talk back to his brothers.

> Season 1 was full OsoChoro, IshiJyushi and KaraTodo
One of the most successful anime.

> Season 2 is full OsoKara and IchiChoro


This episode was good. I liked how they played around with the boys expressions/movements in it, and iyami being a snake as usual. Also blushing matsus was the best part, hands down
