Japan has one of the highest(if not highest) population of NEET/hikikomori on the planet. Why only a few dozen or so anime that focus on this subject? And if they do, the characters are usually soft NEET, as in they recently quit their job and decided to live off their savings for a few months.
Why is it so hard to find a series that focuses on the true NEET/hikki lifestyle? I want to see people in total leech mode, having been unemployed for years and forced to rely heavily on their parents to get by. Maybe even a total shut-in MC that is too afraid to leave their and has their mommy or daddy do everything for them.
Aiden Moore
Why would studios make their consumer base self conscious about how shitty they are for consuming their anime each season? This is counter productive
Connor Cruz
They don't want to face reality.
Nicholas Myers
if you have interesting plot for a guy who doesn't get out of his house and does nothing of his days, try and send it to the studios? it might be boring though
Gavin Hill
Because they don't sell.
Christopher Price
Because it's fucking boring to watch. Literally the only plot development you can do with a NEET character is to get them a job, or a relationship that would necessitate a job.
Nobody wants to watch a guy sitting around doing nothing. The only work you could really make about a NEET would be a depressing affair about how their own selfishness rots the relationships around them. Friendships fade, love is non-existent, and eventually even the family denies their existence.
Luis Ortiz
The only way I could think to make that interesting would be for the hikki to slowly go insane and play off that inner drama, but that was more or less a big part of WthNHK
Gabriel Thomas
Do you find your life interesting?
Cameron Richardson
>Why is it so hard to find a series that focuses on the true NEET/hikki lifestyle? Because the life of a NEET/hikki is boring as fuck to watch? I'm currently enjoying my NEET life but nobody would want to watch someone sit on his computer all day and go out once a week.
Aaron Murphy
>Why they don't make series about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Nolan Howard
>Hikki loser: ep1 >24 minutes of showing his depressing, unfulfilling life >introduce the main characters(son, mom, younger sister >son is 27, became hikki at the age of 19 after flunking out of high school >sister is 15 year old high school student that has to deal with rumors about her older, adult brother >mom is 45 year old widow that works 2 jobs to support her son and daughter >story shifts between mom and her work and the misery she must deal with of living this life. the son that stays in his room all day, playing video games and trolling on the internet. the daughter that tries to live a normal life while avoiding the humiliation of a hikki brother and haggard mother. >son is MC and we see from his point of view the burden he puts on his family, and the attempts of trying to break from his mental prison >son has online game friends that he lies to about his situation >has internet persona of being a big shot in the games he plays >one of his online guildmates has suspicion that he might know MC and attempts to find out information on him >son is also a pervert that secretly beats off to his younger sister and sneaks into her bedroom while she's away to do fucked up things with her belongs >mom highly depressed alcoholic that coddles her son because she believes his hikki lifestyle is her fault >sister dealing with her own personal hell of trying to fit in and run with the popular kids >constantly forced to hide her personal life from her friends >directed by: Shuzo Oshimi best I could come up with.
Joshua Miller
Jose Jenkins
what fucking drugs are you on? literally every second show has neet MC
Brody Ross
I'd watch it, sounds actually pretty great.
David Phillips
>Secretly the little sister actually has a crush on her older brother
Jeremiah Campbell
I'm sure Japan doesn't want to make an anime about their own social issues, but it would be interesting to contrast two main characters living the NEET and salaryman lifestyles. They'd both sink into depression and disillusionment with society, and they'd realize they have a lot in common.
Carson White
sounds really good desu 10/10
demoted to 0/10
Gavin Peterson
>Japan has one of the highest(if not highest) population of NEET/hikikomori on the planet
This is extremely wrong though. The reason you probably think otherwise is because they're actually over-represented in anime.
Grayson Kelly
Oh fuck that chart was actually a bad example because I didn't notice it was out of the CLF, have a better one.
Nicholas Robinson
Because outside of japan the world dont understand the idea of "Neet" because it´s a japanese thing. The whole society is a colectivism when every person need keep cultural importance on status relative to yourself. The kids in japan kill themselves because the system tells them that if they are not good they are shit human being and a burden for your family.
Japanese society survives because a massive worker class. The idea of anti-social people live paycheck to paycheck because individualism not work over there.
Juan Roberts
>tfw mexican NEET
im treated as a NEET even though i got to college ;_;
Connor Morris
They don't want to give their audience these types of feels.
Connor Long
Pretty NEET
Daniel Diaz
that wouldn't be interesting. it's just be a stinky, fat, lazy person sitting around in their room all day being sad. OP's picture is literally the entire anime, there ya go, you have it.
You should be more ashamed of yourself.
Hudson Ward
Why is the US so much higher than Canada?
Adrian Collins
The last thing nerd or geek culture can handle is someone telling them what a bunch of shit heads they are.
No instead they want to be given super powers they don't deserve and think that playing games and watching anime makes them special.
Ryder Ortiz
I was a hikki most of 2015 and the first few months of 2016. Crippling social anxiety and depression. I stayed in my room most of the time, went nocturnal, only came out to get food. Towards the end it got pretty bad, suicidal thoughts, crying every day, I ended up talking to my dad about it and he helped me go see a doctor. Talking to him about it was the hardest part.
I got to watch a lot of anime though. Some days the urge to just give up and go hikki is way too tempting. But then I think about how far I've come since then and don't really want to give it up. I guess the thing I miss most about it was all the time I had to watch anime, which kind of disappears when you get a job.
Jordan Baker
English please?
Nolan Richardson
If I had to take a guess it might be due to cost of education. Education is a lot more expensive in the US than Canada and a good education is pretty much a requirement for any job nowadays.
Anthony Evans
Here's your representation. Too bad the anime was shit and the plot became a confusing mess of endless timeloops.
Brayden Hughes
Maybe it's because by definition NEETs are shut-ins, outside of society, and very few people are able to portray that authentically or convincingly?
Zachary Torres
US has more of a drug problem, user.
Jose Phillips
>Because outside of japan the world dont understand the idea of "Neet" because it´s a japanese thing.
NEET is a British term you utter imbecile. I don't even know how it'd initialise in Japanese, but a quick piss about on Google Translate suggests it would be more like KKTJN.