Post couple or OTP that deserves to haves a child
Other urls found in this thread:
stay mad nekofag
are we there yet?
She'll get her memories back, right?
She's dead and her memories are forever erased.
B-but she reincarnated at the end, and I read some spoilers on the novels that say that Wilhem comes back to the warehouse and finds Ctholly reincarnation
What? I haven't watched school days in a while but I thought they hated each other.
good butt
the game has multiple paths, patricians know how to make them get along
These two deserve each other, sure, but no child deserves them as their parents.
They loved each other.
Priestress should cast sleep on GS and rape him to conceive a child.
Reminder that OP is spamming and ban evading.
He makes this thread for the sole purpose of spamming crack to try and "bait" people. He doesn't understand that people telling him to stop shitposting is not "falling for bait".
He has been spamming this same exact thread multiple times a day for the last week.
Doesn't matter him and the loli are immortal now, so she wins by default even if somehow she managed to return to being the Ctholly he knew, but remember that she's just the reincarnation of a different girl, so who knows what condition or development she'll take in a second time being reincarnated.
there you are.
What if i told you that you are the one being baited?
Sekai is a hateful whore, true.
It's Kallen user, it's always going to be Kallen.
>author doesn't shill
I shill for my turds all the time
Have you ever thought that there are other people posting in this thread? I guess not.
>inb4 the post counter didn't increase
that tells me absolutely nothing.
I confirmed my suspicions of you being obsessed with your gay crush !Akemi. You're literally stalking threads like these to post your autism in hoping that he'd notice you.
I'm not going to waste my time further than I already did.
Fuck off ESL shipper cancer.
>Troid not even looking at what he's banning
This post was banned for posting pony shit out side of /mlp/
>xdddd i said "gay crush" so that changes my posting style i so epic smart i win epic lolololo
Kill yourself, !Akemi. Seriously. No one in the world likes you. I hate redditos so fuck much.
!Akemi, have you ever considered that you're not nearly as smart as you think you are, and that everyone can easily see through you samefagging, lies and shitposting?
And guess what, you fucking retard, even if there were other people in the thread, they are wrong for bumping a shitposting thread. Of course it really is just you, because look at how you are just constantly reposting the same images from last thread.
The thread is bad, and you made it for the sake of attacking people. Thus anyone who bumps it or uses it for anything other than telling you to kill yourself is doing something wrong.
>You're literally stalking threads like these to
To make you fucking understand that you are pure cancer. And hopefully stop acting the way you do. Ideally I convince you to put a bullet in your fucking brain.
>gets told to kill himself constantly
>!Akemi tries to pretend it's because people like him
How sad.
Reminder that OP is spamming and ban evading.
He makes this thread for the sole purpose of spamming crack to try and "bait" people. He doesn't understand that people telling him to stop shitposting is not "falling for bait".
He has been spamming this same exact thread multiple times a day for the last week.
Then you'd be objectively fucking wrong, !Akemi.
Because the term bait has an objective meaning, and your actions don't match that definition. You're not an "epic troll" who "baits" people just because you want to be. The term bait peoples to fool people into thinking you're doing something other than you are. You nakedly and openly advertise how you're spamming crack to attack and harass people. Thus, you literally can't be baiting.
>he's still trying to pretend that putting on a tripcode means he can't he someone else
Why are you do trucking stupid?
what the fuck are you guys doing? go have user fights on /r9k/ or something
What's wrong with you? Take a deep breath and think about what you're getting so worked up about.
I wanna do all the things from EoE to you.
>I don't understand the point of Evangelion: the post
turn him into a slurry of all human consciousness and drive yourself insane through the sheer tidal wave of human emotions?
That's how it would feel like for both, yeah.
Why can you do nothing but play stupid, !Akemi.
It makes no sense. The posts are obviously and self explanatory. They are easy to understand. You trying to pretend that they don't make sense only makes you look retarded.
No one is getting "worked up", !Akemi. Stop being so autistic and thinking that anyone who says something you don't like is mad.
It's funny, because whenever you screech about "ack" you never go "durr wut u talk bout????" to your own posts.
>I'm too retarded to recognize a blatant shitposting thread: the person
how many hours a day do you have to browse Sup Forums to ascertain how often certain threads, sihtposting or not, are posted?
Considering !Akemi bumps his threads for hours and hours, you have a really long window to see them.
IOP, your weird campaign of trolling and shadow-boxing isn't accomplishing anything. Go to bed.
Hey look, you've replied to the same posts three times now, !Akemi.
And I will never let you have your safe space hug box that you want so desperately.
Even more so because you spend every single day of your life trying to harass people.
no u
Have you considered the possibility that you might be making an ass of yourself for no good reason?
The only person making an ass of themselves is you, !Akemi.
Look at how you're so fucking stupid you literally can't reply to a thing said to you.
Look at how you spend literally hours and hours every single day bumping your own shitposting threads just so you have a place to attack people.
You're the only one here doing any kind of attacking, though. Or is this some kind of advanced trolling?
nuh uh
>homu going full devil
The power of cock made them love each other
I don't even know who Akemi is, but if they've managed to make this one user so buttblasted then good on them.
awesome choices
Three more posts by the same person.
It's just insane how your whole life has been devoted to trying to attack people on the internet, !Akemi.
You're not fooling anyone. Nor have you made anyone "butt blasted".
The irony is that the reason you're still spamming shipping to try and harass people is because upset and crying over how when you got banned everyone said they hated you when you thought they were your friends.
>says "Akemi" instead of "!Akemi"
Hmmm, who does this. Oh right, you, !Akemi. Because you are trying to make yourself look like someone different.
>I- I sware i no know who that is
Yeah, totally believe you, !Akemi.
>bumping a shitposting thread
Clearly still just you, !Akemi.
Stop bullying yourself
!Akemi, why are you so fucking hell bent on shitposting. You openly just try to act as badly as possible.
Shinji loves Kaworu and will have his Ramiel babies.
Get rekt LAS crackshipper.
I realize that giving you more attention is just a waste of everyone's time, but keep tilting at those windmills.
Everybody is !Akemi.
!Akemi, you are literally the only person who tries to post those screen shots and pretend they're actually proof. Literally the only person.
Not only are the only one who posts those.
But you are also the only person who freaks out and tunnel visions on the fact they were called a samefag.
Normal sane people just ignore it and instead address and argument they can actually proof.
I love how calling you a samefag is a fool proof test to proving who you are.
Nope, literally just you.
You are the only person who tries to pretend that because someone says two posts are you, !Akemi, that they are trying to say "everyone" is you.
you mad
Nope. !Akemi, you're a failure at everything you do. You even fail at your blatant attempts to try and harass people over the internet. You don't make anyone mad. You're just a shitposter, and shitposters get told to kill themselves. This is nothing new, you're not special.
I suppose pissing you off isn't a failure.
Actually, I can't help but laugh at how you are so fucking pathetically desperate to think you're making people mad you have devoted your life to fulfilling those delusions.
What makes it even more funny is that give up your health and wellness in order to try and make people mad. You stay up for days straight bumping your shitpsting threads, refusing to let them die. Which is ironic, because you trying to keep your shit threads alive longer is leading to you dying sooner.
your all gay
Pot, kettle.
Nothing I said applies to myself, !Akemi.
I don't make shitposting threads and then try to keep them alive for as long as humanly possible.
You're never going to make me mad, !Akemi. You're never going to make anyone mad.
Again, you're just a pathetic shitposter, and you will be shit on accordingly.
That's a lot of words coming from someone insisting that they're not angry. Why don't you just leave the thread if you don't actually care? Nothing's stopping you but your autism.
>I don't make shitposting threads and then try to keep them alive for as long as humanly possible.
that's literally what you're doing right now
what, you expect me to believe your word that you're not OP?
a dead baby would be the result of that
M. Night: their daughter is literally Homura
>it's an esl spic gets mad about kirinoposting episode
Reminder that this is the person deleting posts right now.
>!Akemi phone posting and using his PC at the same time to avoid the post cool down timer
What's the point? It's not like you're actually fooling anyone.
>a lot of words
>this some how means you're mad
>then tries to call people autistic
How fucking funny. The irony is so thick.
First off, typing "a lot" (it wasn't even a lot, it was seconds worth of typing) doesn't mean you're mad. It also means the exact opposite of autism, as autism is about NOT being able to communicate. YOU are the one with autism.
>Why don't you just leave the thread if you don't actually care?
What I care about is how you are shitting up the board as a whole. The point here it to attempt to convince you that you're subhuman cancer, and then you want to improve yourself, or convince you that you're so pathetic you put bullet in your head. Either way works, as it saves the board from the damage you would otherwise cause.
>trying to pretend that just because someone posts in the thread it means they're bumping it
!Akemi. Why do you keep trying to pretend sage is not a thing? Are you like purposely giving yourself tells to try and make it more obvious who you are?
I have not bumped your shit thread a single time. You are the only one bumping it. And no, me replying to you does not mean I'm trying to keep the thread alive.
You are still not "triggering" anyone, !Akemi.
Reminder that OP is spamming and ban evading.
He makes this thread for the sole purpose of spamming crack to try and "bait" people. He doesn't understand that people telling him to stop shitposting is not "falling for bait".
He has been spamming this same exact thread multiple times a day for the last week.
Then you'd be objectively fucking wrong, !Akemi.
Because the term bait has an objective meaning, and your actions don't match that definition. You're not an "epic troll" who "baits" people just because you want to be. The term bait peoples to fool people into thinking you're doing something other than you are. You nakedly and openly advertise how you're spamming crack to attack and harass people. Thus, you literally can't be baiting.
>he's still trying to pretend that putting on a tripcode means he can't he someone else
Why are you do trucking stupid?
>i said "gay crush" so that changes my posting style i so epic smart
Kill yourself, !Akemi. Seriously. No one in the world likes you. I hate redditos so fuck much.
!Akemi, have you ever considered that you're not nearly as smart as you think you are, and that everyone can easily see through you samefagging, lies and shitposting?
And guess what, you fucking retard, even if there were other people in the thread, they are wrong for bumping a shitposting thread. Of course it really is just you, because look at how you are just constantly reposting the same images from last thread.
The thread is bad, and you made it for the sake of attacking people. Thus anyone who bumps it or uses it for anything other than telling you to kill yourself is doing something wrong.
>You're literally stalking threads like these to
To make you fucking understand that you are pure cancer. And hopefully stop acting the way you do. Ideally I convince you to put a bullet in your fucking brain.
>gets told to kill himself constantly
>!Akemi tries to pretend it's because people like him
By the power of their pure souls it shall be so!
Get that insane and stupid bitch away from Naota
I'm sure he's want the opposite.
Hey mod, I'm not even one of the people from the original argument. How can you get so pissed by text on the internet?
Yui is a selfish shit. Rito will need to pay child support.