Tokyo Ghoul:re 148
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I love Kaneki.
>t. Eto
please come back
The only true love is bro love. #Hideneki5ever
Reminder that this happened and fujos are grasping at straws.
> Shitposter title
Thread is dead, report and leave.
t. Oukenfag
Touka is my wife.
Kaneki is Hide's husband. This works out for everyone.
oh my
Someone's face when this chapter is out.
oooohh myyy
Fujos not welcome.
Did he cave in or was this in his plans all along?
I guess it's not a big loss given how fucking nonsensical it has become
>Sup Forums became a bunch of fujoshits because they despise talker that much for whatever reason
My sides are forever in orbit
oohhhhhh mmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Toukenfags are getting pressed but fujofags are not welcomed either
Why is she wearing this while being out in the cold and the rain?
I want Itori to sit on my face.
To be fair you have to have quite a high IQ to be able to understand the plot speed reader kun
She wants to look sexy because she knows that she's an old hag.
>ywn be the lucky son of a bitch who gets to tap that
>muh chockers
There are more girls ishida has drawn with chockers than without them, jesus, the guy truly has a chocker fetish
Rio's getting all that clown puss
>Post Yfw Yomo and Uta have been tapping her for ages now
>front boob, side boob, ass
Ishida included everything. That's how you bring the slut back into the story properly.
To autistic, probably a virgin
Yeah probably
She's been back ever since like Chapter 128.
Who doesn't?
Talkerfags btfo
She got like one or two panels. That's not how you bring a character back properly.
Why did Kaneki eat Hide's face of all places? He ate it to the point where Hide can't even talk correctly.
Why didn't he just take a bite out of his thigh or his arm? There's actually meat there.
Kaneki is really fucking stupid.
The fuck is a chocker? Does it chock things? As in, chock that into the trash?
Or perhaps you were trying to spell choker?
I give you I am lazy about this series but it's because since the start of re: it has become increasingly convoluted for the sake of being convoluted, it's like watching a splotch of fucking ink waiting for it to take form while throwing even more splashes of ink
>here have more characters
>and more characters and even more characters and now the main character is a new character and now it's the same character as the start and now there is these new characters
I secretly took a picture of you reading a chapter.
He was starving and dying
>why does someone reduced to their animalistic instincts doesn't think things through!
No user, the retard is you.
> Being this autistic about new characters
Is it that hard to remember or pay attention to new characters? Half of them are already dead or gone anyway.
He's a closeted fag and wanted to kiss Hide
Thanks for that, you sure showed me.
do you spend more than 10 seconds on a page? Serious.
>Half of them are already dead or gone anyway.
So what is the point of introducing them as if they were important, over and over again?
Is it to distract you, to make you excited? It's nonsensical
>I will never be this cool
>doesn't have the balls to go full homo
>starts to blatantly bait fujoshits, because shipperfags didn't give him enough money
Ishita is despicable.
You are really exaggerating here. If you have trouble remembering 10 or so characters you would have so much trouble reading an actual book. Have you ever read a book before? just asking.
Consider the following
> They're used to develop or push main characters to new development
> They're simply side characters
> You don't have to like or pay attention to them if you don't want to
Jesus, making it this difficult.
> Being this retarded
I bet you're one of those people that think whenever the word love is mentioned it automatically refers to a romantic sense, you sound like a typical shipperfag. And Volume 13 sold like 350,000 in it's first week despite being sperging about Kaneki and Juuzou so, bait harder next time.
> Shows up in the middle of the 24th raid and sees Kaneki Jr's running around slaying everyone
> Oh shit is that Renji.jpg
> "I'm your bro so I'll tell you straight up, quit being suicidal"
> Proceeds to save him while his other companions and everyone else he worked hard to protect get fucked
T-Thanks Pierrot
So you're telling me he decided to eat the skin off of his mouth and nothing else? Fuck out of here.
>I bet you're one of those people that think whenever the word love is mentioned it automatically refers to a romantic sense
Sounds like you're projecting, Talkerfag.
>no more vancouver posting
>sudden surge in nishio and itori posts
Nishitorifags confirmed to be vancouver.
Wow hide is a fucking faggot
>So you're telling me he decided to eat the skin off of his mouth and nothing else? Fuck out of here.
I don't know if you're a retard or anything but consider this
> Hide's face was right in front of him
> Neck and vocal chords were damaged in the too
> Kaneki was still a massive moralfag at this time
> Couldn't kill a human regardless of being mentally unstable, especially when said person is his best friend
> Was 50 times more unstable when fighting Shinohara but nibbled on his Arata armor instead of eating his flesh because again he's a moralfag
If you actually payed attention to details but I guess not.
Great chapter, it sparked a new shitstorm of gay fujos arguing with talkerfags. Highlight of this chapter for me was the reappearance of Itori with some glorious panels showing off her nice body, thank you Ishida for remembering her.
He probably doesn't like being a clown anymore.
In the bureau chief room he was pretty down and he might actually be a clown who's just playing. Itori is just a cunt. A thicc cunt.
> Can't dispute shit
> Y-You're projecting!
Those tears taste too good.
> He probably doesn't like being a clown anymore.
That's literally a central part of his character in the story to be honest. He didn't seem down to me, he was simply chill as always to be honest. In the long run though I don't know if he's as nihilistic as Itori, but he probably is considering he helped Furuta stage a lot of heinous shit to get him in power. Plus he trolled the living shit out of Mutsuki, had her humping corpses and everything.
It seems more like it was his chin down to his throat, since it's said he's "hachikawa'd", but it doesn't make much of a difference anyway. The face is the closest thing when you're talking to someone.Dogs always go for the nose of other dogs, for instance.
And he did the same thing with Ko biting his face.
In bad situations it's not uncommon to tell your bros you ove them or something. For instance if you're at his mom's funeral it's not fucking gay.
And kaneki's obviously been through some terrible shit one after another.
>Itori with some glorious panels showing off her nice body
The only good thing.
t. waifu loving speed reader
So is hide gay now or what?
>Ishida coming in servicing both Talkerfags and Tumblrfujos
He's daring.
The issue is, a lot of people are intentionally being retarded to stir up shit or just in general think he's gay, we don't know that. It's like whenever the word love gets brought up people automatically take it in a romantic sense instead of considering the platonic sense of things.
Yeah, it's pathetic. "said he loved his dad guess he wants to fuck him"
> Everyone who disagrees with me is a talkerfag!
Paranoid kun at his finest
No. Maybe. Onesided with a side of platonic.
You retards are so fucking scared of your self-insert not being straight that you'd do mental gymnastics even if Hide and Kaneki fucked on screen. It's actually quality homo, but you'll never be able to see it since you're fucking insecure to the point that you choose bland characters as your waifus, because you can't handle real women with personalities or are closeted. Absolutely pathetic.
Hide's just a true bro.
What went wrong?
Wait who is doing mental gymnastics? Last I checked, Kaneki wanted to fuck Rize and did fuck Touka.
Kankei literally fucked a female on screen in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation... and somehow you're twisting that into him being gay.
Kaneki loved his abusive mom and he wanted to fuck girls thst remind him of her. Mostly Rize.
He prioritized people he gave just as less of a shit about over them.
N-no you just don't understand the subtlety.
Sharkbro died.
Yeah that's Oedipus complex. Just like how all women want to marry their dads....but not literally. That's a psychological thing.
People can't comprehend relationships outside of romance for whatever reason, who knows. It's like if Arima Jr. said he loved Hirako, people would stir up their shipperfag mentality and go through leaps and bounds to confirm that they're automatically gay or some shit when it could have been solely platonic.
I will enjoy your tears when she turns out to be as old as Roma.
> Implying anyone cares if she's 70 to 200 years old
That didn't stop people from wanting to fuck Tsunade every second of the day.
Why can't Ishida ever finish a plotline before moving on to another plotline? This manga is a damn mess yet no criticism for this. Also Touka a cute.
>You retards are so fucking scared of your self-insert not being straight that you'd do mental gymnastics even if Hide and Kaneki fucked on screen
Wait, when chapter 125 I thought it was fujoshits doing mental gymnastics when Kaneki fucked Touka? Saying things such as Touka being in love with Yoriko and Kaneki being canon gay for Hide when TG literally started with Kaneki wanting to fuck Rize while Hide wants to bang Touka.
> Implying we still aren't on the Dragon plotline
Speed reader
> Mutsuki became a yandere who needs daddy dick because Torso couldn't resist fucking with her
> Urie might become a faggot if Matsuri gets a little too anxious
> Saiko continues to do nothing but sleep with Hsiao all day
> Aura and Hige continue to contribute nothing to the family or the story other than influence the 1st gen Q's
Who knows?
>when chapter 125
*when chapter 125 came out
>magic mega milf
Yeah, no, I think we'll be fine
lmao straights are so deluded. imagine having to backpedal like this
fag detected
1/10 see me after class
>implying I care
look this fag
You'd be surprised at the amount of gymnastics seen when 125 happened. There was a compilation post of people sperging about the chapter and all you saw was shit like
> B-But Kaneki has been gay since Day 1!
Yea because him and Hide weren't in Anteiku talking about getting pussy, great..
> This entire chapter is homophobic for existing
> I'm dropping the manga, this is an outrage to homosexuals
> Touka and Yoriko are lesbians, why is she with Kaneki?
The amount of shit seen when 125 happened was so mind boggling my brain hit orbit
You tried I guess falseflagger kun?
>People can't comprehend relationships outside of romance
You just described yourself, waifushitter. It only takes a walking waifubait to look at MC once for you to think they're in love.
>I-I'm not full of shit, it's just fujoshits!
If my nigga Uta isn't tapping Itori i would be dissapointed in him.
The true endgame right here.
>Itori shutting down best girl debates in one chapter
Clowns always win
As a Fudan, I honestly don't give two shits about Kaneki's feelings on the matter, he can continue fucking Talker as much as he wants. The important part here is that Hide loves him. It being one-sided love would be better anyways. I don't actually think Hide meant it in a romantic way though.
True endgame is this