This is Hideaki Anno. He's very cute!
This is Hideaki Anno. He's very cute!
I thought Anno was a bot
What's wrong with his ears? Is he a fucking Budda?
Ears and nose grow until you die.
I'd drink with Anno.
Isn't he friends with Miyazaki? Imagine getting wasted with the two of them.
I am not sure he has any friends, and he doesn't seem to be the type to go out with others to drink.
>man this is so lame
>i probably look stupid
>i wish i was at home watching ultraman
>fuck i hate everything
I think he and Miyazaki share a mutual respect for each other but friends might be going to far.
he's one of god's chosen people
watch The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness user. Miyazaki only gave him the role of main character because they're friends.
If he was a Buddha, he wouldn't exsist. He would be in nirvana enjoying eternal enlightment. Anno is a bodhisattva. Instead of dicking around in nirvana, he chooses to stay in suffering with the rest of us as a guide.
He really is too pure for this world ;_;
Someone suggested it as a joke, then Miyazaki thought it was actually a good idea for whatever reason.
I honestly think Anno did a pretty decent job, although it's jarring to hear his voice in anime, because he just sounds like Anno.
Why the fuck is he eating and not working on Evangelion 4.0?
A nigga gotta eat
He always had big ass ears
Colleagues. Anno got known by animating a bunch of the most detail-oriented scenes in Nausicaa.
He's not the laughing buddha, that's for sure.
>I'm so fucked up
Holy shit he probably was bullied
Probably by his dad. Gendo didn't just appear out of thin air.
Does this man ever age, He looks the fucking same.
The Japanese don't age until they're on the verge of death. When a japanese man develops wrinkles and his hair turns white it's because he has less than five years left.
He had a metamorphosis several times. He was dog-ugly up to 20, then he looked great from 20 to 35, and then one day he just woke up and realized he'd transformed into a bottle of beer. He's been that same bottle of beer for the last 15-odd years.
>EOE is literally Anno trying to think of a reason not to kill himself.
Probably doesn't come into equation user, he was bullied.
>then he looked great from 20 to 35
Posting proof.
Probably was, but Anno's biggest enemy (or biggest retard) was always anno himself. If there was bullying, it was probably just a few buckets of sewer water added to a tsunami.
Damn he looks cool as fuck here
He used to take care of himself. He's the first person not to take his own advice.
sasuga anno.
Moral of the day, make sure the person you got your eyes on doesn't turn into a bottle of beer. Use non-halal methods if needed.
anno looked good
Look at his lips
Why doesn’t that fujo wife of his make him shave his beard? Shit looks gross.
He should have like a constant 5 o'clock shadow. Would look better on him.
Why is he so fucking handsome?
It's the self-loathing that makes the difference. He's got this whole "i need someone" thing in his body language.
Saved for future Eva threads
Those fluffy hair
He looks like P5 protag
is he gonna do shin godzilla 2 after eva 3+1? is he gonna do anything after eva 3+1?
Better question:
>is he gonna finish eva 3+1?
yeah he will but it wont be until 2021 because theyve only just started working on it
Don't remind me, I'm very self-conscious about my hair.
He has big ears so he can listen to other people ideas and steal them as the hack that he is
Maybe they were pulled during his growing up period by a very horny childhood friend.
I'd fuck him. Goddamn, he is cute.
Good taste, who'd blame you? I look better, though. Still haven't turned into a bottle of beer.
He's already halfway into getting full white hair
When he's head is completely white Miyazaki will die and Anno will take his place
Looks like Elliot Rodger with glasses
He'd be the anti-miyazaki. The kind of person who gets kids interested in cultured music and genetic engineering.
so pretty much the embodiment of manliness
Is this best boy thread?
>tfw no /cm/ thread for my husbando
Got robbed of my nines. How disgusting.
he looks like shinji.
Thank god, there's finally someone else that looks like Shinji, and I get a free pass after all these years of waiting.
>tfw young Anno looks like my high school PE teacher
He is a picky faggot.
Being picky is the thinking man's faggotry
what happened to him bros?
>Touch your Nissan
What did he mean by this?
Kaworu was actually Shinji's brother.
OK, that made me chuckle
>you'll never have a cute Japanese pretencious husband
Why live?
Those are SO COOL
I wish I didn't need actual glasses so I could use STYLE glasses
Kojimbles seems like the type of guy that would be insufferable to be around with.
he seems like the opposite desu.
ugh those glasses
The guy is really too eccentric with them, idk how he convinced JF Rey to put out those MGSV monstrosities.
He does, but in a good way
Anno will die in your lifetime
Not so fast
Pretty sure he'll ascend into godhood first
I'm going to need you to delete this, friendo.
not if i die first
Did you guys fuck yet?
thx man my boss just saw this now I'm fired
Well now I'm just gonna need sauce.
Dude that's too deep for me
His ears have looked like that since he was young though.
He is illuminated.
I always have thought Shinji looked more like Yoshiyuki Sadamoto. Even in an interview Shinji is declared to look like him while being Anno on the inside.
no, the reason is you spent all your money on useless shit
it's for the aesthetic
Those are actual glasses. The sunglass lenses you're seeing are clip-ons, mounting from the sides of the frame. Considering the size of the frame, which is not actually that big, you could throw on relatively cheap lenses without hassle. If your Rx is relatively mild with no astigmatism, you can simply buy the frame, order uncuts off ebay or wherever, and pay an optician 20-40 bucks to throw em on.
The frames, well, they might be a bit expensive. Unfortunately, I can't ID them. Very distinctive end pieces, that's the best clue.
aw nvm got em
Jean-Francoise Rey Viper, available online for $400 bucks for the frame. Get some fancy lenses off ebay and you're good to go.
Miyazaki pls.
Anno always gives a chad vibe
Come here, I'll hold your neck for you.
How many kids does he have now?
None. Captain Nemo is as impotent IRL as he is in the shows.