
Kaguya being a pervert.

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> no /ourguy/ arc

Well, it is the festival, it's just that this is Kaguya getting wet for Prez's dad.

More like parental love

Sounds like Kaguya got outplayed by Papa.

Kaguya a flat

> last week
Nice, /OURGUY/'s time.

> Now
Kaguya and Prez boring shit.

Fuck this shit, give me Ishi.

Imagine his glare, but magnified by extra decades of age.

>getting thirty for Dad in law.

Fucking slut.

Yeah, this is totally true love.

To be fair, the only reason she likes the Shirogane glare is because of Miyuki. I think it's pretty common to become attracted to certain physical traits after having a crush on somebody who possesses them for so long.

>Hey guys how about an arc focused on Ishigami's character and his past?
>Too bad more Kaguya hijinks that ultimately lead nowhere!
For what fucking purpose Aka

so prez dad is here may be we will see fuji-sister and kei too
this arc maybe longer than i thought i really want to see what will happen to ishigami and what he will be after this but look like it gonna take some time

>People complaining this hard about a weekly manga
It'd be dreadful if it were weekly

if it were monthly*

Sounds like everyone will be there. Ishigami's humiliation will be so gorgeous.

i would like and arc that would focus around ishigami too but he is not the main protagonist ,
also i see some people that not care about ishigami or miko and want to focus on prez and kaguya only so aka need to balance it

So, it's not true love at all.

The entire festival is obviously not just going to feature him user.

Jesus Christ what a whore going for Kaichou's dad

Remember that time when Prez lost his glare and with it kaguya's love?

Where's mah boi Ishigami?

Kaguya needs to keep her fetishes in check. Also, what would happen if Prez actually glared at her with hatred in his eyes, and not just his regular glare?

They have to justify why they won't be there immediately to help Ishigami once the shitstorm begins.

>>Hey guys how about an arc focused on Ishigami's character and his past?
The festival has been talked about for practically months, way before the two Ishigami chapters we got.

She's not thirsty, she's embarrassed because he trolled her and he realized it was her.

Looks like Kaguya is going to aim for the oyakodon end now.

Not his time.

WHERE's the rest

They're just leaks.

shiiiit third panel's the goddamn yume's thirsty eyes
its all over you fucks ntr end, kaguyaxshiropapa, fujixprez

Ishigami's arc will definitely be the focus and climax of the festival, but of course we'd get stuff for the other characters too. Did you think the main characters wouldn't get their own development during a major school event? Plus Kaguya meeting his dad is a big development, especially if is true and he knows about their relationship now.

What happened to last week's chapter, where Ishi was sweating from doing his best in the pep squad?

Hit the bump limit, check the archive.

ty much

He didn't lose her love. She was disappointed and wasn't as attracted to him physically, but she accepted it pretty quickly and decided he was still the same person and she can get used to the new look.
Remember when she was completely freaking out the next week and saying exactly what she really felt to Kashiwagi- she said she'd stay with him forever regardless of how he looks. She's attracted to his eyes, but she loves him as a person far more.

So after a full year of those two being unable to beat each other, the dad manages to beat them both after just two chapters of relevance? He seems silly, but guess he must be smart too.

Even if Kaguya does get turned on here, it'll probably be because this makes her think about how Miyuki's going to look when he gets older.


>Separated father.
>Girlfriend but not really.
I really don't like to say it but the NTR doujins are writing themselves.

Korean scans out :
Fujiwara's father is here too.

Fuji's dad a cute!

Holy shit he really was trolling Kaguya.

Pres dad looks and acts very cool despite beinh a pathetic loser that cant accept that hwr wife smditched him




>this entire chapter







>karakai jouzu no otousan
How cute.

It's almost as if Kaguya is the main character

>ponytail kaguya this whole time
This is something I can greatly appreciate.







More baka Kaguya!


Prez dad checkung the good stuffs


>Actually it was Subject F



Is Fujiwara's dad trying to choose a son-in-law?


Holy shit Ponytail Kaguya is fucking cute

When the anime gets to this point, the ntr doujins will practically write themselves.

>getting to this point
you'd need a few seasons. we'd get two 1-cours at most.

>Shirogane mom cucking dad
>Shirogane dad cucking him

Doesn't help there's already been a dagashi kashi doujin with a similar scenario

Earlier, we learned he wouldn't let her date though. Of course, we also know she's not interested in anyone at the moment.

>this chapter

>Kaguya finally got over her jealousy of Fujiwara and decided their friendship is too important to throw away, even for love
>Now F's dad triggers the insane monologues she used to have.

lol prez dad is pretty trolling pretty different from prez and kei so both inherit their mother personality

>so both inherit their mother personality
Kei going to ntr Shirogane and Shirogane going to ntr Kaguya i see

Prez does the same fist pump as his sister.

>when you catch your dad perving on your friend.

Fireworks ending season 2

WTF were we deceived???
I thought kaguya was for prez??

This is what Fuji x shirogane papa shippers have done to us. aka must read these threads.

Well, it's good that Kaguya and her future father-in-law get along well. Of course, if Shirogane knew the real reason she was embarrassed, he'd know this is a victory for him.

Looks like Prez won the race like his dad suggested.

Post Rare Fujis

I have been unable to enjoy this tripe since they revealed Kaguya was an ultra shallow bitch.

Worst girl. What an awful manga.