

User: ashlar
Pass: keystone

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Other urls found in this thread:

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bitch. Its just some masonic back office shit. TY op pass and user works


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Problem? Kike boi?

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Very nice. Thanks

jap bro check this

On a different note, a friend and I were thinking of driving around the Outback for a couple of weeks, ideally before they close Ayers Rock, and even interviewing for work in Australia, could you please recommend any tips for this type of trip?




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That keystone is fake news.

>driving around the Outback for a couple of weeks
Make sure you watch Inbetweeners 2.
And if you've been to Arizona or New Mexico, you should know what to do, just crank it up a notch.

Moloch is dead

Ty friend

>Moloch is dead
Moloch is a word that means "Lord/King" in Cannanite lands.

Who else is called Lord/King in Canaanite lands?

obey the cube

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ya'll high

as fuck

time cube owned

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tfw I am a mason and I can look down upon this site

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tfw you a faggot

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Say it.

Say it....


I was right...

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>It's Degrees are quite literally defined by it.
Really now? In what way?
>Oh I'm pretty well aware
Prove it then.
>You don't know shit then
>t amazes me that Freemasons have the nerve to actually call themselves Christians
Well, the Christian ones at least (~95% of all members)
>very Catholic alive would disavow Freemasons as being an affront to the church
Only if they were uneducated.

Nothing left to say, faggots? '

Obey the cube!

Masonry's best claim to being Christian is gnosticism, and even that is dubious compared to kabbalah and hermeticism. It's certainly not enough to simply call yourself a Christian. Btw none of this has anything to do with your personal experience in some lodge, so you can't claim the wise highground anymore. Also he won't find this thread probably.

Masons are good boys they dindu nuffin

>Masonry's best claim to being Christian
M8, it makes no such claim. It's secular. Just inspired by Christianity, and has a primarily Christian membership.
>Also he won't find this thread probably.
Yea, i know, but i was just miffed at the fucking captcha not working.

>Just inspired by Christianity
Let's just agree to disagree. The secular part is only a modern face to make the deism go down better.

Freemasonry is Judaism lite.

It's Scottish Judaism

>Let's just agree to disagree.
Well no, it evolved out of the Christian plays the guilds performed, and until 1813 had more prevalent Christian overtones (still present, but less overt now).
>The secular part is only a modern face
Sorry, meant non-sectarian. There's no religion discussed at all anymore.

Yeah that's more stuff I disagree with.

That's fine. The truth doesn't need people to agree with it to be true. Especially when it's well documented.

Couldn't help yourself with the smarmy snark hm?

Nope. But it doesn't alter recorded history.

>Scottish Judaism
That'd be the thriftiest thing in the world.

I trust well-meaning lurking anons can recognize smug certainty when they see it. You're not all objective observation and fact after all.
>he's a mason himself

There's not much Christian about Freemasonry.
>"In Portuguese and Spanish there is a saying: “Freemasonry is the ape of the Church.” Indeed, it is always trying to mimic the Church in its honors and orders, pretending to assume for itself some of the enormous prestige of the Catholic institutions. "
The fact that such a large number among Freemason lodges unironically believes themselves to be Catholics despite performing Hermetic rituals goes to prove none of you retards are as smart as you think you are.

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>I trust well-meaning lurking anons can recognize smug certainty when they see it
Aye, it would be such a challenge in this instance.
>You're not all objective observation and fact after all
No. That would be dull. But go ahead and read York Mysteries Unveiled to see where you're wrong about the development and Christian aspects.

>There's not much Christian about Freemasonry.
Except for all the morality it recommends, and the religious nature of large swathes.
>believes themselves to be Catholics despite performing Hermetic rituals
Not mutually exclusive, bro. And Papists aren't the only Christians.

>Catholicism and Hermeticism aren't mutually exclusive
This is your brain on euphoric secularism. I've read your book and others, but know from experience there's no point arguing with someone who presents their insights as conclusive documented fact.

>Not mutually exclusive, bro. And Papists aren't the only Christians.
Catholics and Orthodox Christians alike both rebuke Freemasonry.
>"Freemasonry is not simply a philanthropic union or a philosophical school, but constitutes a mystagogical system which reminds us of the ancient heathen mystery-religions and cults—from which it descends and is their continuation and regeneration. This is not only admitted by prominent teachers in the lodges, but they declare it with pride, affirming literally: "Freemasonry is the only survival of the ancient mysteries and can be called the guardian of them;" Freemasonry is a direct offspring of the Egyptian mysteries; "the humble workshop of the Masonic Lodge is nothing else than the caves and the darkness of the cedars of India and the unknown depths of the Pyramids and the crypts of the magnificent temples of Isis; in the Greek mysteries of Freemasonry, having passed along the luminous roads of knowledge under the mysteriarchs Prometheus, Dionysus and Orpheus, formulated the eternal laws of the Universe!
>"Such a link between Freemasonry and the ancient idolatrous mysteries is also manifested by all that is enacted and performed at the initiations. As in the rites of the ancient idolatrous mysteries the drama of the labors and death of the mystery god was repeated, and in the imitative repetition of this drama the initiate dies together with the patron of the mystery religion, who was always a mythical person symbolizing the Sun of nature which dies in winter and is regenerated in spring, so it is also, in the initiation of the third degree, of the patron of Freemasonry Hiram and a kind of repetition of his death, in which the initiate suffers with him, struck by the same instruments and on the same parts of the body as Hiram. According to the confession of a prominent teacher of Freemasonry Hiram is "as Osiris, as Mithra, and as Bacchus, one of the personifications of the Sun."

Don't forget their love of hermes, lightbringer, and the appeal of reaching gnosis through study and initiation.

>This is your brain on euphoric secularism
I'm not a fedora, m8.
>I've read your book and others
Why come on to the internet just to lie? If you had read it, you'd know where you were wrong. You could have read the early rituals like the ERH one and seen the explicit Christian aspects.
>who presents their insights as conclusive documented fact
I'm not. These aren't my insights. But nice projecting.

>Catholics and Orthodox Christians alike both rebuke Freemasonry.
Yea, but with no good reason. Just politics. Like, look at your quote. It's absurd and ahistorical to say it's a "direct offspring of the Egyptian mysteries" or anything like that. You just have to look at the actual evolution to see it.

You'd be able to source that in a ritual monitor, right?

If the order is just so righteous, then why did my great grandfather break the circle?

>These aren't my insights.
How often really does it work to simply keep up the chutzpah that you're a conduit of pure truth? Strong stuff, that masonry. If you're not a fedora then I'm sure you're some form of deist or hindu hybrid.

Why do they wear skirts??

Ha! I’ve know this since ‘07, watching Transformers

>that you're a conduit of pure truth
The person doesn't matter, only the argument, and the evidence it contains.
> I'm sure you're some form of deist or hindu hybrid.
Nope. Trinitarian Christian, baptised and confirmed. But i do like Hinduism. Can see a lot of Christianity in it, and it has cool mythos.

Kilts > trousers. Only barbarians and jews support testicle gaol trousers over maximum comfy kilts and tunics.

That was a Statement from the Church of Greece in 1933, but yeah, it's hard to practice ancient Jewish magic centered around demon gods that Jesus' view saw as abominations and then call yourself Christian.
>Yea, but with no good reason.
Well aside from the demon worship, bro, totally good Christians.

You can say its all just symbology and that's fine but that doesn't make it less degenerate.

It's an apron.

What kind of imbecile are you?

Yeah well of course you believe your own arguments, that's hardly the point. And you can call yourself a Christian but it's not up to you, nor me.

I've seen it before and looked it up just now when you posted. I guess hermes is covered by their mention of egypt.

>Well aside from the demon worship
Given that it's not something which actually happens, yea, no good reason.

>Yeah well of course you believe your own arguments
Not mine, bro.
>And you can call yourself a Christian but it's not up to you
Kinda is. If i wanted to be Hindu i could be. Or Taoist. But i'm not.

>Given that it's not something which actually happens, yea, no good reason.
That's not what leading Masonic figureheads have historically said. They've openly admitted it to being Luciferian as the churches had always assumed. It should be pretty obvious considering Freemasonry is Judaism for Gentiles.

>That's not what leading Masonic figureheads have historically said.
It is, actually. Unless your figurehead comes from Youtube University.
>They've openly admitted it to being Luciferian as the churches had always assumed
See that's wrong in two ways. One, for the misunderstanding of "lucifer" (and i suggest reading the Bible), two being that it's a struggle to call Masonry by that moniker. Even the exclusively Christian parts.

>It is, actually. Unless your figurehead comes from Youtube University.
So are you saying you are a better authority on Freemasonry than Albert Pike? That's hilarious.
>One, for the misunderstanding of "lucifer" (and i suggest reading the Bible), two being that it's a struggle to call Masonry by that moniker.
Honestly even calling it devil worship and the likes wasn't really justice to the true sinister nature of Freemasonry. It's actually far worse, since every lodge builds entrance into Masonry around King Solomon(Much like the Jews they LARP as) and his temple. Attributing these sacrificial Gods of Solomon to "the devil," is just padded gloves.

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>phone poster

They literally told me to post this shit here you fag

He only speaks documented truth friend, it's not his fault that we believe something else. Have you read the kybalion?


>So are you saying you are a better authority on Freemasonry than Albert Pike?
In some cases, yea. Why not? He was just a dude from the 1800s. Besides, he didn't say the things you're claiming.
>Honestly even calling it devil worship and the likes wasn't really justice
Or even remotely accurate?
>every lodge builds entrance into Masonry around King Solomon
As a framing device, sure. But that's it (and Solomon is more like a background character). Like, German Rite in the 30s was about the construction of Cologne Cathedral.

I know, lol. Saw the thread.

show something juicy i don't have time for your faggy larps.
these niggers worship satan or some shit? they are secret kikes? what is the point you idiots are trying to make with these faggy threads?

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Masonry seems like a knockoff of Hindus... their Pike fellow wrote a book on how they are not a knock off of Hindus.

The cross Christ died on wasn't even shaped like that...

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Youre an idiot.

>Or even remotely accurate?
Building shrines to Moloch is pretty un-christian of you.
>But that's it
Yeah you just worship the pagan symbols of the period and structure your organization around Jewish mysticism for the lolz. I don't know how you can do all of this and make the claim you're Christian.
No, but I've read Corpus Hermeticum.
It's basically a mystical version of King Solomon's Judaism. They do all that gay pagan god shit Nixon called Bohemian Grove fags homosexuals for.

I guess they used the cross on the right because the holy trinity or whatever.

ironically the average jew is the dumbest goy out there knowing nothing about his own heritage haha

>Building shrines to Moloch is pretty un-christian of you.
Good thing we don't do it, huh?
>Yeah you just worship
>the pagan symbols of the period
Which ones?
>structure your organization around Jewish mysticism
Nope. Structured around classical learning systems and Christian guild plays. Seriously read the books.
> I don't know how you can do all of this and make the claim you're Christian.
Because none of it is done, and instead I'm just a follower of Christ.

>gay pagan god shit
someone please expand on this
all i see when i look into this is old larping faggots wearing aprons. can someone infodump - i assume these larp societies all made hard copies of the interesting stuff and they have been leaked - i want to see that shit not hear more second hand larp tales from the boomer squads in the thread

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What's the goal of freemasonry, why does it exist?

Ironically youre the goy preaching to the jew about his religion because he seen some edgy infographics.
Stay woke imbecile. Everything you think you know was designed for the eternal goy to "find out".
Muh cube n shiet.

Back in the day being gay in the open was kinda verboten and lodges were refuges for gays. It's only males, it's secret, and liberal (at least for the time it originated from) and heavily influenced by the greeks. Fucking skull and bones lie in a coffin naked telling gay stories when they're not wrestling eachother in excrements while getting pissed upon.

>What's the goal of freemasonry, why does it exist?
To make good men better by giving them an avenue to learn in a shared setting of science and philosophy.

>lodges were refuges for gays
How do you figure? Lodges don't accept gays or any anti-traditional family types.
In the traditional sense. Not the modern leftist or SJW bullshit way.

>Corpus Hermeticum
I like the kybalion as a bridge to the new age style mysticism.

>To make good men better by giving them an avenue to learn in a shared setting of science and philosophy.
Mr. documented truth everybody.

>Which ones?
There's a ton that Solomon worshiped who Freemasons follow in his stead. Asmodeus, Baal, Moloch, Ishtar, etc. He built shrines to both Moloch and Ishtar within, and part of Masonic ritual revolves in the rod and ring, which comes from other symbology too but was also heavily depicted with Ishtar.(along with the owl)
>Seriously read the books.
I have. It's very interesting how Masons are the ones who translated works like the Keys of Solomon.
>instead I'm just a follower of Christ.

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i hear the rumours same as everyone else. i don't care if they are clubs for closeted faggots. I am interested in the black cube/saturn/satan/whatever these anons keep spamming. i dont get it. there must be some on paper, explainable version of the story that is being woven here:

>secret fag kikes start the ultra-good-goy-club
>blackmail all of the members with pedo rape and sacrifice rituals
>build another solomon's temple/new holy land?
>it's all to benefit some god that is really satan that is really moloch that is really jupiter that is really a fucking cube?

>wtf even is this shit guys please help me understand b/c this is really larpy shit right now

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It takes some study to understand all the mysticisms friend. There does not exist a handy infographic that tells you exactly what opinion you should have.

>Mr. documented truth everybody.
Prove it wrong, bro.

>There's a ton that Solomon worshiped
Yea, later in his life. That's not really relevant to Masonry. Though i think a degree around his fall would be pertinent. Could happen one day.
>and part of Masonic ritual revolves in the rod and ring
Source? Like, legit curious about what you mean here.
>I have.
Which ones? Because there's really no reason to be spouting the stuff you are if you'd actually seen the history and ceremonies.
>It's very interesting how Masons are the ones who translated works like the Keys of Solomon.
Aye, and he was a prolific Rosicrucian too. But back then, everyone into the occult was a member of everything.
Ah, you must be God himself to be passing judgement on the religion of others. Just like the Bible recommends.

>To make good men better by giving them an avenue to learn in a shared setting of science and philosophy.

So are we talking about enlightenment? In the philosophical sense. I mean considering all this talk about lightbringers, secret knowledge, working the stone, and so on this really does sound a little like... you know luciferianism. I mean afterall if you want to get biblical about it, you all are trying to eat from the tree of knowledge. Considering the snake and all was the one offering up the fruit it's kinda... hm.. may I put it... it's a curious accident.

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There's nothing to prove about your stupid opinions passed off as fact, bro.
> you must be God himself to be passing judgement on the religion of others
You must be God himself to be passing judgment on your own adequacy as a Christian. Fortunately you have euphorically enlightened yourself from all the biblical injunctions against idolatry, since Freemasonry is just philosophy + larp after all.

this is pretty funny, you are the goy here I bet you have not the faintest clue what this means

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infographics helped me understand which cults were bullshit and which were innocent - any info hidden behind a paywall is bullshit and i'd rather just read it online desu - enjoy the IRL larps for years to learn what i've learned on my phone taking a shit

>i dont have time to waste on this larp club stuff, im just interested in what people spend their money and time on - if it's literally all about a fucking cube im gonna lmao

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>So are we talking about enlightenment?
Not in of itself. (Ironically) Too broad of a term. Just... better. Smarter, more dedicated, wiser, etc.
>really does sound a little like... you know luciferianism
According to which manual?
> I mean afterall if you want to get biblical about it, you all are trying to eat from the tree of knowledge
If you want to get Biblical, that would be impossible. The bell has already been rung. And it's not "The Tree of Knowledge" like many idiots want you to believe, but "The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil."
VERY big difference.

>You must be God himself to be passing judgment on your own adequacy as a Christian.
Also nope. Just one who endeavours to be a follower of Christ. Wouldn't call myself perfect (or parfait. wink) though.
>you have euphorically enlightened yourself from all the biblical injunctions against idolatry
Sorry, must be a bad translation. What are you trying to say?
> Freemasonry is just philosophy + larp after all.
Pretty much, aye. Is that meant to be bad?

I'd say Masonry was aired all the way out into the open with the Order of the Golden Dawn. Heavily seeped into hermeticism, idolatry, the qabbalah, and all forms of esoteric magic. The people who created it werent just some protowiccafags. They were hardcore Masons who took it just an extra step further, since most Masonry thrives on keeping its underlings out of the dark on the most of what they're doing. Books from this circle outlined the all of it pretty well.

The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P Hall is also pretty comprehensive in how they all relate into the one another as a part of Masonic ideology.

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go back to sleep goyim there is nothing for you here and your profane mind

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this they are sheep an entire race of useful idiots to be blunt

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