Shingeki no Kyojin 99

Fun times mindbreaking Reiner. Also Falco is an idiot.

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Reiner is a good boy. I want Eren to put him on a leash and walk him home gently.

the fuck?

Don't give Falco more flak than he deserves. He was at least quick to figure out exactly what was really going on when Reiner started getting mind raped.

Will chapter 100 be better than chapter 50?

Typeset where?

So what does Eren want ? War ?

>mfw they all turn around and there's thousands of colossal didans standing in the night air along the beach, waiting to be directed by Hisu or Eren just like in s2's ending


I actually fucking called that the GRIM REMINDER would go like this two months ago. Reiner meets Eren and by the time he understands why he's there all he can do is despair because he knows he's too late to stop it now. Politicians from all over the world are there, the Marley Warriors are trapped, Zeke is a double agent and it's perfectly lined up for chapter 100. Whoever doubted the GRIM REMINDER is about to get completely BTFO'd.

so is annie dead or not?

Only if Ymir returns to Historia and Mikasa actually kisses Eren.

Chapter 50 was trash, so probably.


So anti-GRIM REMINDER guys got epic btfo?


>directed by Hisu
>Eren literally alive and well
You know you’re reaching when your head canons contradict current events.

I hope so.

People should stop acting like Falco didn't know what he was doing. He knew exactly what he was doing.

This chapter pretty much confirmed she isnt.

What the fuck are you on about? Eren could've eaten her, or Hisu is alive and Eren will join her in commanding the titans.

Not yet

What a beautiful way to end the year

How come? Just like her father is thinking positive. If she's alive, is because Eren took her with him because there's no way Hange won't kill her.

Grim reminder never ever.

>Zeke, Porco, and Pieck leave the play
>Gabi still sitting at the play
Gabi confirmed for getting Grim Reminder'd?

all of this is a mess i just want annie back


All the kids are still sitting there, and Falco's brother.

reminder that mule still a slut

Annie is made for Bert cock

All the kids gettin squished by Colossal Armin.


I hope Falco eats Eren.

Good. It's time this story pick up steam again.

too good to be true

Zeke is playing 23D chess.

He will.

So guys, what if Billi is not Billi but Jean wearing a wig?

Falco is a faggot, don't have the blind hate against everything and is not getting out of the basement alive.

Spoonfeed me, there will be a chapter next month or we will have to wait until next year?

Vili confirmed for good guy.

We know something big is about to go down, but I don't think it's Grim Reminder. Eren knows that kind of thing is what naive children do.

>getting eaten

He is not and I am pretty sure he will be the next Attack titan.


He’s playing GRIM chess.

She can disguise as a cute doctor that injects the serum into some eldians.

Fuck Eren and fuck the eldian people. I want Eren to rape me

We know, Reiner.

Mikasa pls it isn’t rape if you want it to happen.

you need at least a minimum knowledge FOR BOTH

Is Zeke going to meet up with Eren next chapter?

why the fuck would he need Hisu when he has his royal nii-san right fucking there

Good point. Hisu's probably holding the castle down like a good womanlet.

They probably met already.

As expected of our boy Zeke.
If that guard is Connie his eyes seems triggered as fuck to have Zeke so close

Wait till they reach a deal where Billy has to marry Historia.


We don't know yet for sure.
I don't think he wants war, because he knows the Paradis wouldn't win without most of his friends dying.
In my opinion, Eren (or someone from Paradis) will enter the stage, forcefully if needed, and explain their side of things, and how they only want peace. That would be the most logic thing to happen at least, settling everything and explaining that they don't want war.

Requesting Zeke version for science-related purposes.

lel get cucked Erenwhale.

>Dat Zeke stare

It's either Billy or Zeke. She can choose by their feet.

I'm was thinking that too, user. Here's hoping.



What did she mean by this?

Eren wants vengeance tho, and explaining their side of things would be anticlimatic.

It's Armin. He got taller because of the collosal titan.
He's Collosal Armin now.
And he grew a beard to try to cure his babyface.

Yes, the jobber kid against the guy who learned to fight with Annie and BTFO Reiner TWICE phisically, and now again, psychologically.

Connie is a #1 Genius. THat's probably fucking dog fur or something taped to his face.

>Eren wants vengeance


>it's Armin
You're retarded. It is 100% not Armin.
>no nose mark
>eyes more beady than fuckhuge
>beard doesn't match hair color
All signs point to Connie.

And what happened with his nose?

Eren is a warmongrel. Paradis is a militaristic state.This isn't happening.

Nice argument, faggot. Eren has been driven by nothing but rage until now.

Eren fights for freedom.

That's not how it works, you dimwit.

Eren has let go of what he wanted to do several times though. He was fucking ready to die and be eaten by Hisu if that meant peace, back in the Uprising arc.
And he wouldn't be only one giving up on revenge, everyone of the survey corps lost someone who was dear for them. Levi wouldn't fulfill his promise to Erwin, Connie would have to swallow that the guy who wiped out his village and turned his parents into titans would go untouched, Hange lost Moblit (and Erwin... and everyone in the survey corps). The list goes on.


>Muh grim reminder
>Lets turn random Eldians into titans
>Lets slaughter a ton of reporters and ambassadors
>Lets kill the kids too
>Lets mimic the actions of three brainwashed literal children

Paradistards confirmed for deranged maniacs in need of real help.

>trying to be reasonable and long-winded about Eren
>in /snk/
You fool


Someone please compare the panels with the marley soldier against pictures of Connie.
I'm on the tube now.

And freedom always requires a lot of killing, right ?

But he didn't give the power back to Historia. Why ?

It isn't Connie, eyelashes are too long and he's too tall

The crystal cave wasn't his decision, though?

>I hate Sup Forums, but still come here for some reason

I just believe that some people would stop repeating the mistakes of the past, user.
She didn't want it.

Why would he enter the stage and interrupt play it's obviously planned together? They are working together Eren knows exactly what will happen in the play and is waiting for his cue.

In this case, all of humanity. But he just wants revenge. Against Humanity.

>Why ?
Because that would spell doom for everyone on the island and possibly all Eldians. Not only that, see No one would voluntarily get mind-raped.

So what, Willy just want all Eldians dead? What was Eren supposed to do? Let BRA destroy Paradis? Fucking retard that Willy guy is.

>God, I wish that were me

So they chose to stray from the path of peace. And they are right. Their king wanted nothing but a subservient, false peace to ease his mind, but the people inside the walls never chose this, and now they should accept the fate ousiders they never even knew existed chose for them ? Fuck this


>I wanna bet how fast I can read

mikasa belongs to jean