One piece

What future is there for the BMPs in the narrative? The next time we see them will they be allies or enemies? Are the library and the prisoners inside setup for when the SHs come back to WCI at some point to set it on fire and free everyone? When is that gonna be? Why would they come back? Davy back fight when

They're finished after this arc

>Date with Pudding

They'll be offscreened by someone else. Probably Blackbeard.

Fucking Elbaf, obviously.
Also, why isn't Cracker covered in bandages?

I'm not gay but I want Katakuri lewds.

Gross. Die.

Without a doubt Urouge's story is connected to Enel and I'm pretty optimistic that we'll get more of his story at some point. The first island Urouge went to after entering the New World was Raijin (Thunder God) Island. Considering we learned how Punk Hazard was transformed by Akainu and Aokiji, its possible that the never ending lightning was caused by Enel.

Also Urouge and his crew were last seen on balloon terminal. The automata from Enel's coverstory floated up to the moon via balloons.

Here you go.


>uroge is now all buddy buddy with enel
the absolute mad monk

>Le epic Blackbeard sweep
Stop with this stupid meme


Feels good bros

You have to be retarded to believe this




>buddy buddy with Enel
pretty sure he wants revenge on Enel for destroying Birka. I think it got mentioned at some point that Enel had defeated Birka's greatest warrior (possibly Urouge). Also the name "Fallen Monk Pirates" adds to this.

I really doubt Raftel is on the moon given that outerspace isn't uninhabited. Which means we're probably going to the moon at some point. Strawhats going on the space adventure together with Urouge with help from Vegapunk. (The old man who built the automata from the coverstory is from the same island as Vegapunk).

You're probably right. Damn, now I wonder what Oda's gonna do with Ichiji.
But then again Ichiji is the leader and last chapter ended hinting that he's gonna save the SHs. I wonder what is up with that. Is that because honor/moral code/pride is not an emotion?

The only thing BB is gonna sweep is the deck of a Revolutionary army ship after Dragon kicks his ass offscreen.

Bonney will be involved in the next BM arc.

I think their new job is to help the alliance till they get out of Mama's territory.

I feel like they will be defeated either now or after Wano. Nevertheless Luffy will allow them to watch over Totto Land, because no way in hell the Straw Hat Fleet can protect 35 islands. Luffy will probably force them to stop raiding other islands though.

>They become allies
>Get wiped out EOS by Vegapunk's superweapon
>Sanji, Pudding, Vinsmokes, maybe a few BMP take out super weapon in the final battle (using spy skillz and Sanji takes out VP's guardian Kizaru)
>Sanji's prediction of being biggest problem to WG comes true

BM should just destroy Nuts Island and drown herself and Peros

>until you escape into the sky with caesar clown
Eh I don't know. Going toward the SHs at this point in time is still going out of their way imo.
Unless their next scene is something like
>i thought we were going to rescue the SHs
>what are you saying? They're going west, so we escape toward the east, it's just common sense

Nooo please anyone but Peros.

Robin only sleeps with black men!

Only black cock can satisfy her!

>Is this your supreme form Strawhat?
>Damn! I thought gear 5 would suffice but seems like this is it
>I'm sorry guys, sorry for placing your trust in me.
>Ready to die Strawhat. MOCHI WORLD: RICE ABYSS!
>T-this killing intent, Roronoa Zolo!
>Zolo, what are you doing here!
>What are you doing Luffy? You're not my captain if you get defeated by that!
>But guess even a captain might get into trouble
>Stay back Luffy, I can REALLY show what a true swordsman can do!
>No, Zolo, let's defeat this bastard together, with your existence, I can feel the power coming into me!
>One Piece will be on break next week

I think it's fairly obvious everyone is convening to Cacao Island

You're thinking of Ussop.

>black cock
>luffy cock
Only Luffy cock can satisfy her

Usopp is straight though.

I never said otherwise. I'm just arguing Ichiji is doing somthing rather unnecessary by going considering he has no emotions.

Ichiji has emotions, he is a psychopath it means he has no empathy, compassion, and barely feels anxiety or fear making him absolutely ruthless and cancer to humanity.

So far, he's the only one in the crew who haven't show any interest in girls.

Nigga, what? He was all about seeing Nami naked. He was interested in Hancock. He was jealous of Brook being able to spy on girls. In fact, he's one of the three guys that actually cares about that stuff. Along with Sanji and Brook.

Its really weird honestly.Even if the strawhats escape will the bmp follow them?What's stopping big mom from destroying fishman island?I feel that something huge is about to happen to somehow keep the bmp in check

Fine, you got me, I was just shitposting.
To be fair, the discussion started with "robin only sleep with black men", I guess I shouldn't have pushed it too far.

>Not a donut
What is this gay shit?

What is Smoothie's wife like?

They will take a long time to recover from all the shit that happened this chapter. I doubt they will be doing any attack for some time.

Another possibility is that someone will take advantage of BMP's vulnerable state, maybe cp0 or another emperor.

Donuts aren't dick shaped. Also spic memes.

Very dry.

user, sometimes you should just accept the (You) and just not reply. That "shitpost" didn't even make any sense.

Squeezer ningen

>Also spic memes.
kill yourself

Big Mom will be KO for a while and the BMP will shit themselves at the thought of having a chance to fight with Kaido in Wano, so they'll postpome the chase



Oda, where's my friend Zoro?

Hito Hito no mi, model: Pirate WHEN?

Am I the only one that would prefer Pudding over Carrot joining?

Leave Sweet Commanders to me.

No, both are trash, I don't want either to join.


>will the bmp follow them?
These guys spend their freetime killing the human populations in their territory for the lulz, of course they will hunt them down to the ends of the earth.

I'm looking forward to the inevitable meltdown from both fanbases.

Roger's fruit

He's gonna fuck Smoothie after beating her?

I prefer none.


Man, I actually want that moustache back. It really looked cool on Zoro. It's like Escanor's little moustache.

>He's gonna fuck Smoothie after beating her?
>Hobbies: Lovemaking


>already jobbed to cracker

I can't believe Jinbe is nakama now.


>Bara Jinbeposting
I remember that.
Pls no.

Is that picture from the current chapter? I haven't read it yet.


So are the Gorosei World Nobles or not?

Bonney is clearly going to be involved in BB's arc.

Nah. Nobles are not the kind of people who would make decisions by themselves.

Recently reread through Sabaody to partway through Marineford. I'm liking Hancock more again, and Bon Clay is as based as I remember him.

I'm thinking at least one is a former Admiral. The rest are possibly former CP0 or exceptional VAs like Garp and Tsuru.

>there are no more cutie, honey, sweetie posters in OP threads anymore

Doesnt look like it since it seemed CP0 overlook them.

>you will never be an exceptional voice actor like Garp

Why even live

uuuuh honey what are you talking about

Yes, that kinda confused me, but I can't find Viz translation to be sure.

I think they could be but they just don't subscribe to the fish bowl wearing outfits and beliefs, which is more acceptable because they spend much of their time isolated from everyone in their own space in Mariejois running the World Government.

With how absurd the World Nobles are I find it hard to believe they'd follow anyone who wasn't one of them.

>He's gonna fuck Smoothie after beating her?

God, now I really need that Doujin

Why don't they just fly Pell to Raftel?

this thread is cancer. why are the mods not banning shit fan art, they are the main reason this shitty general is derailed every single time

I'd rather be Jouji or Wakamoto. Tachiki would also be ok.

Wrong thread?

For the same reason nobody gets there:

It doesn't exist, was just a god-tier shitpost by Roger

World Nobles doesn't wear the fish bowls in Mariejois, whre the Gorosei live.

What VA will get Katakuri? Isn't there gonna be some competition for a role like that?

The absolute madman

fang has the same voice actor of buggy

>tfw so many new girls in this arc but so little doujins of any.

I forgot that aspect, which could strengthen the theory of them being World Nobles

One Piece rarely gets good doujinshi anyway.

So is Dogtooth a Logia or a Paramecia? I don't get it yet.

begone shitposter

oh no

He's right. Big Mom obviously has ties to Elbaf as seen in the flashback and also by that Dorry and Broggy elbaf attack. Then there is the Lola and Loki marriage shit.

WB commanders are so weak jesus. Unless they were trying to conserve their strength so they didn't get tired during the war.

Paramecia who uses observation Haki to mold his body instantly around attacks.
Like Luffy who is completely rubber, his entire body is mochi down to the bloodstream.


A four foot chubby housewife who likes baking, cute things, and hugs.

She's the one who wears the pants.

Doffy has ties to Mariejoia.