Why didn't they just kill themselves?

Why didn't they just kill themselves?

Suicidal tendencies as a character trait are evolutionary disadvantaged.

Ah, that being why no one ever does it and there's no word for it.

why would they? they have no reason to.

im pretty sure a lot of user want their life style instead

Finding happiness in misery is the entire point of this manga, it would kind of ruin the message if they decided "nah I'm done."

Nothing is perfect. Homosexuality serves absolutely no purpose evolutionary-wise either.

Committing suicide is the author's job, not theirs.

That'd make for a pretty short manga/TV show if they did

Hmm, so no-one has ever suicided after successfully procreating. Thanks for clearing that up user.

Because it doesnt exist. Men just tend to fuck everything and some find enjoyment in weird stuff.

If we were any different Aborigines would have stopped reproducing a long time ago.

Saving it for the last chapter, obviously.

>took their shoes off first
Is there some nip superstition that says dying in footwear curses them to forever walk the tatami mats of the afterlife in shoes or some shit?

Just picked up GLT recently and it's fucking great, but how did Yuu get those massive tits in the ED?

She has massive tits, motherfucker. Her thick winter jacket usually covers them up, and I imagine she wears a tight, stable bra to keep them in check. Obviously Chi doesn't need to wear but an undershirt to keep her tiny pink nipples from chafing, no point in a bra for her.

Just look how happy she is.

Godspeed, I'll see you on the other side.

They just figure it's the polite thing to do, is all.

are they adults or children I can't tell.

They take their shoes off to not carry dirt into their houses.
They take them off so they don't carry dirt into the afterlife.

American education.

I'm sure the poor saps who have to clean the gore off the streets will be thankful. A very polite death.

Theyr'e potatoes.

People don't gib like in the video games from just falling.

Why didn't they settle down with the map guy and repopulate the earth?

He was a beta with no will to live besides his maps. You can't repopulate the earth with this kind of mindset.

If his survival instinct and desire to repopulate were as strong as a certain other token male survivalist it would have happened with haste.
But it wasn't, his desire likely died off long ago in the same sexual limbo Chii and Yuu's have.

Post the anthology fags.

Why would they?

>have no food
>start popping out kids
Are you from sub-Saharan Africa by chance?

Somewhere between 12 and 15 I'd guess

How do you read this:
>evolutionary disadvantaged.
And come to this retarded conclusion:
>no one ever does it and there's no word for it.
People still doing it doesn't stop it from being an evolutionary disadvantaged.

3 people isn't enough to repopulate the Earth. Why is humanities survival important anyway? Bringing children into such a shitty world just seems morally bankrupt.

No one can

They will put on their dedicated suicide shoes midflight

Bodies will be mangled and such from a fall, broken bones, ruptured organs, etc., but the skin will remain relatively in-tact unless they fall on something that might cut or penetrate.
Worst case scenario, the skull shatters and tears a hole in the scalp.

Remember that they're jumping feet-down. Their legs will take most of the fall (like springs).

Evolution doesn't exist or occur.

>Remember that they're jumping feet-down. Their legs will take most of the fall (like springs).
Now that's autism. They might survive.

He had a girl, user. She died.
Gotta read between the lines.

I don't like wide.


It's part reason why I don't breed. This world is an overpopulated mess.

Your leg bones would telescope into your solar plexis killing you instantly.

That's ratioist.

I don't like you.

Not always. Feet first is the worst.

>drowning 79

That seems a bit high honestly, once you actually start drowning proper you're so out of your mind with fear that you can't really think properly at all, or even understand anything beyond trying to breathe. It doesn't get better before you pass out though, it looks pretty to show some character sinking down into the water, but that's really not at all what happens.

I can totally believe that waterboarding is brutally effective though, you can repeat it basically forever and it's easily the worst thing I've ever experienced (drowning that is, I've never been tortured)

The whole time column just makes no sense.

How the fuck do you measure agony, especially in those cases?

I think it's the time where your heart finally stops. You might be unconscious but not officially dead.

I don't think it's normalized to exclude outliers, and includes time where the subject is still technically alive but not conscious or saveable.
I do know that jumping in front of a train and lighting yourself on fire take waaaay longer than people expect, and are pretty horrible ways to go.
The auto crash method is popular in my area for insurance reasons, and that can really take a nasty turn if they 'miss'.

boring shit show
rape when?


I'm pretty sure the author is asexual, it won't thankfully

"On a scale of 0 to 100, with 0 being painless and 100 being the worst pain ever, please rate your experience.

>hey I see you blew your head off with a shotgun, on a scale from 1 to 100 how much did it hurt
>like a 5.5
>okay thanks

>dreams of molesting teenage girls

I'd personally rate being out of my mind with fear as pretty high on an agony scale but I've never drowned to death before fortunately.

>He doesn't know about platonic molesting

Yeah, but almost 4/5 of the way to the absolute worst pain imaginable? I can think of a lot of things that are way worse.

Imagine losing an arm, or getting stabbed or something. Actually, I just checked, getting stabbed is apparently not as bad, I totally don't believe that.

I dunno, I feel like the margin of error is pretty fucking huge, and it's pretty subjective. I mean, I still go swimming how bad could it really have been?

To clarify, by "being out of your mind with fear" I meant that looking back on it is far worse than how I felt when I was actually drowning, waking up and remembering how it felt to drown was infinitely worse. Also vivid nightmares.

you gotta be specific with this whole "out of your mind thing" man. I mean out of your mind sounds like it goes past 100 and is some new kind of over fear.

Yeah, basically there is nothing left but fear, and you lose all sense of self or humanity. No introspection, no "Am I really dying?" or anything like that, just struggling as hard as you can for air. The main point I have is that if you actually die you don't look back on your memories of what happened to you once you get it together. True fear comes from knowledge and understanding, what you feel when you're drowning is more of an animal instinct. So if you die, you never get to sit where you and I are and think about how bad that would be, you just essentially go insane, and then die before you get your sanity back.

This is why I said waterboarding would be so horrifically effective, giving someone the chance to understand, and think about how horrible what they experienced was, and then let them know that it was going to happen again and again is one of the worst things I can imagine.

Why don't you?

Why don't you kill yourself?
You probably have less meaning and purpose in your life than them.

His argument proves too much. If "durr hurr it's evolutionarily disadvantaged" were in fact a reason not to commit suicide (it isn't, because you can't get an ought from an is, but let's pretend), it wouldn't be a reason for these girls specifically - it would be fully general. But we know some people DO kill themselves - that is, some suicidal people do exist despite any gene that makes suicide more likely being disadvantaged - so by extension we know this argument is wrong.

A lot of people treat "it's evolutionary" as exactly the same as "goddunnit/saidso" but with the religious overtone replaced with a veneer of scientific legitimacy. It's stupid.

Sorry, I just wanted to deliver a stupid response to an equally stupid OP.