It's finally here

>It's finally here

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That's a lot of smug.

Translations posted there

I can't believe it's not Hentai!





fuck, she is cute

She immediately put on his muffler, he better put on her collar aswell.

Why is she so smug?


>series opens with she bullying senpai for doing a pathetic self insert isekai fantasy

>yfw what we're reading is senpai's mango

Girl comes and says this to you, what you do?

All I want are more Mami doujins

I want to fuck both of them.


how would she react if other girls starting getting friendly with her senpai?

put a lock on his collar

I was born this way.

put a lock on his cock

Normal, i want her to be a sadmis but not a yandere.

Nothing, because she knows Senpai is too pathetic to attract any girls without an agenda.

She'd tease senpai less and less, waiting for the moment he shows unease.

Putting the "sad" in "sadism".

Honoka cameo when?

What the hell was even the plot of this series?

Beastiality is a sin

Goddamn it I can't wait for the kicking chapter

i can't wait for the confession.

I can't wait for the inevitable doujins where they act all out of character because the fan-artist had completely missed the point of the series.


>it's not porn
what's even the point?

The stuff related to her, never had any porn in the first place.

>hyping over some hentai artist going legit
Yeah, not this shit again.


>porn artist draws story with no porn in it
>goes officially non-h with that story
>fans make porn dojins of it

You know, all her abuse is worthy to endure just for this.

>hentai artist going legit

This happens all the time.

There is one shitty popular harem anime that people on Sup Forums constantly masturbate over that's directed by a notorious hentai director.

dragon maid?

>caring about plot when there's cute girls


The good thing is that if a hentai artist goes legit and makes an anime plenty of cute girls then it can get plenty of doujins

love hina?

will there be random exhibtionism?


Something like more than 50% of mangaka start out doing hentai. Including Azuma.

shoot yourself with a coconut gun

>she is the one that asked for it to be nude

Sup Forums's favorite series




She can't even hide her smile properly here.


By the way, they're really talking about ONE PIECE, not one-piece dresses.
>Wow~ It's even better than (surpasses) One Piece
>Hey hey, don't insult One Piece

The amount of bullying in this just makes me rock hard



Also the Ghost in the Shell guy also makes hentai stuff.


you skipped the page of her in shock!

>sadist romcom
Where's the the com?


>find out the brown girl guy is also the guy who made the guro/cannibalism guy that made the princesses story and the backback girl who loves pigs

Senpai is a big guy


>she is a bit of weirdo


I will never know that feel of a cute girl accepting my love like this..guess that's why I'm here browsing Sup Forums all day.

The point of the character is that there should never be h-content of her. We as an audience are too pathetic to see it, that is the charm of it.

Oh, and the last few balloons with the handwritten runes are something like
>Yuko's boyfriend... (something)
>For real?



god damn it you beta faggot. stay mad so I can watch her squirm

>beta faggot: the manga

Who is the fucking audience for this shit?

user skipped loads of pages, senpai actually removes his hand and she panics while trying to catch his hand for several panels.


Which now makes me laugh every time because of that one edit.

You can tell they're related because they both have that same shit eating grin.

Sup Forums

I know. I want him to walk away and ignore her for at least a day before he inevitably breaks down.
gotta savor that dere while you got it

inb4 senpai has a "childhood friend"


Wait, I just realized, this scene is probably going to be redone for this manga

t. poster on a mongolian finger-painting wall

So, what would their first time be like?



the lotus blossom




>that smug ass grin
Oh yeah its her brother.

>that fucking design
He probably agreed to it because he actually does NTR to other faggots, look at his design.

I know what this means but I wish I didn't

I don't get it.

It's better if you don't

I know what this is without even opening it.

Would she be into footjobs?