Nagi no Asukara

Was Miuna a tragic character or a cheerful character? Why is Monday special?

Miuna os the best.

I would use Miuna OS.



every monday
every freakin monday
miuna is there to wish you a happy week, okay?
thank you miuna on mondays!

Now that you mention it, I have never gave a shit about miuna monday threads and I guess why these threads used to be on that day.

Beautiful knee.




Why is Miuna surprised at a seagull?

Seagulls are assholes. If Miuna didnt tell it to piss off it would be all over her curry.


>sea slug
It looks like a dick. Did Okada do it again?

good night, my cute seaslug.

Get your mind out of the gutter.

>It looks like a dick
user, I think you may have gotten the gay.

Complain to Okada.

Farewell, Miuna.

Its time to let go.

Except for a few hours on every monday.

Movie fucking when P.A WORKS!?

What about Miuna's mom?

Chisaki best

Miuna is beautiful. I love Miuna!

>tfw this aired when I entered college but no one but me in anime club was watching it
Miuna’s hair was retarded btw. Purplefat best girl.

Good night my beautiful sea.

This is the worst post of any Miuna thread.


Who dolicon here?

kill dolicons.

remove dolicons

Love dolicons.


Please do not.

I can't be alone in thinking its a good thing she lost, I mean it sucks she got her heart crushed but on the other hand she deserves so much better than Hikari.

She should have lost harder, imagine how many more anons would love her if she was sacrificed to the sea god and became a goddess (in death).

I would have been fucking livid if that happened. Why would you want her to get fucked over even harder?

I also expected a more fatal ending. It was disappointing and weak.

So that she can marry Uroko-sama.

Goodbye, beautiful sea.


who are those two beside Hikari and Miuna?

Sequel Idea: A mysterious sea person is going around the 14 sea villages to absorbs the various Uroko's so he can turn into the new sea God


Where is this from?

nagiasu twitter

Damn, that gives me hope.