Weird how 99% of scientists, engineers, celebrities, artists, journalists, professors, philosophers, atheists, writers...

Weird how 99% of scientists, engineers, celebrities, artists, journalists, professors, philosophers, atheists, writers, and intellectuals are left-wing

It's almost as if right-wing ideology was for incestful, impoverished, blue-collared trash from flyover states/East European nations not worth a single fart.....huh......

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stupid ashidoposter

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It's weird how 99% of faggots seem to be on this board

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animes shit

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>intellectual elites are all left
Universities proven to be left wing indoctrination centres.
I wonder why user.


University teaches truth.

Truth has a left-wing bias

I've got some bad news OP.
I'm atheist ex jew engineer with two degrees...
And im right wing as fuck. Not only that, but liberals in the US are actually retarded, indoctrinated, and lack critical thinking skills.
"""educated""" people for the most part, are just indoctrinated shills. Anyone who can critically think, is either right wing, or becoming right wing.

>99% of engineers

Confirmed for not being an engineer OP.
Most engineers are pretty right wing, the rest don't give a shit.

t. EE

OP studies humanities and has never sat in a room full of STEM professionals discussing politics.

Engineers are pragmatists mostly. They know what to say and do to get ahead, which in uni means posing as a feminist cuck, and in the work place, agreeing with your liberal arts/MBA boss spouting off about muh hillary.
But best believe, they've done the calculations, and socialism has failed 100 percent of the time.

>Universities teach truth
>Gender Studies
>52 genders

At my University all of the professors except for a handful were right wing and let it slip occasionally.

There's no posing as a cuck when you don't have cuck professors.

In Gen-Eds, yeah, but not in my experience in actual eng school.

>i never walked into the academia

Let me say this to you , all those “left-wing” stem professors and shit you see are a fucking farce. At most they are highly apathic or pragmatist. They do not want politics but the academy worldwide is founded by left wingers so they have to sit through their bullshit because suprise suprise, you need fucking sponsors to do research. If you think I am full of shit , I’ll give you an example from my field.

>James Watson getting fired for being “racist”
This is how corrupt the academia is, they are not just against right wing you nigger. They are against all but themselves.

Engineer reporting in.
lefty engineers? lefty scientists? (hard science)
Meme-flag, you are deluded. As for the rest. Sure, most of the carnies are leftists. And the type of '''art''' that relies on government subsidies pretty much have to be leftist, it's their paycheck after all. (((Journalists))) are leftist, wow, what a surprise. Professors, sure, most college degrees now a days is useless lefty paper mills, which follows that most professors are useless leftists. Philosophers, dude, I think you mean (((modern philosophers))). Atheists? how does this fit in with the rest? Is being atheist a job now? Writers, yep, right wing writers get censored. As for intellectuals. Pseudo-self-proclaimed intellectuals have always been left wing.
So you lead with two out right lies (good bait) and proceed to list a bunch of useless people.
I'm not sure there is enough sage on the planet to make your bread edible

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> blue-collared trash from flyover states/East European nations not worth a single fart

your arrogance will be your downfall

sage & ban worthy

"Truth" is ironically a lie. What we know as truth is truely a probability that is readily accepted. The problem with "Truth" is that it is a variable that is upto the interpretation of the beholder.

You can't teach "Truth," all you can do is suggest its existence to those whom lack critical thinking. This is precisely the reason why the scientific community lacks the ability to accept contrary beliefs. Not, because the theories lack credibility; rather, it is due to the lack of adaptability. The consensus does not like the status quo to be infringing upon because it would destabilize all the fundamentals that their education built. This is why schools are ineffective, they teach constants rather than variables.

>sucking your own cock doesn't make you gay
It's almost like your narrative is 99% bullshit.

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>99% of scientists, engineers etc. are left wings
>they're about 2% of the population so their votes are like piss in the ocean

What op says is very true though

The right wing needs to be rebranded,
Today, you have to be very dumb(this is including Christ fags) or sociopathic to be right wing.

I know what you do. You choose a side character from a show popular with children and then you shitpost and all these underage fags coming running out of the wood work to give you their (you)s. Its sick and wrong to exploit these idiots for (you)s like that.

So, you're saying that the left are the bourgeoisie and you have nothing but disdain for the right who are the proletariat?



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Remember when the left use to be about protecting the working class and the political divide was between left (workers) and right (upper/middle class). Now days the left has turned into some moral crusade in which whites are the villain.

>have disagreement with people you hate
>people you hate attempt to leave the Union
>have a civil war to force them back in
>continue to mock and hate them to this very day while usurping the rights they believe in
Now this is a very nice union we should continue having.

Lel. Being this retarded.

Spot on. Me and most every other Engineer I know span from right leaning libertarian to far right.

Mathematician here. Very conservative. Most of us are.

Perhaps you can make up more stories.

funny how those are also making us all miserable. really makes you think