What does Sup Forums think of the yo kai watch anime?


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>toy selling anime
Is the older brother/parent bonus any good?

it's a kid's show. my 3rd and 4th graders love it.

i know that it was made to sell the games(just like anyother show based on a video game) but what do you mean by brother/parent bonus?

thats good to know

I'm only interested in it for Keita.

I watched one ep and found irt to be quite weird.

I like the smut and the FFXIV crossover event stuff though.

oh geez i wonder why

it's supposed to be weird

just so you know i do wish to make more yo kai watch threads on Sup Forums and Sup Forums and mabye even /vg/ but i dont wanna make them look like spamming

Aren't you too late for that?

you know speaking of nate
anyone remember that one episode of yo kai watch where he tried to touch katies boobs? cause he tried to do that again in the episode with pochit i have the link if anyone wants to see it

>subject in name field
>facebook filename
Fuck off to your shithole, newfag.

what about this?

Retarded as usual.


crossover with Kitaro-senpai when?


he's actually gonna be in the 4th movie

Good shotacon fanservice

the waifus are better though

what about this pikachu thats also a terrorist?

Best popsicle

Worst kids anime by far. Even Bakugan was better.

It's actually got a good episode every now and then, but it works best for shotafags because of the semi-frequent fanservice it provides along with them just being cute.

Only if that's your kind of thing.


I'm interested in the new movie. It's so bizarre how everything looks creepier.

>He doesn't know

Its literally Gintama for kids