>MC is transported to a video game world in the body of his female character
Chapters 9-11 just came out.
>MC is transported to a video game world in the body of his female character
Chapters 9-11 just came out.
>old wizard became a cute silver-haired girl because he forgot to revert his vanity changes after late-night fapping
>you will never get to wear a gothic lolita dress in a MMORPG world
Just kill me now so I can reincarnate.
what if reincarnation isnt real?
That's fine too. That just means I wont be alive to realize it.
Google search got it
Only 9 and 10
The manga adaptation doesn't start that good, I fear.
you think the same way as me what if you are reincarnated me?
What a shitty reincarnation. What if we're both the same person and we just swap places every time? I want to talk to whoever is in charge here.
Was looking hopeful but then modern armored vehicles showed up ruining the rpg vibe.
You posted on the wrong, thread, /tg/
But being a girl sucks. There'a menstrual cycle and your body is fragile.
immortal lolis dont have those problems
Dude should have made a titty monster avatar. His friend had the right idea.
does she wear a bra
Why is she complaining?
>talks about how after he got transformed she couldn't stop masturbaiting.
i dont remember that part
I liked that.
It was in the web novel.
damn why didnt that make it into the manga?
The manga removed a lot of stuff. But the WN did have a lot of filler.
What the fuck is that terrible font.