there are people who don't think gil is the highest power level character.
he blows even most DBZ characters away easily and aside from jokes like saitama nothing is close.
there are people who don't think gil is the highest power level character.
he blows even most DBZ characters away easily and aside from jokes like saitama nothing is close.
Other urls found in this thread:
He's not even the strongest Nasu character.
Kanata probably isn't either, but I like to post her anyway.
I don't gie a fuck about Fate, but I've seen zero and the UBW stay/night. Just curious what arguments people possibly make to claim Gil isn't absurdly OP compared to the others?
>high power level
He's not even the most powerful character in his own franchise.
gets defeated constantly because he refuses to use any of his power
Both of you are retarded.
>lost to a little girl with two wands
Pretty sure the creator of Fate said Gil could win the grail war single handedly. I have no source though
t. secondary
i think he was referring to only the 4th and 5th ones there.
Other wacky off shoot stuff like karna or king hassan is unknown
That's the thing. Gil is the strongest in Fate and he's probably one of the strongest Nasu. The problem is he's an arrogant piece of shit who thinks he's too good to actually try. Plus he's countered by Chef Spagachini and I don't think you can recover from losing to an awkward teenager.
>Forced not to use Ea or the world ends
>Only reason he doesn't end grail war in a single day is because everyone else are mongrels not worthy of him trying.
Back to /vg/.
Servants who have a 50 percent or higher chance of beating Gil
>Any Grand Servant
>Probably Proto-Arthur if he actually gets to use his full power
There are probably more
Not if he actually goes all out without any of his retarded mentality
I'm still salty he got Avenger. It was bad enough when all the spin offs decided to get rid of the Hassassin rule and ruin the one unique thing that class had going, then they decided to expand on the class that's literally supposed to be a one off abnormality.
>Not if he actually goes all out without any of his retarded mentality
>Literally the first thing he does when he meets Enkidu is greet him with a full power Enuma Elish which Enkidu matches
Calm down there Gilfag. Against any of the people I named Gil would almost certainly go all out on from the get go and he would still have a very hard time.
So you're implying all of these are stronger than Gilgamesh?
You're literally saying Gilgamesh has less than 50% chance to win against any of these
50% is honestly being very generous. But yes, I applaud your reading comprehension.
Why is he described as the king of kings,the strongest servant and why does he talk about his empire like it was relevant at all?Where are his people,where is his language,his culture,etc?All extinct.
He's a pathetic faggot
Gilgamesh is the strongest regular servant (with very few exceptions) but is still outclassed by heavy hitters like the Grands and Types.
That's a given. The Grand Servants are fucking stupid, and exist purely because someone asked "shit, where do we go from here?"
>Types are equal to Beasts
>Goetia mentioned but not Solomon
Or am I going blind?
Also, no Kanata. Even Satsuki gets mentioned, for crying out loud.
Karna has a decent shot at taking him out as well.
Because, you know, Karna. Who'd have thought poo-in-loo mythology was that ridiculous.
He faces off against Enkidu briefly in Strange Fake, and it's noted that he goes 100% from the start, because Enkidu is worthy of nothing less than his absolute max. Enkidu matches him.
Somebody needs to translate that for those of us who don't speak moon runes.
>Enuma Elish
>Charitas Domus Aurora
really makes you think.
He's only 'King of Kings' because his epic is the oldest in humanity's known record. If archaeologists happened to discover one older than his, then that guy/girl/dog/whatever would become the 'King of Kings'.
Reminder that powerlevel threads are pointless and actually autistic. Well-adjusted humans understand that a character is exactly as powerful as the author decides at all times.
I really like Karna
But he isn't the King of Kings.
He's the King of Heroes.
Ozymandias is the King of Kings. King Hassan fucks his shit up anyway.
*blocks your path*
>Well-adjusted humans
So no one who posts on Sup Forums. Got it.
Don't get carried away, monster.
Have all the grand servants been relieved yet or are we still waiting for a few?
I'm not sure what it would take to make King Hassan ejaculate to be honest
Nice falseflag but next time try to take another pic than the one you use to shitpost gilfags on /vg/
The only real candidate I can think of would be St. Longinus for Grand Lancer. Fucker has the spear that killed Jesus.
Oi, Herakles, take that stupid carpet off your head, it makes you look like a right twat.
If it has divinity, Hibiki can one-shot it.
Sorry, but the Hindus mastered powerlevel faggotry long before you were born.
Why are Quetzalcoatl, Ishtar and Gorgon ranked so high? Is it just part of the Divinity meme?
If it exist, quetz can suplex it.
Gilgamesh only really gets to show off properly in strange fake and thats the same fucking grail war where somebody has
>summoned an asshole with infinite Excaliburs, >summoned the Pale Rider (The horseman of death)
>summoned a guy who is literally Gilgamesh's equal
>summoned double servant Herakles without any divinity
>summoned the concept of Jack the Ripper
>summoned a retard assassin who tried to kill their master, who is a vampire.
And some others
Please explain how Gil beats Ren.
>the concept of Jack the Ripper
That's the stupidest shit. Way to ruin the unique situation with Fake Assassin by making another "not actually the real deal" shit.
Well there is also Gilgamesh with mother goddess or whatever boosto that is a hell lot more powerfull.
Also Gil can increase the output of Ea simply by getting more sparkling shit.
Most of his power comes from his possessions than his physical strength.
>is pretty much destined to lose now because he's become the big baddy that every servant needs to team up for just to defeat
Sucks mang
>Jason is the 2nd strongest member of the Argonauts
>"lol, nah, he's just a pussy"
ozymandias is considered his equal now in both power and ego (and they are now paired together in numerous artwork)
Would like to see them both go at it in a fight
They may be strongest, but all fall to the monster known as Gudako.
By starring in an anime that didn't flop.
>powerlevel thread
who are the grand servants? The only one I know of is Solomon. is King Hassan/ grandpa Hassan one?
>enkidu gg
She can observe and maintain a shared consciousness in every reality, including ones where Gil doesn't exist, for example.
>Ea blown away by two sticks
>Gil's cock lost to the magical girl's soft hands
>leave Gilgamesh to me
What unique situation?
No one in /fgog/ or even /alter/ is this stupid
well not shit but he has EA which is just a cheat button on reality
>*Does nothing*
People are seriously overrating Ea. It can't destroy worlds, the anti-world rating is meant that it's supposed to destroy RMs (including Gaia's) So he could make Earth uninhabitable, but only if he had the mana (which he really doesn't)
i mean its rated far higher than any other NP including a ship faster than light and unbreakable god holding chains
Well, yes, but being top tier in the Nasuverse doesn't mean that it holds up to other universes. People seem to think that Ea has infinite power and can destroy the universe, when it really can't.
He never stood a chance.
Nasuverse is one of the very highest tier anime power levels though.
Everyone always says Gil is weaker than a TYPE, but isn't that a given? Anything is weaker than a TYPE. However, Ea used at full power would completely wreck a TYPE. Out of any weapon we see in FSN, none of them could scratch a TYPE except for Ea and Zelretch's Jewel Sword.
Can any of the holy Joji Nakata trio take on Kouma Kishima? Can they take him at the same time?
>anything is weaker than a TYPE
Except for future powercreep in the form of Black Barrel and Ado Edem
Not really
Don't see why Nero Chaos couldn't.
Also pic related
It's really not, it's nowhere near Tenchi, Slayers, Demonbane, Dies Irae, Umineko or any of the other top-end series.
The tiers here: put Aristotles (ORT and A:E) in the top tier alongside Beasts.
Notes and DDD characters seem to be omitted for some reason.
*bell doesn't ring*
*fucking dies*
Nice "powerlevel" character you have there, BONEskander shitters.
Jouji voices King Hassan? That's pretty cool.
Isn't one of the reasons a TYPE is so powerful because they are constantly generating their own reality marble around them and they don't obey the "concepts" of the Earth? ORT's is called Crystal Valley, it leaks out and turns everything around it into Mercury's environment or some shit. Similar to True Ancestors, they don't have the concept of death, so they're impossible to kill by ordinary means; like how Shiki can only see the lines on Arcueid when she's very weak or during the daytime. Ea specifically counters that, so it would probably be effective if loaded with enough mana.
Black Barrel is only effective because of how it works. It specifically deals more damage based on how much ether the target has; TYPEs are loaded with that shit and all the other "humans" of the future are modified humanoids which also have some. If you fired Black Barrel at a normal human, it might be even weaker than an ordinary gun. The secondary effect of "imposing the concept of limited lifespan" is also useless against non-immortal enemies because they already have limited lifespans. But even Black Barrel can't actually permanently kill a TYPE, since TYPE Venus that was struck down by it actually recovered over time and could move if it actually wanted to.
Meanwhile, Ado Edem is actually similar to Ea, in that it has the effect of ripping apart reality marbles; it simply uses brute force for its killing power.
But that's wrong and misleading.
Black Barrel does do that but it's clearly stated to work on other beings. The Church possesses it in current times and Ciel says that she could request it to seal Arc with in Tsukihime.
Slash Emperor is strong similarly because it absorbs Ether, but it also has the properties Ea does. It wouldn't be stronger than Ea in the modern era.
Just because he can't kill you because his bell isn't ringing doesn't mean he can't beat you into a pulp. Gawain with the Lion King's gift couldn't do shit against King Hassan and his bells weren't ringing.
Ea might be able to cause Aristotles damage or even kill them in principle, but at the end of the day, Gil probably wouldn't last long enough to do it in a straight fight. Much like how Zelretch beating CMB with the second magic and the jeweled sword, it's a total underdog fight. ORT doesn't seem like the type to grandstand against weaker opponents, either.
Mashu has the same spear.
>got btfo by APEX
the bell is letting people know he is now "allowed" to use his power to fuck them up.
It is a self imposed limit because he takes his job super seriously.
Gil would still EA him from orbit tho
How did she get it? Also, are the Black Barrel and the Spear of Destiny actually related, if they've got the same name?
No, she doesn't have the spear. That was just a fanfic where Mashu got possessed by St. Longinus and got the spear.
Is not about the fanfic. But about Galahad. He should have 3 NP/weapons. the shield that Mashu use is just one. The spear of Destiny is another and the sword of sir Balin.
someone post that Heavy Object edit
>Dies Irae
>destroy the chain
>summon Machina
>destroy the chain
>Killed by some faggot who could barely use magic because of muh YOU'RE NOT WORTH OF USING MY ULTIMATE ATTACK
>Killed by wormslut in some alley
King of Heroes? more like King of Jobbers amirite
He's the worst jobber in history.
King Hassan is Grand Assassin
Solomon and Merlin are Grand Caster Candidates, while the Grand Caster is Goetia in Solomon's body
Literally all we know.
*erases you from reality*
>He should have 3 NP/weapons. the shield that Mashu use is just one. The spear of Destiny is another and the sword of sir Balin.
>Spear of Destiny and the sword of Sir Balin
Literally never mentioned in Fate.
Justice for Bestzerker.
>Star: ORT, Primate Murder, Princess Arc, BB, Kiara, Sefar, Tiamat, Goetia
>EX: Arcueid, Meltlilith, Lion King (Rhongomyniad?), Old Man of the Mountain (King Hassan?), Quetzalcoatl, Ishtar, Gorgon
>A: Gilgamesh, Karna, Ozymandias, Enkidu
Can't be bothered to do the rest.
>RMs (including Gaia's)
Not this shit again.
Isn't Gilgamesh also a Grand Caster candidate? All you actually need is Clairvoyance EX from what I recall