ara ara
>she is going to fuck her harem of pretty boys.
>Female main character
>A bunch of dudes lust after MC
This shit feels at times like shojo.
This show makes me wonder if this is how girls view our male harem shit
>haven't read the source?
it's 100% shoujo.
Ah my friend it IS a shoujo.
as some would call it.
youre a slut
it's good though.
She's cuter now.
NTR, I love it.
It's jousei retard.
I was hoping when I started watching that it wouldn't turn into a generic triangle shoujo.
I like this better.
She still looks cute.
>muh genres
nobody gives a shit about genre tags
>not liking short hair
I HATE it!
Anything shorter then shoulder length is bad.
You would have known if you've seen more than ten anime.
What happened?
Hikki female MC went normalfag?
Spent $200 on a haircut and new outfit for a date she didn't even want in the first place.
I'm amazed at how people can watch half of a series before realizing what genre the show is.
>He didn't recognize the superior shojo tropes in it
Although shoujo is for teenage women and josei for mature women, it's still for women.
That sounds very woman-like.
Shoes, dress, cardigan and accessories. 200$ isn't that much and haircuts in Japan are super expensive. Now that she has nice clothes she can at least feel at ease if she is forced to go out for some reason.
Otome drama shit.
>People actually expected something good and comfy out of a MMF love triangle shit
fucking retards.
Is this show worth watching? The more I read about it, the more ambivalent I become.
Why is friend guy so based?
It's fun and Morimori is cute.
It's also not very realistic.
I liked her old eyebrows better.
She was actually really cute with her long hair. Now she just looks generic.
The only thing worse than harem is reverse harem
Should I just stop watching and pretend the series only lasted eps 1-4?
We were conceited! Koiwai forever!
Fuck off, shoujo is a demographic not a genre.
I want to pat her head and ruin her hair.
i want to play with those two cute strands of hair.
It's a josei about an intelligence, talented, hardworking japanese bombshell who plays at being a NEET but invariably attracts a harem of drop-dead handsome, MMO-playing bishounen business men running the game of otome character archetypes, one of whom is the token half-gaijin with golden-blond hair that conveniently happens to be a native-level speaker and completely integrated in all local customs.
It's basically the most shameless form of author-insert fantasy imaginable. The early bits were relatabvle because they quite obviously drew heavily on the author's own stint as a hopeless, barely-functional NEET, but it's since left that almost entirely behind to pursue another utterly inane, by-the-numbers josei romantic drama love triangle that reminds us at every oppourtunity the main character is actually super pretty and talented and normal and such a princess wow.
Finally an anime I can self insert in the protagonist.
on all aspects except physically, i am a cake.
are there translations of the manga past chapter 5? That's all I'm finding on google
It's great, most of the complaints are either shitpost or legitimate autists who actually stopped liking a show because the MC went from adult tomoko to functioning member of society (appearance wise anyways, she's still a sperg under all that makeup)
>It's basically the most shameless form of author-insert fantasy imaginable.
That'd be Amnesia. This sounds fairly close, though.
>n half-gaijin with golden-blond hair that conveniently happens to be a native-level speaker and completely integrated in all local customs.
You say that like it's impossible. There's a seiyuu who's half Australian and is completely fluent in Japanese and those customs. All you gotta do is live in Japan from birth.
everyone that watched this wanting a cute cake romance got baited by otomeshit
You mean if we are capable of enjoying a mindless harem without calling the MC a slut and screaming KEK every time one of the secondary girls gets her screen time?
I understand his show is “Jr.’s first reverse harem” so it is hard to process. But jesus these threads have been a nightmare.
If you seriously walked into this show, not expecting a reverse harem, you are A) an idiot or B) WAY to new to anime to be discussing anything on Sup Forums.
Wow, it only took you 60 replies to play the 'muh double standards' card.
Nice reddit spacing, by the way.
Thanks! Sorry my answer was so on the nose you had to change the subject.... and I’m really sorry you got “tricked” into watching a show for icky girls.
>didn't want
She was thirsty.
No she wasn't. She is pure.
I just wish I had online friends like she did in the first few episodes.
These reactions reminds me of Fruits Basket.
Literally me irl.
> one of whom is the token half-gaijin with golden-blond hair that conveniently happens to be a native-level speaker and completely integrated in all local customs.
Wow finally a character I can relate to.
I miss her guys.
I like this anime.
>no more comfy eleeto neeto episodes
How the hell do you guys watch an anime knowing literally nothing about the source material?
I hope I can follow her out of NEETdom myself.
I can't believe Mori Mori is fucking dead.
since when is reading the source material a prerequisite for watching the anime? You think seeing the same thing twice makes it better?
Can you faggots put Net-juu on the subject so these shitty threads full of tripfag circlejerk gets filtered? Thanks.
>female MC
>holy fuck why does it feel like shoujo
I prefer not knowing shit about the shows that I watch. Makes it more fun for me.
Sounds good to me,
I prefer the new look to be quite honest familia
>it's since left that almost entirely behind to pursue another utterly inane, by-the-numbers josei romantic drama
But I haven't watched any other by-the-numbers josei romantic drama before. After scrolling through a bunch of "And here's ANOTHER series featuring high schoolers", that's partially why this stood out in the first place.
Just wait a bit longer.
Did you say "teenaged women" :l
Not sure if I trust you...
My heart's been broken before user.
>since when is reading the source material a prerequisite for watching the anime?
Exact same time the prerequisite for posting on Sup Forums became possession of a functioning brain.
Animeonly trash deserves the rope.
She should listen to the professional.
>because it is 1000% Shoujo.
Her eyebrows before pissed me off.
You have shit taste.
They were ugly and stupid looking. Who the fuck has 3 eyebrows on each eye?
>remember Koiwai is after mammaries of Mori-Mori chan.
Fuck you, thicc eyebrows are love and life.
Her eyebrows were thin though.
They all fuse into one.
They are clearly three distinct, wispy little lines. Not thick in the slightest.
It's not shoujo, it's JOSEI!
So it's just shoujo with casual sex and (actual) NTR then?
It's the Patrician Taste.
>reading korean webtoom
>not expecting NTR
Wouldn't the female characters have to have gigantic eyes for it to be pure shoujo?