
If she teamed up with Maria, they'd be unstoppable


>wii shop music starts playing

Maika best maid

Are we worse than DBfags now?

Can't stop Miyabi

Even with this in mind, how fucking fast would have to be moving your fist to trick Accelerator's barrier? Doesn't his barrier deflect UV rays and shit? This seems like something no human could do.

Not this shit again. Can you at least wait for 12 hours or so until you start a new thread if there is no new content.

Not even close. Most of us atleast condemn the few fags shitting up threads. DBS embraces it.

You must have missed spring festival

We literally just got a confirmation on a crossover with tiddie ninjas and new Accel Idol is being dumped almost every thread.

That's because MODS gives up on raildex if this is other series we are propably get nuked by now.

Who is the best sniper in the series?

Kihara trained his body and mind for years since he first met Accelerator just for that procedure, but it's still impressive either way


Spring festival wasn't even close either. Stop shitting up the thread and then asking the same fucking questions of "is raildex ded?" and "are we X bad now?".

That's shitposting allowed period.

1.2k posts of AAAA is worse

Accelerator himself says he's not sure what Kihara did. I'd say there was more to it than what he said. Obviously if you have a way around a deadly enemy you don't reveal everything you're doing because then they can figure out how to counter it

Nigger DBS has 12 threads of 99.9% shitposting and they dont get deleted

You can be any character for ten seconds, you can plan ahead of time what ten seconds you take (for interactions with characters). What do you do?

Since Index is having a crossover with Senran, what characters in the series do you think would be most fun to see interact with Touma (or other characters for that matter)? It'd be Mirai and Homura that'd be interesting to see do stuff with Touma.

A few threads of people freaking out and being hyped about shit is not worse that 'KAMIIIIIIIIII KOTO SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON"

I'd be Accelerator and rape Mikoto or Mugino as quickly as I can.

Objectively speaking they're both shit

>raping Mugino
Why would you want anything to do with that trash?

could accel control his semen, so he could pull them in and out fucking her that way ?

Objectively speaking, having such shitposting quarantined to the end of the thread is the opposite of a problem.

In theory yes.

One thing that needs to change is the no damage Mikoto thing. Anybody stronger than her either holds back for no reason or gets interrupted.

>optimism and having fun being silly is as bad as a few fags constantly spamming with everyone else telling them to fuck off and meta posting

No, it really isn't. Regardless, shut the fuck up about it jesus. Fucking try to make the threads better by contributing instead of debating which fucking thing triggers your sensibilities more.

Don't worry, amputee mikoto soon

I think the bigger question is assuming it's more than cards(I believe at least Miyabi will do something since she's the fucking icon of the game now, what do you want to see out of this crossover?

Misaki a pile of shit

What floor does Touma live in ?

Jailbreak already

shh mikoto

I would say she's about to get fucked at least mentally. For Mikoto, I'd count her worldview (which she has some pretty strong attachments to) getting crushed as damage

Maika is alright unlike that whore Maria.

Ryona grinding up against Touma to the point where he gets physical, Mikoto being jealous of Miyabi's breasts, really I'd rather see anything aside from the collab JUST being cards considering how much I love Raildex crossovers.

What others crossovers will happen next?

no for real what floor does he live in, I remember him jumping down from it and hitting a bicycle stand and surviving somehow.

Thanks user

The 4th floor obviously.

He fell really fucking far that one fight with Stiyl and didn't seem terribly injured. But that wasn't even from his floor, it was probably even lower and it looked like 5 or so stories up.

Yakuza x Raildex


Mikoto is intimated by Miyabi, just look at her there

Railgun x Index

this seems like a really big fall

Symphogear x Raildex

That'd actually be kind of amusing.


Enshuu sure looks ugly here

The only fights this would apply to were Accelerator and High Priest. What else are you complaining about?

>What's the matter, Dark Matter?
Make it happen.

Amatas specialty was delivering hammer blows with needle accuracy as I recall. He was especially suited to it like each Kihara is suited to something autistically.

If this is post NT9 Touma, she would get raped and enjoy it

This is a hold up, hand over the thickness and mammary tissue and no one gets hurt

Granblue x raildex

Obviously it's Mikoto

Ryona would definitely enjoy it

Raildex x BnH

>3. Now let it be first understood that I am a god of War and of Vengeance. I shall deal hardly with them.

>4. Choose ye an island!

>5. Fortify it!

>6. Dung it about with enginery of war!

>7. I will give you a war-engine.

I want to be meat sticked by mikoto

Fuck off you dumb miserable edgelord.

I doubt touma would go to that. Look at how he reacted to magic gods forcing him to feel them up. He'd at most act like in ww3 and give them a stern talking to. Which I would want to see honestly

>10. Get the stele of revealing itself; set it in thy secret temple -- and that temple is already aright disposed -- & it shall be your Kiblah for ever. It shall not fade, but miraculous colour shall come back to it day after day. Close it in locked glass for a proof to the world.

The pisstube?


I prefer her battle mode rather than normal mode.


>25. This burn: of this make cakes & eat unto me. This hath also another use; let it be laid before me, and kept thick with perfumes of your orison: it shall become full of beetles as it were and creeping things sacred unto me.




>49. I am in a secret fourfold word, the blasphemy against all gods of men.

>50. Curse them! Curse them! Curse them!

You'd best back off, that thiccness is the only thing the Detective has left to look forward to in life.


Do you think OG Kakine is going to remember how to construct Gungnir whenever he comes back? Might be a cool way to give him his own little powerlevel niche, if he learns to replicate magical items and spam them. I wonder how his magical recoil would manifest? I assume using something powerful like Gungnir or Curtana would just blow up the Kakine that used it, but he could always make more.

Right but the series as grown way past that. It was only a foundation. It's legitimately balanced or a mix now and Science is the origin in story.

And they said Beetle would never be relevant again

He's not coming back.

Maybe OG Kakine should relax and make some friends instead of trying to make new ways to kill people.

He was busy being mindraped, I doubt he would remember it.

What would magical recoil do against an immortal ?

>33. Enough of Because! Be he damned for a dog!

>45. There is death for the dogs.

>cough up dark matter
>move on
Although I don't know if he would survive something like using Gungnir. It might disintegrate him or something

Suck my DM cocks bitch!


I've just belatedly realised that Gunha/other gemstones almost definitely won't suffer magic recoil, since it's something Crowley engineered. That's pretty cool.

Perhaps if he cuts that body off from the network just as he uses it he could limit the damage?

>The book of law is meant to be taken literally this whole time

There's no chance bombing the sargasso killed him. And dark matter was brought back with shoggoth too. It's clear kamachi isn't done

It's not like gemstones can't go through the power curriculum

They will suffer all the same because magicians specifically banned gemstones from magic. They either cough up blood too or simply can't use it

>51. Purple beyond purple: it is the light higher than eyesight.

Wew lad.

>51. Purple beyond purple: it is the light higher than eyesight.



Where are you reading this from?
