How do you guys watch your anime?

How do you guys watch your anime?
>on your PC monitor
>cosy laptop in bed
>Home Entertainment System
>plain old TV
Post setups

On my ps3, damn thing is dying but still good enough for anime

Cosy laptop in bed, although 1366x768 resolution is kinda shitty desu

2560x1080 21:9 monitor

I love when movies come with this ratio and i cant fullscreen them


On my tiny phone, feels good having the subtitles close to my eyes

I go out to the anime club and rent out a fap room in order to watch my anime. The rooms have these big 4k TVs and you can get anime DVDs from the otaku-library. It's nice because I don't have to listen to my roommate make fun of me watching anime.

That ambience is /eva/ as fuck. Do you have a ceiling fan by the way? What about a dim light that deliberately flickers? Can your elevator be stopped/locked from the inside? Asking for science.

Mainly on my pc but when I can be fucked and the Planets align my shitty wifi lets me stream it via chromecast to my 40inch TV

Fuck off.

My external TV monitor, 32 inch pretty comfy desu

42" TV
Microsoft edge
on the Xbox one
This is a dark period in my life and I have become everything that I hate.

I recognize this. Z?

My TV is also my monitor so does that count as both but it's at a crappy 1366 x 768 resolution so I need to get a better monitor soon.

Got a 32" 4k monitor recently and I've been really happy with it. With the right upscaling algorithms, it can make even low budget shows look good on it.

Hey, you're that fag who keeps posting in bottle stetson treads on Sup Forums.

care to share thes algos?, everything vidya related looks like shit in my 27 inch 1440p IPS monitor

yeah, post your madvr settings man

that is a sexy fucking ultrawide


PC monitor.
Though I think I'm in need of upgrading my headset and monitor to a bigger better monitor and some of those audiophile headphones.

Game Boy

Hey I know that room. Turn the camera around and show us Asuka's futon, Shinji.

wow, Mari is the worst Evanjelion

shit taste op