How often do you think Gabu masturbates?

Which sister?

She'd bend over for any random stranger if they told her it was devilish.'re why my raid tanks always seem distracted? It's like browsing through porn for hours then finally wrapping up the day by finishing up. Except way more casually and with your mind on other stuff. I had a gf who would just randomly, slowly and lightly just stroke me through my jeans throughout a whole day during activities with other people around. Car rides, movies theaters, watching tv at home, any time a coat or a couch pillow could cover it up. If you can both keep a straight face, it's truly epic. Now imagine having to go home before you can go further. The fap afterwards is unequaled and I think this "Gabu Technique" has been an attempt to recreate it. It's the level 60 talent tree ability of fapping, as it were.

You just know Gabs is laying on that hardwood floor all day and every time she's waiting for a long loading screen or a party to form, her had down there is stepping up the pace only to easy way off when she has to focus on healing. Ad infinitum until she logs off, then peels those damp shorts off and gets to work.

How do you guys think her hair actually gets like it is?


She has big bags of garbage in her damn bathroom?

>That granblue doujin

>that abortion handjob
wew lad

>implying she doesn't just spend all day erping and constantly rubbing it

Well she is nice to her servants

>Your waifu will never give you a placenta handjob