Post yfw waiting for Chapter 43 for 100+ days
Made in Abyss
I love Ozen
I wanna hug Nanachi!
Bonedaddy a slut
Anyone get their sentai posters yet? Wondering if I should order on the next batch.
Henlo losers
that's a cute Bun
Henlo fellow loser
just arrived.
*Fluffy Nanachi drowns*
Ozen is bleeding!
My tough, strong wife can handle it! She can handle anything!
I wonder if she made jiruo tie her up. I bet she laments having so much power that nobody can bully her
>This thread has been pruned or deleted
I'm only caught up to the anime, and I just pre-ordered the first three volumes online. What are the main differences from the manga to the anime up until this point?
You get the curse after climbing up for 10 metters, but is it EVERY 10 metters? With how big each levels are, wouldn't you get the curse a tons of times when trying to come back?
I don't really think it stacks so it'd be best to just take it all in one go to minimize your suffering
Why did ozen had such a huge relic with her during the bell retrival mission? Wouldn't it be super uncomfortable to bring a big thing she wasn't sure its function was down to a very important and dangerous trip?
the episode in layer 3 is anime original, though he did have to hurry up part of the manga there, so it fits just fine. also the ending credits scene (the message balloon) is added.
Where does the anime leave off of in the manga?
Im pretty sure they found it on the way down
just read all of it you stupid fuck
chapter 26
So it's like in some video games where you get recovery frames after being hit?
It feels like a pretty fucking important detail whether or not it stacks up. Do you get something like an hour to climb up without receiving any more of the curse? But that's not how the "layers" of the curse works doesn't they?
The manga shows a bit more lore, like what random relics do. It contains loli nipples where in the anime they get covered in hair. Some events got expanded in the anime, like the third layer events where riko is left alone after Reg blacks out or the 10 days survival from Ozen, but they also leave some details out like riko's blush in the hideout scene with naked Reg. Finally the anime ends in the beggining of a new chapter in the manga, so you might feel tempted to just caught up with the whole thing, which you should.
Eat shit
Thanks user.
I get what you mean but say you ascend 30m in the 4th layer? Would you just bleed three times as much as you would if you did ten or perhaps for triple the time? I'm not sure, I feel like it'd be the same time as 10m once you stop ascending. Just my speculation.
Thanks user!
Anywhere I can buy the entire Japanese original mangas?
No they didn't, Ozen mentions that Lyza bought it and specifically brought it with them on their trip down. She also didn't know what it really did until after Riko was resurrected, so they presumably brought it to protect Riko after she was born on the return trip up. Thus, the tale that she was protected by a "curse-repelling vessel" was given.
kill yourself scum
Both the anime and the mange show ozen carrying the cube from the start. She dragged that thing for 10 fucking months down to whichever layer the bell was. There is something super fishy about it.
That's right. I'm Ozen.
Why is Riko making this face?
How nice of Ozen to be carrying Lyza's business.
4th layer I believe.
I love Ozen
Does anyone know if there's any differences from the original Japanese manga to the English translation?
But you already ate all of it, user?
He may be a slut, but I'm the only one who gets to STROKE Bondrewd's TAIL.
>you're fucking Ozen and her facial expression stays the same like pic related
>she's making comments on how she didn't even realize you were fucking her
>she's not even close to climaxing and you're already about to cum
>right when you shout "I'M COMIN-" she does a one inch punch that sends you flying through the wall, putting you in a coma
>you're laying there limp and cum is slowly spurting out of your dick.
I can't fucking take Kororu's suffering, man! I can cope with MiA but this manga is just too much! I want to feed her and bathe her and be her bestest friend forever and ever, and the fact that I can't do so is hurting me so much!
That's it for today.
Yo user, thanks for the typeset, you are doing god's work.
The original typeset can be seen below yours here, wrong file maybe?
5th frame: "I've kerpt you waiting for a while...."
>Ozen will never flick your dick like a bug and send it flying all the way down to Idofront
it's in english
I'm on my third day of nofap... I don't want my (You)s to be this tempting
How do I buy JUST the Abyss poster?
>read made in abyss on my free time
>go to basic training disappointed that I will miss the new chapters
>finally graduate and in AIT
>decide to look up made in abyss chapters on my free time.
>the most recent chapter is the one I read before basic
What the hell happened?
She's making that face because she's trying with all of her might to do her very best to not poop herself.
And she's failing.
I hope your DI fucked you in your little tight asshole
The mangaka is currently too busy enjoying his "youth"
Need to be less of a degenerate and check my shit before uploading.
Wow that was rude.
Where can I read the rest?
Basic is practically a safe space now, my DS couldn't even call us faggots or anything that might offend someone. They just called us pathetic.
There's a translation up on Danbooru.
what's it called?
wow that fucking sucks
Star String Yori.
Just look up Tsukushi on there. Should be easy to find.
"Touch", not "touche"
From Star Strings
My drill sergeant called us faggots once. But yea the restrictions are getting ridiculous now. One drill sergeant in my company got suspended because he told a guy that his mom should have swallowed him or taken him up the ass
I can only find the original version. I can't find the translation.
On a scale of 1 to 10, with a 10 being Yukari's hair from Girls Und Panzer, how fluff is Nanachi?
she surpasses any fluffyness scale known to man.
Either something big is going in her butt or something big is coming out.
>go on 60 day deployment
>still no new chapter
>Sup Forums still doesn't believe Bonedaddy is best dad
That looks both very cute and very disturbing.
on that scale? 12
no it doesnt stack up its explained when going up it breaks all at once
Everything except Mitty's death is about a hundred times better so enjoy all that. And pay attention to many little details especially in character's expressions, there's too many to point out.
Also, tiddies.
>[Ikasumiya (Uchuu Ika)] Shukufuku no Mura | Blessed Village (Made in Abyss) [English] {Hennojin} [Digital]
>"In this weight"
Should be "In this state"
Should be "Strength"
Or something wet.
>[Ikasumiya (Uchuu Ika)] Shukufuku no Mura | Blessed Village (Made in Abyss) [English] {Hennojin} [Digital]
what site
This work is melancholy as all fuck. It’s a tale of Sisyphus, only Sisyphus might eventually get the boulder off of the hill after an unknowable amount of repetitions and pain.
It gets even better, the thing she put her heart and soul into making shatters into like a million pieces, and so does her heart. Just look at her Look at her suffer.
Consider for a second what thread you're in and what Tsukushi you should be looking up.
Just mouse over the lil annotation boxes, if they're not there try clicking the image.
Original was 重
Already uploaded a edit for the typo.
>Otaku soldier
Your nation is doomed
I'm glad he's using his manga as an outlet for his dark thoughts.
You made me check exhentai, it seems like better scans of the Doorbeetle Tsukushi book got uploaded
Oh, okay. I was reading the images just now, didn't know it was just fixed.