New episode airs in less then 24 hours. Time for some Erina characterization.
Shokugeki no Soma
I want more lolice and loli Erina
I love Megumi
>Letting your daughter marry an all around douchebag
Senzaemon pls
He was pretty normal back in the days.
Did anyone here correctly guess any of the E10's specialties?
I still remember people thinking Megishima would be Peruvian based despite having it spelled out on his shirt in all caps "RAMEN"
Azami was 21 when she had Erina. I wonder how old the Nakiri slut was.
I dont know why but I get the feeling Azami never loved Erinamom.
I love her husband.
I feel like he did. When he graduated after Jou left he was still normal enough that she married him and Senzaemon didn't object at the time. It was probably when his wife died that he really went bonkers.
Where can I find real life shokugeki food
What is Erina's specialty? Eggs, poultry?
She doesn't have a specific specialty. Just like Soma, she can make anything but she uses Haute ingredients for everything she cooks.
Tasting semen
Doujin of Erina fucking fat men when?
Fuck off Shitrina and Memegumi fags, Hishoko is the best grill
Guess where Mad Dog is now????? Irrelevant trash caged up like the piece of shit he is. I can't wait until Megumi beats Momo so i would manually spam I TOLD YOU SO all day to you Megumi haters.
Reminder to ignore Megumifag
Reminder to ignore any kind of fags.
>Hishoko is the best grill
I agree
>You can't protect this smile
Hishoko is second best girl after Erina.
Excuse me user, but I think there's a mistake in your post.
If anyone is a high class version of Soma it's probably Isshiki. He matches up in cooking for fun and experimenting with shit that most people wouldn't think of and Erina for the most part is against things that are too unconventional like that. Her cooking will probably end up being more like Tsukasa than anyone else.
Erina a cute
Reminder Hisako will never have a character of her own, Erina will replace her for her new friends, is the weakest of the top first years, will never have relevance and will end up as Pajeet's cumdumpster but still die alone.
Delete this
>Her cooking will probably end up being more like Tsukasa than anyone else.
Tsukasa cooks with no identity in his dish. Erina cooks with her utmost passion in her dish but her cooking only consist of haute ingredients. Her and Soma's cooking are somewhat parallel to each others in terms of both are able to cook anything with any specialty.
No, accept the fate of your shitty waifu.
Well, technically nobody here can defeat Azami so Erina was doomed
Post your three best girls and three best boys.
1.) Erina
2.) Hisako
3.) Alice
Rindou, Erina and Megumi. Yeah, I like both, fight me.
Saito, Takumi, Kuga.
2.Delinquent Megumi
3.Yakuza Megumi
2.Giga Nigga
At what volume is the manga now? I'm trying to find good scans.
Rindou, Erina, Alice
Gin, Kuga, Shinomiya
Erina, Hisako and Alice
Takumi, Isshiki and Kuga
1. Megumi
2. Megumi
3. Megumi
1. Takumi
2. Soma
Don't care about the rest
Shit taste.
This how could he not think Giga Nigga is best boy?
Alice, Megumi, Hinako
Takumi, Giga, Shinomiya
1. Megumi
2. Alice
3. Hinako
1. Takumi
2. Soma
3. Shinomiya
Hisako Megumi Alice
Soma Takumi Dog
I only care about Megumi to be honest.
Here's your (You)
Not my fault you have shit taste cocksucker.
You have good taste friend.
>Erina will replace her for her new friends
yeah, Megumi is stealing a friend slot right under Hisako's nose. Hisako asks her to watch over Erina when she's not around and look what happens.
>not caring about Isshiki-senpai
The problem is that Hisako not only acts too much like Erina's servant, but also her mom. A close friend isn't suppose to fret to such a ridiculous extent, even a few chapters ago Alice told her not to worry so much over the lose, which Hisako just ignored. I wouldn't be surprised if Tsukuda makes Megumi the best friend since Hisako acts nothing a best friend. Alice/Takumi/Soma/Megumi are literally the only peers her age that treat Erina like an actual person, not someone to be adored and worshiped. Even the PSD fodder act more like friends to Erina than Hisako does.
is this a deconstruction of the servant role
>is this a deconstruction of the servant role
Hopefully. It'll be shame if we never see Hisako put down those walls in order to act like a genuine friend towards Erina.
I'm sorry you're so triggered, user.
Good point. Isshki is second.
I'm sorry you have such shit taste, user.
Boo hoo hoo hoo.
Shit shit shit shit.
I love Megumi and Takumi
Leave it to Hishoko to bring back that smile.
I wanna bully Megumi into marrying me!
>leave it to Hishoko.
The only correct choice.
But she's successfully managed to bring it back.
No you aren't, Hisako. Three plebs are doing a better job at it than you ever did.
He is a classy pleb.
You plebs will never make her smile like this.
>making her smile like that after leaving and abandoning her for who knows what time because you lost a match like the pathetic cuck you are.
Good methods.
That will make things worse for you
I wanna make Erina the happiest girl alive
Will you challenge Azami?
Can he defeat my slightly overcooked boiled eggs?
Yes, you're not dealing with the average cook anymore user.
Oh shit, are you telling me I have to unzip my canned sauce spaghetti for this one?
Yes, and he's just holding back
>takumi looking soma
>canned sauce spaghetti
Do you think I could blend in just for a day if I cook some french onion soup? Pls no bully
Throw some ketchup and artichokes m8.
10/10 gourmet as fuck
Me too
Roll call, Megumi fans.
About time you know Takumi is gay for Soma
Ever since day 1
1. Erina
2. Hisako
3. Rindou
4. Doujima
1. Giganigga
2. Isshiki
3. Souma
Best leader
I'm right here.
Reminder he fucking sent the first seat against a poor guy who didn't make the top 8.
I like when she gets nervous
Aldinis have too much power on the female students, they should be exterminated for the sake of Central.
Clearly user's plan is to make and present a dish so plebeian and horrific that her dad dies from a fucking heart attack
Shit taste.
Okay taste.
Good taste except for the boys. No boys = perfect.
Best taste
Above average taste. Don't like Alice though.
Above average taste.
Above average taste.
Garbage taste. Kill yourself.
Shit taste.
Congratulations on proving to everyone that Megumifags are cancer.
>Pajeet asks Hisako to abort his baby since he's gonna marry Jun
>Hisako decides to keep it so she doesn't die alone
>The baby aborts itself
Honestly, a traditional ryoukan is classier than a trattoria. Megu is a rung up from Takumi and Souma in terms of their backgrounds despite being a hick.