Roastie construction Company
Welcome to the future
Roastie construction Company
Welcome to the future
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the force will keep it up Luke, just like your erection around these slags
do they understand how heavy cement is? no they havent ever worked with it
It don't fly so good.
You shall not pass.
Was that guy on top in a harness that didn't hold him?
>that dude holding crane and then remembering he is american and too fat to endure it for more than 30 seconds
The bridge was supposed to have cables supporting it but they put the bridge in place before building the support structure. Unbelievably incompetent.
What could possibly happen?
Its a hispanic business and thats why they got the award for contract. What's pissing me off is we've known since a few hours of the first day it was a design and construction failure ... Concrete cracked, anchor pulled out, MCM and FIGG presidents knew, they had a meeting the day before with the college and called it safe! engineers of record, all pm, and all foreman, as well as concrete and QC need to be arrested. Arrested today before these illegal daca spice skip town.
If these were white male companies they'd already be charged... and if there were possibilities of seeing white engineers hauled in chains CNN would have 24/7 drumbeat coverage.
But no, Cuban woman's illegalz ... Wont you have a heart?
someone said in another thread that the cables were allegedly only for decoration.
dunno if bullshit.
My brother is architect, he said this whole thing is just mindblowing retardeness and people who were behind planning it would never finish the school here
Did they think the support was just for show?
Not a structural engineer, but those cables would have to be functional. You can't just put such a long slab of concrete and expect it to be dandy. Concrete has very good compression strength, but little tension strength.
>my brother is the only architect on the planet
>to understand anything about structures
The rest don't.
Just looked into this and it looks like you’re right. This thing just went to a whole new level of retardedness
The bridge looked like shit anyway. Romans could build better shit from stone that stands for thousands of years
I don't understand, so what WAS supposed to support this thing?
The hopes of dreamers.
source on the roast
Don't teach women to do statics calculations, teach gravity to stop oppressing them!
this is more what I expected
the power of feminism
As designed, the internal tension rods should have been able to keep the span stiff enough to hold the load, provided they were installed right and set to the right pressure. From some of the photos it looks like the tension rod they where working on was busted out of the concrete, so if they over strained it or it was bad steel and it failed, the span on that end would not be able to withstand the forces on it.
How can such a small race in terms of population cause so much destruction in the world
Tribalism + hubris
I wonder if white women will be as tolerant of people blaming them directly for brown people problems as white men are. Yes, they are under the umbrella of "white privilege" but they could always handwave it away with muh vajina. Fingers crossed for some epic meltdowns once this option goes away.
>use phallic shaped cables
Nah, it's attached to the crane so I'd suggest he was rigging something to it or adjusting it at the time.
Bridge is well was under construction you imbecile.
It was a failure of the temporary support system coupled with a construction flaw. The bridge engineering would have been solid. Someone tucked up on the construction or engineering of the temporary supports.
T structural engineer
Looks like the bridge failed almost directly under where that worker was standing, adjusting the end of the crane. Could they have been working to secure it?
Powerful! The world is going to be so much better once strong liberated women are in charge of everything.
They had a crack that they observed that they'd notified the FDOT about, held an internal meetings about just the day before with the owner. The EoR called it "safe". And then approved a load test on it.
Look up some previous times Civil Engineers got people killed, they were in jail the next day while the investigation was under way. This Isn't right. This is literally a case of women and Hispanics dont have the same rules.
Concrete is very weak under tension but strong under compression so they use internal tension rods and stretch them out, they pour the concrete to set around these rods and then they release the tension so that it compresses and strengthens the concrete.
There were cracks reported in the concrete two days before the collapse but the road was not closed. New information has come out saying that the cables were being tightened in a ‘stress test’ before the bridge collapsed. If the concrete was already weakened as a result of poor pre tensioning and a shitty concrete mix then stretching it out again is basically a recipe for disaster.
This should never have happened and the fact that the road remained open is absolutely criminal. I can only hope that all those behind this are held accountable.
shame none of the drivers were using self-driving cars, the number of bridges I've identified for google recently should've made this a cinch
>the number of bridges I've identified for google recently should've made this a cinch
The number of storefronts I've picked as bridges cancels you out and then some.
Putting tension on the top anchor caused It to fail, spilling out the post-tension top beam steal that buckled the top deck member... The design would've been approved, the defect was workmanship, implying MCM, who did concrete... The EoR S.E. at FIGG signed off on the crack reported, AND signed off on going ahead with the stress test implying FIGG. Both (MCM and FIGG) are right now patently guilty from the evidence and nobody is in jail cuz Latina.
t. P.E.
If they had used standard steel in the faux-cantilever cross-brace shit tied with horizontal steel on the top and bottom of the retard sawtooth shit, they wouldn't even had needed their stupid little side-spar cable tower. But women think that they can build structures with snowflakes and virtue-beams.
man could you imagine seeing that shit collaspe right in front of you? If I was one of those people who survived fuck wherever it was(excluding family) like a job etc I would take all the money I have and just leave and travel abroad.
t. larp
>women think that they can build structures with snowflakes and virtue-beams.
KEK. I gather from this bread that there were a female design team or something on this disaster? Otherwise it would be spic-hate-bread since the board of directors of the construction company are all male, with names like Raul ,Juan ,Jorge ,Lou ,Fernando and Pedro.
>spilling out the post-tension top beam steal
You mean re-bar?
>hispanic woman construction company
how many died today?
these people have jobs and I dont right?
they cant even clean kitchens and they are building and designing "instant bridges" and they forget to put the support column in first right?
they should be hung on television
daily reminder that only shitskins died in the collapse so nothing of value was lost
if the cables were dildo shaped, they would have put them in
Make sure the gallows were designed and constructed by white males though.
> gender-equal snow removal
wtf does that even mean
The fucking retards didn't use any structural steel, just rebar. Combined with the increased tensile weakness of their titanium vaginal 'self-cleaning' failcrete....
It means we get to use RWDS to remove male and female snowflakes
Is there no name for this construction company? Is it secret so racists don't bother them?
They were working on the steel tension rods. Probably broke one.
Lol the brainlets in this thread.
this guys has ACTUAL authority on the issue.
This is the tensioner this user was talking about. It's the rod with the blue end. You can tell this failed first and was ejected from the concrete before collapse because of the intact nature of the rod. A crack would only form under high stress, as the concrete passes through elastic deformation into plastic deformation. This means the only outcome of adding more stress would be increased plastic deformation. I can't believe they left the road open during stress testing.
Why does the menstruation cycle make women such poor engineers?
Looks like they had to relocate some of the moving supports while moving it due to road conditions, stressing the structure where it wasn't supposed to be stressed. Tried compensating by over tensioning some of the post tension rods. AvE has a nice rundown here:
Why did anonymity make you an asshole?
>Figg Bridge Engineers
Literally named after masturbation
funny, self-cleaning concrete is like self-cleaning vaginas
solid premise on paper, not always the case in real life
>Why does the menstruation cycle make women such poor engineers?
Because for an entire week every month everything is the fault of men.
You are going to have to get Sven to explain that one. I don't understand it at all. But they did implement it, and yes, it was a disaster.
>sidewalks cleared before streets
how is that equal? it's only equal if it was the same time.
Who cares about clean concrete? Only a woman would care about something so superficial. For 14 million they could just use ceramic tile across the sides, but nooooo they gotta try to add to their ego. We should enslave women to clean concrete with pressure douches for the next hundred years to teach them a lesson
>No pillars
Cant believe people died just so roastie immigrants can feel empowered
I'm pretty sure the guy who actually designed the bridge was a poo and no doubt the people who built it were Mexicans of some variety
I'm missing something about feminism in this story? Was the company women only or what
Yeah, that's what i'm saying. They didn't use structural steel, they used gay cables and rebar. This combined with reduced tensile strength of titanium additives to the concrete, if it could even be called that, caused the failure. They actually added those stupid little struts that added weight to the entire lintel. It might have worked if they used aerocrete, as AAC is like 30% the weight of normal concrete. But they didn't.
Totally retard on another level, Retard!
>you mean rebar
No you brainlet, post tensioning rods, the black circles in your pic in a row. They are not "rebar". There is rebar around the anchor point, but the failure is because they were releasing tension, extra, they had applied during moving. There was a reported 'loud' snap moments before the failure of one of the rods near the attachment, putting extra strain and overloading the other rods.
Honestly, I though humans mastered bridge building techniques a long time ago , how the fuck could the fuck something that should be redundant knowledge up so bad?
>these names
It's not just Figg Engineering but also Munilla Construction Management that is responsible
Yeah. Doubt it
So Mexicants couldn't build a bridge for 14 million dollars. What did they mean by all the short cuts?
Sounds plausible. The levels of failure are hard to comprehend
>how the fuck could the fuck something that should be redundant knowledge up so bad?
Virtue-signalling. The worst part is that they could have built a two layer walkway using a similar design using structural steel for less money, they wouldn't even need their 'artistic' little side-spar cable pylon. It's pure vanity and waste.
In soviet amerika bridge crosses YOU!
It's right there in the pic related, user.
>get Sven to explain that one
Or learn to read. But let me help you out this once, basically they put womenz needs for snow-free jogging routes over the collective needs for snow free commuting and public transportation.
>diversity hires literally getting people killed now
damn the moral highground feels good
Why bother with a bridge, just use crosswalks.
The names of the first 4 victims were hispanic.
Was this 89d chess?
Why build bridges when we can build bunkers and machine gun nests?
Well, at least we know its definitely going to fall apart then.
why is it roastie company?
>pedro jr.
sorry, that needed to go to the other user
it's in the pic related
The "cables" (hollow tubes really) were not necessary. It's in the project PDF.
The great "idea" was that it was a big "I beam" you can walk in.
bad design + mistakes adjusting the tension rods
To protect us from the brown hoards and their shoddy engendering technique?
Wait a second, isnt this "bridge collapse" a racist whitewashing of the native Miami culture? This "bridge" was merely a large panini press and the cars full of beans were the rich proteins.
Same company, if you research you'll find they are sued often for bridge failures.
>not cables