Israeli prof drops a fat red pile on Neanderthal DNA

Israeli prof drops a fat red pile on Neanderthal DNA

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>Israeli prof drops a fat red pile
why do you jews always talk about poop?

Shut up Jew.

the sissy neanderthal

>racial Pandora's box

Yep. Exactly. :)

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desu I hope that the genes in question aren't important

yusuf harari is a vegan gay ancomm israeli jew who somehow went all the way around to redpilled and casually discusses race realism and eugenics

If you go by examples like the 7R variant of DRD4 or the sudden selective pressure on a totally new allele of FOXP2 that suddenly popped up at the same the the hybridization did happen ... hm, well, seems like they are. Problem is just that no scientist would currently have the balls to touch that topic given the current political climate.

He also says lies are the basis of power for humans. How very Hebrew of him.

Forgot to mention, DRD4-7R is quite clearly from Neanderthals as the genetic rearrangement required for this variant would have needed hundreds of generations of independent evolution in an population isolated from the DRD4-4R carrying original H. sapiens. And again, it suddenly popped up in our genepool at the exact same time that humans mixed with Neanderthals.

It's not lying. You can disagree, but this view of power (human power only exists because of networks of cooperation) is pretty much the consensus.


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Yeah, that one is funny ... but it is true. The ability to imagine alternative scenarios for the future also will allow you to lie. That is why we evolved so many ways of interpreting facial expressions as not many people are truly in control of that when they lie. Evolution is constant genetic warfare over reproductive success.

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Jews + Blacks = White Europeans?


He is very mistaken about Sapiens abilities. All civilization derives from Neanderthals & hybrids. Neanderthals did cave art for at least 25,000 years before they taught it to hybrids who taught it to everyone.


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Copernicus, Newton, Tesla, Sagan, & Nye

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I know Nye's a bad example lel

Yes, archeology is currently going through a paradigm shift ... my theory: Neanderthals were the true origin of 'behavioural modernity'. Mousterian tool industry alone points that way. Although the hybrids must have had some advantage over both Neanderthals and H. sapiens ... still unclear what that was exactly.

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>huge jaw, large face
>brow ridges
>elongated skull, occipital bun

Checks out in a way...

Big "jewish" noses are called "Bourbon noses" in France because the royal family was known to have those noses

Right on I've been developing the same theory on Failbook in my group Neander Files

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>still unclear what that was
Seems a lot of the evidence points towards greater cooperation and communication skills vs Neanderthals.


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im asian

arent we all

Yes, that might actually be the reason. Maybe allowed the hybrids to step over a cultural 'threshold' that was not possible before.

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Black Sea coast, Turkey

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>tripping on Sup Forums

Since I seem to have caught you sober could you expound on this? Why?
>no scientist would currently have the balls to touch that topic given the current political climate.

DRD4-7R results in an increased desire to get out and be social, so I guess most of Sup Forums doesn't have it.

Black Sea coast, Turkiye

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Northern England

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its true tho
Neanderthals gave us creativity, that's Africans didn't have art

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imagine if the neanderthals never died out but figured out a way to rule the goyim 50 thousand years ago

Nah, seems DRD4-7R is also tied somehow to Asperger's and autism. It more or less controls a desire for new impressions, new information and experiences. Also for wandering around ... restless brain syndrome so to speak.

Oh well, you publish a paper stating that a certain genetic legacy only found in part of humanity may be the explanation for our intelligence, technological progress etc. Imagine the shitstorm you will create by triggering all those screeching lefty SJW fags. You would at the same time instantly create a scientific baseline for racial discrimination. And why even keep a less evolved version of humans around? What for? Why not put them in reservations for their own sake? Or simply wipe them out? They serve no purpose after all...

There are research articles on that topic, mostly from population genetics (although they do not explicitely focus on Neanderthal ancestry, only on certain alleles and gene variants) which thinly veiled to state that certain gene variants found in Europeans for example most likely have a beneficial effect on intelligence. You will NEVER read it spelled out loud in a discussion but if you know how to put the data and conclusions into context...

He says money is the greatest religion. You can’t make this shit up.

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>Oy vey...

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Interesting, would have expected at least the more rigorous sciences to stay somewhat clear of SJWs' agitprop. I hope geneticists will carry on regardless. I'm a historian myself and my field has been infiltrated and utterly destroyed by these people.

Jimbo Saville?

We are not really inflitrated yet but everybody in their right mind avoids 'dangerous' topics. Also, try getting financial support for a project which explicitely states that it is about 'racial differences' ... ok, you may sneak that one in by simply staying vague in your proposal.

Sad to hear that historians are already so contaminated with all that crap ... but yeah, lots of room for interpretation in history, makes it easy for those idiots.

I'm not watching Jewish television for half an hour, what's the tl;dr?

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Well... it is.

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Based Schlomo

It fucking is you dumb fuck.

They have found a body of a child dating back 350,000 years and they are not going to DNA test it. Tracing everything back may not be a good idea for anyone. The whole Egyptian thing, i always thought King Tutu looked Chinese.

Amerindians have the most Neanderthal DNA, followed by Oceanians & East Asians & then Europeans, & then Middle Easterners, & then North Africans, & then East Africans, according to available data.

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If you can't tell that only 2 of those faces are kikes then I honestly don't know what to tell you. Copernicus, Tesla and Newton have large noses. That does not a kike make. The kike nose is generally large but also with a curve. Idk how to explain so pic related

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>niggers are dumb and lacks abstract thought because no neanderthal genes
>possibly also women
>but i didnt really say that
based yid

Fukken saved!

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It's all in the cranium, and the volume of it.

so basically a kike
raped by arabs

>Idk how to explain so pic related
you cannot explain the simple shape of a hooked nose?
what's complex about it? jesus christ

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it's the mark of cain the murderer lol


Just the Satanist Jews trying to bring souls away from Jesus with his atheism. Watch out for Satan's deception.

I am confused. Are they communicating in English or some sort of German or Dutch?

Neanderthals are still among us

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>fiction is power

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ethnic french peole, in general, have big noses, i'd say

>"Bourbon noses
nez du bourbon?

How can I learn more about Neanderthal DNA expression In modern People?

My dad has a ski slope nose and is very tall.
Family has big heads and copper hair.

therye all gay

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We know that the middle east was the last refuge of the Neanderthal. Some people theorize that they then hid out in the Caucasus. Ashkenazim derive from both regions. Many people think that kikes are actually a physical remnant of the neanderthal: neanderkikes. They share similar phenotypical traits: sloping back foreheads, large projecting noses [contested] and most of all weak receding chins. Perhaps their enmity toward the white race, which is actually the cro-magnon, reaches back even further into antiquity than we are willing to delve into. I, for one, am highly critical of any DNA derived from >50k human remains. We all know who constantly tries to politicize science.


Black people and eurasian are not different races, are two different species, like horses and mules. We should rename the eurasian species homo sapiens x homo neanderthalensis