Sup Forums BTFO

Sup Forums BTFO

looks cute

still looks cute


left: no chance for husband
right: businessman dream wife

i wanan fuck right and make left watch

Left: Gamer wife
Right: Obedient housewife
Either one is a win.

Businessmen have shitty dreams.

The light in her eyes is gone. It's like her soul was sucked out of her.

left is smiling
right is not smiling


Is this mmo junkie?


>left: no chance for husband

Left: Disgusting smelly NEET who probably doesn't wash or shave down there
Right: Beautiful, elegant and motherly woman waiting to be bred

that haircut aged her by 10 years

I'm fucking mad. Bakemonogatari already pissed me off 10 times with this shit, I can't take it anymore.

>waiting to be bred
by the husband's coworker

which is me btw

You mean ME.

Such a miserable facade.

SInce when Sup Forums liked old hags?

Since they were introduced in anime.

left: neet no one loves her and you take the chance to ask her out
right: ntr machine by neighbors