So is literally the entire plot of NGNL entirely Jibril's fault?
>people actually liked this character
So is literally the entire plot of NGNL entirely Jibril's fault?
she's hot so it's ok
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
NGNL's plot did not seem to meso negative, it's just the last God that wants to have a great game match with all the races united together to have fun.
A world that had been brutalized by long wars.
What Jibril have to do with all this? And, anyways, it had been made clear from the start that Jibril was unchained was a ruthless death machine. Frankly even if she turns out to be the ultimate villan, she's still the funniest and most entertaining character of the show.
What do you mean? This is why I like her
You mean the MCs being teleported in a world where they're the smartest people ever and every one of their wishes will be fulfilled through games?
>people actually liked this character
She sexy and beatiful.
>Dat Rape face.
Jibril is love.
Old Testament Angel.
What do you expect?
Is there anywhere to watch this in decent quality?
Shuvi had it coming if she actually hid her presence better.
It's always her fault, user. It's kind of been the same old thing since the first chapter of the Bible.
i started with thinking Jibril's apparent brutality in the anime was played for fun. Then it become more obvious she really was a murder death machine.
Then we get the chapter of watching her in person being a brutal lewd death incarnate and truly embracing Jibril's glory! The whole situation was for violent fanservice.
I want that fucking helmet. I don't care about the show but I want a street legal version of this.
It was played for fun, did you read the climax of volume 5 where Blank gives her permission to recreate Drakengard Ending D in VR and she flies around nuking everything
There's just no way to get around the fact that Jibril is a bitch.
Nope, you have to get out of your mom's basement and buy the ticket.
user, I only live to see her eyes.
S2 when
never, get the LightNovel which is still ongoing
It's out of cinemas now though.
God i wish i don't live in a shit city inside a shit country.
The shit countries got it though. A full cinema release even, not a two day limited release like in the US, and with no dubbed showings fucking up the schedules.
Those are not shitty countries dumb ameritard
Singapore's pretty nice and Malaysia's middling, but Indonesia and Vietnam are pretty shit.
Why is it her fault? Thats just what her race was doing at the time?
shitty excuse
>tfw live in the wrong third world country
Any idea when the BDs come out? ;___;
In the novels it was pointed out that Azril had actually forbidden attacking Ex Machina (because fighting Ex Machina is more trouble than it's worth) so no, she was actually going against what her race was doing at the time
Yes. Jibril saved humanity by laying the groundwork for the end of the war, which led directly to Tet being crowned God and Sora/Shiro getting brought to Disboard. Which saved humanity again.
Best girl, as usual.
Things would have gone smoother without her interfering.
BD when?
>Wanting to watch anime in cinema
Watched it in the weekend. It was good. I liked Jibril beforehand. I liked Zero's story. I still like Jibril after because I remember she's the only fun and hot character in NGNL. Nay, she's perfection.
It's fine if you don't live in a country where the theater attendees are Americans weeaboos. My theater was all Chinese people and they're well behaved enough.
If she didn't threatened Shubi's life and thus forced her to do a backup to the hivemind, the latter part of the battle with crippled Riku would not have happened the same way. Through Shubi's dying and forced to upload her embarrassing Heart and secrets to the hivemind, the hivemind was touched to the point of tears and thus, sought out Riku as the will-bearer of their army to be able to do the final challenge. Sad, but true.
tldr; Jibril is best girl by fate.
>Drakengard Ending D
Tell me more, didnt know there was DoD references in NGNL
>Overhead—the sky is split. I don’t know how else to describe it. Cracks big enough to see from under the sea shatter the sky, and it rains down like giant pieces of glass, stabbing into the ocean—the heavens and the sea stained red as blood. Amidst the shards, the source of the voice, too, descends into the depths.
>Another shock. With it, the sea breaks, and at the red sky that peeps through—
>—a strangled gasp. The sky elicits instinctive revulsion and fear, an inevitable consequence of the giant baby monsters that suddenly fill it. Through the pandemonium races one monstrous girl, a halo over her head, wings of light spreading from her hips.
>“Even fools are charming when they sleep, but a fool who annoys even when sleeping—there is much to see in this world.”
>—Behind her, hundreds of—incarnations of slaughter, manifestations of ruin—Flügel…?!
>“…Brother, it’s not…quite…soul-crushing enough…”
>“Hmm, you’re right. If we wanted to perfectly reenact that horrible ending from Drakeng*rd, we should’ve brought real Flügel—but we’ve already sealed off Azril’s power, and it seems as if they’re having a lot of fuss in the Council right now. We had to resort to makeshift decorations, except for Jibril.”
>“Please fret not, Master. I shall make up for it by doing the work of several hundred Flügel!”
>Even as the man carries on his incomprehensible conversation, he looks down at me and says:
>“Come, let the game begin— Make me fall in love.”
>………What? Having said this, the man points to the highest tower in Oceand—to the chamber of the queen—and says:
>“We’re over there. If you can get there and seduce me, that will end the game.”
>—The heavens writhe. Countless gigantic babies fall from the crimson-stained sky. The Flügel spread their wings and fly around like symbols of death itself.
>…H-he’s telling me to navigate this?!
>“By the way, Master—do you mind if I eradicate the city with a single blast?”
>The Flügel fidgets as she poses this question. Meanwhile, I freeze.
>“Sure, no problem. Blow away everything, including the queen. It’ll all come back together in a few seconds. It’s just a dream, after all. Jibril, you can use as much force as you want—there’s no limit, so knock yourself out.”
>“Eh-heh, eh-hehh-guh-heh-heh-hehh, I do say, I grow excited! ”
>—And then the two Immanities turn to me once more.
>“Also, when we set up the scenario…”
>“…we added your…friends, acquaintances…and family…too.”
>At these words, in a rush, I look around—since when were they here? My mother, my nurse, my handmaids, even my sisters whose names I do not remember—all wail simultaneously.
>“So, you can pretty much guess how this is gonna go down…”
>Smiling wryly and scratching his head:
>“You and those dear to you are gonna be devoured by those falling babies, sliced up by Jibril, blown away, etc., while, you know, all kinds of shit happens to you… Yeah, I’ll say it again, but, damn, that game was hard-core.”
>“…Brother…you got me to play it, saying it was the best game ever…and super-touching… I’ll never forgive you.”
>“I’m sorry. It was just too traumatic for me to bear alone—but anyway.”
>With that, the two who call themselves Sora and Shiro speak together:
>““From here on, no one will save you as you writhe to your death. Let’s see how long you suffer before you succumb.””
>And then—with big smiles, they say:
>Spreading her wings at this remark, the Flügel opens her mouth.
>“Now, if I may: Number One, Jibril.”
>The halo above her head complexly transfigures itself, becoming giant, multilayered, not unlike a magic circle. Her wings lose form as if spewing energy—and a column of light like a lance sways in her hands—
>“I give my master heartfelt thanks for granting me this opportunity—
>“—to use my full, unadulterated, unrestrained, unreserved power, 100 percent—Heavenly Smite— Here it is! "
>With only these words remaining, the world is extinguished in white.
That's part of it, yes.
>Jibril isn't best girl
Yeah but not in my shitty city.
Nah, Only Singapore nice. If you go to Indonesia, Thailand or Malaysia don't come to big city.
Vietnam pretty nice.
Laos, Burma and Pinoy absolute hells.
What's wrong watching anime in cinema?
I think it's nice and fun.
is there a list with all references in NGNL?
Why some are so surprised? Flugel were bloody war beasts. There is nothing subtle in this.