Buyfag Thread
Soon, maybe.
I got my first figure but I have not open it yet don't want get it dirty any one can recommend me a good display case?
Better Sagiri
Luck is with me Nami came out today. I already got the black one once I sell some doujin at mandarake I might try for the red one
What do you use to clean the dust off your figures? For those who don't have setups.
This figure makes me wish she was a more likeable character.
I just ran some math on my order over the years. 22.3 % of my total expenditures on figures are shipping cost. That's fucking nuts.
8500 in cost for figures. 2400 on shipping. What the actual fuck. Can someone please do a similar analysis of their cost structure for figure purchase and tell me where they're at?
This one looks funny, kind of frog-faced. Not necessarily bad, but just funny.
i want more pedo figures
No box but she looks fine overall. Under 5k is more than half she normally goes for but the lack of box give me second thoughts
Is it safe to use SAL and have my stuff arrive before Christmas now or should I use EMS?
Detolf if you are planning on getting more, acrylic display case if your not.
>Koto's Mika on sale again
Does no one like her or is the figure just that bad?
Please read the guide: buyfags.moe
Does Sup Forums like Persona figures?
I wish I liked any of the Aigis figures.
Im waiting for this slut!
Can't wait for next Wonfes!
Not sure if I'm happy with the pose or not, but I'm getting that Makoto anyway.
Artist's paint brush
You probably know already but that has nothing on buying books.
makeup brush and compressed air
No! I don't believe you! Next Wonfes for sure!
>finally release figures
>immediately change to superior designs in the series
Th-thanks. Maybe we'll get AXZ DESS by 2038.
If this ever happens its an instant pre-order.
Think my wallet is safe though
I thought using compressed air on figures ruined them?
That's how I feel about the series as a whole. Great designs on a shit anime.
only if you get the residue on them, or if you blow too much air on a piece, it could break off. If you're careful it works wonders.
I only saw the first episode. This shit any good, blood?
Ey cuh, this is a BLUE board.
And no, it was just flavor of the month.
aight, finna scope Umaru stead, the nendo is cute asf
>same color as new bunny release
Almonds acrivated
Got her B|B from AmiAmi for 6560 Yen, any reason why she binned? She seems flawless quality-wise.
That's not how it works.
He's not completely wrong though. If you can find a figure for a lot cheaper in the pre-owned market it usually means it binned, otherwise the price would be similar to a new one, and occasionally higher.
She looks preggs
Obviously a B/B would go for less than a sealed one.
Spittlebug foam on her shoulders.
Decided to build my other 2 mini FAGs before I go to sleep. These things are fun to build. I should build the full sized one i got awhile back.
Did you pre-order her, user?
No it's ugly
Thank you user, I was just going to ask about this.
>Buyfag thread
>Pochacho not the opening image
Have some respect to your thick goddess.
>tfw pre-ordered her before orders closed
No. I preordered this qt instead
I'd like her so much more if it wasn't for that toddler face.
Kys Porkfag
She's obese.
There are so many good looking polystone figs but I'm too scared to buy them in case they break during shipping.
They will, so don't.
How to buy and import dakimakura and onahole to Malaysia?
What are the chances of getting a bootleg from Amazon JP marketplace? The seller has only 5-star ratings, but the pic looks a bit off, even if it's just a stock photo of the thing.
Also it's listed as new, despite being released in 2011.
Yes. All my nendos are magical girls.
Free (You)s
> Had to pre-order her on another site and only just got it
How can it look off if you know it's a stock photo?
Contrast and overall quality are bit off, compared to other stock photos that should be the same.
Just wondering if it's a photo of the real thing, just made to look like stock to fool people
>These things are fun to build.
I found them a little annoying to build myself. The parts are a very tight fit and trying to squeeze the smallest hard plastic parts over the soft plastic body hurt my fingers, especially the knee guards and ponytail connector. Also the bases are a pile of crap. Mine absolutely will not go together.
How does one dust their figures without feeling lazy to do so?
>still haven't found craftsmanship ver. gourai poche
Why is life so difficult?
Ask them to send you a picture of it if you want to go that far, as it is though, if you're feeling doubtful it's probably best to not risk it unless you REALLY want it.
Just get one of those makeup brush things, even the big ones have very soft bristles and it doesn't take very long to dust all the nooks and crannys of the fig.
Will you people ever stop shitposting about that?
Just like the BRS Trike is not canceled...
It's been almost 2 months since my package shipped, yesterday it finally got an update, customs.
Where has this been all my life?
>check tracking of package
>Package went for customs fiscalization
This will always get me anxious.
>can't be shipped using SAL or air small packet
>MFC ad
>second hand
Holy shit.
>he doesn't want an old used up cum dumspter waifu
That's like saying "better" cancer.
>compressed air
Money down the drain. Get a an electric blower they make for electronics. Just make sure you don't use it on figures with tiny, detachable parts.
"Waifus" is normalfag for "best girl" now.
Just call your waifu your wife.
>makeup brush
I keep forgetting to get one even when I pass a cheap makeup shop every fucking day. Hell I even remember to get my own fucking face wash and mosturiser more often than getting a fucking brush for my PVC. I need to set a reminder.
>face wash and moisturizer
Fucking homo
Owning an air compressor isn't a waste of money. I got into model kits from buying figures. I just clean out my airbrush then just use that to blow down my figures.
So these two arrived recently and it's a pain to try and get them to fit together, remi's wings kinda "clip" through flan's hat and it all feels cheaply made, guess that's what I should've expected, still cute though.
Sorry if I don't I get those nerd spots.
Also I've had no problem getting laid so fuck you.
Unless I live in Japan I would never prize figures. I mean so are nice and all but I get raped on shipping as it is.
Ew an unvirgin
I preordered her because i like her
>gets laid
>argues like a hole
Why are you even on Sup Forums? Go back to wherever you fucking normalfaggot.
>being this triggered
Me too. Glad I was able to get Haruka too.
Why normalfags have to always spoil everything that's fun?
I use makeup brushes, even a small one, but some figures have really small wrinkles in their outfits that are a pain in the ass to clean. Saber Alter is one of these.
Also a crossboarder, figures. kys.
>tfw you fell for boats
fuck, there are too many cute girls to have them all.
>tfw only really want Iowa and Kashima after Nagato
>both aftermarket prices are fucking insane
Not only 1 but TWO preorder regrets.