Would you hang out with Umaru?
Would you hang out with Umaru?
No, she's a capitalistic cunt that ruins her brothers finances with meaningless purchases
I'd hang out with her, but I'm not responding to any of her fucking requests, she get get her own fucking cora.
But if you put those things behind you it wouldn't be bad right? She has games. She has snacks. She has it all.
>she has games
Most of them could be pirated. Would be much better in her position.
>she has snacks
I honestly don't like those. Why should I eat snacks when I can east a hot meal? I guess I just don't really snack all that much. No eating after 10pm after all
As much as i hate her and this show i think i'd make a good onii chan for her, although i wouldn't buy her shit no matter how much she cried about it.
Umaru saves lives.
I would hang Umaru
Hell the fuck yes. You see how chill her place is?
>ruins her brothers finances with meaningless purchases
her games and manga collection is the average for a teenager, it is worth way less than an Otaku collection
I would but this isn't a shoujo/josei manga, an age gap this big would be suspicious
She lives in a one room hovel where the bed takes up most of the space and she sits on the floor with a dirty ass meme-pillow.
>She lives in a one room hovel where the bed takes up most of the space and she sits on the floor with a dirty ass meme-pillow.
you are not used to Anime and Manga, right?
I'd hang out with her brother and Bomba, could be fun drinking with them.
I want to bully Umaru so hard, she begs me to just kill her
Why spoiler it, senpai? it was a thing of beauty
What's this?
I'd hung Umaru
Stop, Umaru abuse!
A girl holding a piece of paper. The girl is overdue for her false nails to be re-done.
I would definitely hang one, if you know what I mean.
good luck user, be an hero gensokyo is waiting for you
Yes, but only because I know she doesn't really look like a nugger
You can't use that word! That's our word!