The absolute state of Germany

Attached: german.png (643x545, 294K)

Stick a fork in it, turn it over and it's done. Germany is fucked. How are things looking in spaghettiland pastabro?

Islam is the future

Go suck on your prophet's shlong mustafa.

Islam will be conquered and erased entirely

Islam is the future

This., Germany is gone

Islam will reunite our people again

An African on every street corner desu. They don't intermix, just do the unskilled work like delivery stuff and street vending.

And I live in North Italy. I imagine it is worse in Rome.

Attached: crying-pepe.jpg (351x351, 23K)

I hear Austria is having problems as well. I hope the collective idea is to put a stop to the degradation of your great country.

>our people
Posting with a German flag won't make you German, Ali

It is a "literally who?" and probably a media psyops.

Fuck. So what's the news on the election front? Right wing coalition or probable new election?

he did that because islam is the only religion that propperly polices faggotry

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I am 100% pure German phenotype. But I chose the right path

Seems smart to me, you can still have far right ideals but no one can say shit to you lest they be labelled an islamaphobe

fuck germany

Attached: fucking germans.png (1232x2974, 203K)

Why isn't there a non-retarded reformist party like the afd?

It's only a matter of a few centuries when India will be Muslim, too

>Far-right German politician
BND provocateur.

Attached: 1519587360316.jpg (1080x870, 499K)

>india muslim country
ahahahahaha no


Nothing certain yet, but populism on the rise. The populist parties did surprisingly well, but they are still too far left to be of any real use.

Sweet now he can be fascist without anyone calling him out

>thinks left is right
get a job fuckface

Well it's a start. I fear things need to get a lot worse before they really get better.

Are all of you named Muhammad?

So, what was he's reasoning then? He somehow thinks that the Alternative for Germany is Islam? How's that possible?

He hates women more then anything so he joins Islam so he can legally beat them when the time comes

He did the right thing leaving his worthless history behind

Islam will soon rule the west

Europe belongs to us

Attached: Muslim-leaders.jpg (600x400, 56K)

I don't know what to call Germans. Kikes? Cucks? I know
>the cuck kikes of Europe
>1933: "Germany is so full. We need Lebensra-"

Attached: German Populations 1932.png (1031x651, 63K)

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Figured out he could get a qt 9 year old wife by converting.

islam is MUCH better than christianity. christianity is anti-traditional and is the direct cause of nihilism, the enlightenment, liberalism, and the incredibly destructive inidividualism and human rights cult in the west. sure muhammad might have been a pedo and arabs are retarded, but islam itself is much more aligned with Sup Forums than christianity will ever be.

Attached: virgin christ vs chad muhammad.jpg (2048x814, 224K)

Fat, scrubby bearded loser with bad eyesight. He'll fit right in.