ITT animes brainlets don’t fully understand

ITT animes brainlets don’t fully understand

There's nothing to understand unless you're talking about the manga.



It was shit. The character designs are very ugly.




I fucking hated Akira because of the retarded scientists who are like yeah lets bring a murderous flesh monster into Tokyo for no reason


literally the worst anime/manga ever






shoo now please


>Thinks Akira anime is deep
>Has never read the 1200+ page manga volumes in its entirety

fuck off nigger

animes should be filtered

Brainlet detected



>3 of those are mine

guess which ones

I mean, the anime is pretty self explanatory if your into scifi, and cyber-punk. Not to mention the themes in it are even more relevant today than ever before about how the real villains corrupted politicians taking advantage of liberal movements to oppose authoritarian governments to distract everyone in between to get away with everhything.

Brainlet detected

Like how you're new to the English language?

Even non-brainlets didn't get it. You have to have an IQ of at least 200+ to begin to understand the subtleties.

People who use the word "brainlet" are the real retards here.

just reread the manga. such great action and storytelling, you really feel like you're taken along for this incredible ride.

my only complaints upon rereading is the whole "bas relief" stuff never really seemed to be resolved. Yes, big bang, but how did it REALLY apply to the story. Also that ending...

considering it was started in 1982, it really is an incredible piece of art. the backgrounds are so detailed. so great.

the ending of the anime was bullshit and the ending of the manga was bullshit. i honestly do not understand why n.g.e. is so fucking popular.

>faggot thinks understanding Akira needs brain
Double kill yourself.

because tragedies write the best narratives

>The character designs are very ugly

Well, that problem exists for every pre-Evangelion anime.

>Well, that problem exists for every pre-Evangelion anime.
Fuck off back to your Re:Zero and SAO, instead of speaking bullshit.

Almost fell for it

>ITT animes brainlets won't shut up about because it's the only one they've seen




What is with all the newfags defending animes?


Not him, but if you need to point out someones spelling errors then that says quite a lot about your mental capacity. Id gladly take "animes" OPs over mentally limited greentext-posters any day of the week.

To be fair, they thought evolution gives you superpowers, so they tested their theory on a random street punk instead of a mentally evaluated volunteer in a controlled study, because the punk was special or something. The fetus monster was more like backlash for not giving a fuck about double blind conditions, anomalous results, or peer review. Or basic research.

>Ergo Proxy.jpg

>spelling errors
Animes or animu, are usually seen in posts by blatant newfags, usually in recommendation threads. Their posts are often low quality. The only people who defend it when being called out are sensitive posters who just started posting. Shows how new you are.

What you just stated is no more but a baseless assumption.

Ok. you're definitely new as fuck.

Brainlets in the OP should be enough for you to figure it out.

Best part is that you even admitted for it to be an assumption.

The fact that you think this is a debate only makes you look more foolish.

M8, if you don't even know the spelling of a term that is extremely relevant and common for a certain topic, as in this case the name of the topic itself, chances are very high that you are new to the topic and should've informed yourself more before making a statement about it, especially if in said statement you are calling other people brainlets. Would you not ridicule someone who doesn't even know how to spell "physics", yet insults physicists who don't agree with him?

I know it isnt because its pretty obvious that youre assuming things and desperately try to sell them as facts. Which is also why you think that insulting someone as a "newfag" makes you look like an "oldfag" in return, when in reality it has the opposite effect.

>that is extremely relevant
Its not relevant at all. Theres no difference between saying anime or animes, you will still get the essence of the persons statement.

>Would you not ridicule someone
Why would anyone with a functional brain ever do that? Should I ridicule you for being unable to speak a language that isnt English? Languages are nothing but tools. It doesnt matter if a person is unable to perfectly utilize it as long as they are able to get their point across.

To be fair...

Lurk 2 years before posting.

>Why would anyone with a functional brain ever do that? Should I ridicule you for being unable to speak a language that isnt English?
Way to completely miss the point. Are you just trying to bait mere, because it's working quite well. Are you seriously telling me there is no difference between someone not knowing a certain lanuage and someone not knowing a a relevant term of a topic he is talking about while being damn smug about his opinion? Fuck off, if you're the one who starts talking like you're hot shit don't expect others to treat you with kid gloves.

>not knowing a certain lanuage
>not knowing a a relevant term of a topic
Literally the exact same thing, genius.

To not understand Two Car would require the goggles to be on so tight that they're restricting oxygen from getting to your brain. You don't need goggles to watch this.

Okay, you are literally retarded. But please think for a moment about what you just wrote, the fact you are at least able to write coherent sentences means you should be able to recognize why it's bullshit.

I still don't understand Utena and Penguindrum


Terms that are relevant to a certain topic differ heavily between languages, my friend. So if I call a physicist retarded, while claiming for him to be a physician, then that still has no impact on the point I just made. All it does is give you an easy reason to dismiss what I said without actually having to address the argument. "Relevant terms to a topic" dont really exist, either, unless you want to provide a few examples (that arent names) of terms that are the exact same in English, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Swahili.

This must be an elaborate, ironic joke.

Shut your whore mouth.

I read the ending only would've made sense to the nips because it was about how they should've rebuilt their country themselves instead of getting help from Americans, like after WW2.

NGE isn't really a tragedy


Yes it is

Well, thats what the Germans call it.


>Terms that are relevant to a certain topic differ heavily between languages, my friend.
Completely irrelevant because "anime" is the term used in basically every language in which people know about anime. And for the vast majority of people here it's not even one from their native language.

It isnt. See . Multiple anime are called AnimeS in German. And I am fairly sure that the Germans arent the only people who add something to indicate plurality.

Germanfag here, I never heard anyone call it "animes" always "anime", now I look it up on wikipedia and it actually uses "animes".

Stop responding to the newfag who thinks some sort of 'language universalism' is an excuse for shitty posting on Sup Forums


I'm german myself and we don't usually add an "s" to indicate plurality except for english loanwords. Treating "anime" like an english loanword is bullshit, though.

Your anecdotal evidence has no value.

Anime has been adopted into English from the Japanese usage. Anime can be both singular and plural.


It's not anecdotal. It's bullshit to treat "anime" as an english loanword and add an is in the plural. First it's not an english term but a japanese one, second even if it were english it would still be retarded to ad the "s" since it's not done in english.

None of this is for you to decide, now is it? The official term is "Animes", nothing you can do about it.

Cool mechs fighting cool monsters with a fairly-adult storyline attached.

I mean, think about what came before NGE. Nothing really too dark. Just Gundam and Dragon Ball rip-offs. NGE introduced a new style of anime that continues to be influential. You can dislike it, there are certainly things wrong with it, but it's a very important show.

>i've never been right about anything and i dont see the issue here
>im newer then yesterdays sheep

>The official term is "Animes", nothing you can do about it.
Unfortunately true. Doesn't change the fact that it's linguistic bullshit.

>Just Gundam and Dragon Ball rip-offs.
But this isn't true at all.


Only Juden don't use Duden.
I'd rather use the words of my own language then something that was born from english speaking weebs and just used in german.

>Nothing really too dark
You simply havent watched anything from the pre2000s, it seems. Wicked City would only be the most obvious example, which is neither a Gundam nor a DragonBall ripoff.

That true, but it still proves the point that the initial claim that "specific terms related to specific topics are the same for every language" is false. If a German who isnt very knowledgable of the English languages asks about multiple anime, he will very like say animes.

>I'd rather use the words of my own language then something that was born from english speaking weebs and just used in german.
Are you implying the Duden decides which terms have roots in our language?

pictured: K-On!!

highly intelligent people enjoy crap?

He said K-On!!, not K-On!

I admit I didn't know that there were languages with official rules as stupid as those, not even for my own language. So I take back my statement that the term is the same in every language. I'm still not sure whether this really reflects the actual usage, though, since I never heard it, but at least I can't be sure that people don't use it. You'd still have to be damn new to Sup Forums to not know about this, though, but not neccessarily new to anime itself I guess. Anyway it'd also help if you post an actual argument if you want people to attack your posts content instead of the form.

t. 100IQlet

I don't know. In my experience K-On is mostly watched by "gangsta" type niggas, while highly intelligent individuals prefer other CGDCT shows such as Ichigo Mashimaro and Yuyushiki.

Gundam already did the "kid soldiers caught in a dramatic war situation getting PTSD" way before NGE anyway. NGE only built up on it and added edgy elements like empty christian imagery or muh psychoanalysis

Lurk 2 years before posting or go to re:ddit they will understand probably.

I been saying animes since 2012 and nobody told me it was wrong, so you are the ones at fault for not correcting me sooner.


This, the only good thing about the movie is the animation

the manga ending was good brainlet