Weird how 99% of scientists, engineers, celebrities, artists, journalists, professors, philosophers, atheists, writers...

Weird how 99% of scientists, engineers, celebrities, artists, journalists, professors, philosophers, atheists, writers, and intellectuals are left-wing

It's almost as if right-wing ideology was for incestful, impoverished, blue-collared trash from flyover states/East European nations not worth a single fart.....huh......

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Okay meme region.


I resemble that remark, but then, so do you.

Weird how 99,999% of scientists, engineers, celebrities, artists, journalists, professors, philosophers, atheists, writers, and intellectuals were racist and right-wing until 30 years ago

It's almost as if left-wing ideology was for idiots brainwashed by Jews... huh...

Guarantee you OP would be among the most heinous racists of yesteryear because "everyone's doing it so it's right!"

The founding fathers were leftist.

The political has been over-taken by some demonic geopolitical force. It doesn't care about anyone or anything, it just uses groups against each other for it's own goals.

You can see this in how leftist cannibalize themselves at the slightest error in behavior.

Satan runs the Jews

>calling scientists, proffesors and academics idiots

the state of trumpfags

Hahahaha i dont know where to start kek

Xi plz

If they were so right we wouldn't have trump so their credibility has taken a huge dump.

Yeah, and leftists also run in front of cars to protest police brutality.

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they have to be left so they dont lose their job.. also, reported and saged

Tell you what meme country you will be absorbed back into Spain soon

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> 99% of engineers are left wing
Lmao, suuuuure.

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The argument is that conservatives have low IQ on average but have common sense that leftist intellectuals lack.

Being a scientist does not make you more politically informed. If anything, the specialized area of interest and time-consuming studies would make a scientist LESS likely to be politically informed. While the analytical nature of science would lend itself to cogent political analysis, it wouldn't make a scientist more politically-informed unless he takes the time to learn about issues from a variety of sources. Because science is often an industry with long hours, we have no reason to believe this occurs.

It's telling that as people get older they get more conservative, or that as people make more money (become more skilled) they get more conservative. This occurs within every profession and across every demographic spectrum. What does this tell you?


So all those people live in a bubble. What a shitty post

>Truth is a democracy


You already posted this and got BTFO, so fuck off please.

Left is for idiots.

Either you're lying or there are a lot of really stupid scientists out there.

Communism is literally a meme that for some reason people take seriously, like for real look at the guy that wrote that shit, he was an armchair theorizing skank, not to mention no one has actually applied it successfully

Weird how you don't have a source for your claim...

>implying you have a list with 100% of those things on it, and that list is accurate and complete

Reminder that the greatest mind was a commie. Albert Einstein.

> Weird how 99% of scientists, engineers, celebrities, artists, journalists, professors, philosophers, atheists, writers, and intellectuals are left-wing

First, Proofs required.

Second, appeal to authority (leftism's favorite argument.)

Third, Even if this fake statistic non-argument was accurate, truth is not realized by consensus but through logic and observation. Only a leftist would believe reality makes itself into what a majority of people happen to believe.
>tldr go fuck yourself, commie
> Interestingly, though, IQ correlates positively with classical liberalism, which emphasizes both social and economic liberty. This seems to be because those with higher intelligence tend to exhibit personality traits like openness to experience and tolerance for different ways of living. But those with higher IQ are more likely to support free-market economic policies (“liberalism” in the old sense of the word). Intelligence is required to understand how trade can be a positive sum game, and how order can emerge from individuals freely interacting with one another.

get rekt libtard
don't think for a moment all those engineers, doctors, and scientists align their views with your communist delusions

>scientists, engineers, celebrities, artists, journalists, professors, philosophers, writers,

These are all professions that do not require very high IQ. Only 2 of them hint at it but the majority of people in those fields are 120-130 IQ which is really nothing special and isn't enough to validate a political ideology.

weird how i keep seeing this faggot shill thread day after day on this board in the past week.

here's the deal you disingenuous faggot-

all of those people you listed are lying pieces of shit-

the scientists especially. the celebrities- wew!
artists- all gay and worthless. professors- telling you there are infinite genders and everything is the fault of the white male.... highly credible source.
ATHEISTS- ???? - you cite what is clearly the dumbest group of people ever to breath.... my God lad!

philosophers? lots of modern day examples of those... I'm sure Descartes and Nietzsche would agree w you that everyone needs to cut their dicks off...

and what's left of yr faggot list? writers? oh yeah- those people we so affectionately refer to as KIKES on this board day in and day out....

so you're a giant kike-loving faggot, dude.

rope thyself.

A lot of people I know that are in uniform required jobs are usually the red pilled ones. They don't care about the left–right paradigm.

He wasn't the greatest mind. Tesla was.

there is no direct correlation btw carbon levels and temperature

Bait harder. Have a sage for trying tough.

Being experts in a flawed system only makes you educated idiots

Einstein was a liar and stole all his research

The samefag is back from yesterday. Get better bait cause this isn’t working.

As an engineering student, i can tell you this is false

They haven't realized their own surrender is the only thing worth shilling.

>Weird how 99% of scientists, engineers, celebrities, artists, journalists, professors, philosophers, atheists, writers, and intellectuals are left-wing
Almost like non of them can ever be trusted
Also 99% aren't,thats a lie
>It's almost as if right-wing ideology was for incestful, impoverished, blue-collared trash from flyover states/East European nations not worth a single fart.....huh......
That's funny coming from the modern regressive left.
Also sage

It's kind of obvious that it's you, Moshe

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Weird how clinical psychologists aren't a part of your little self-indulgence list. It's almost as if left wing ideology is for psychotic, emotionally damaged, bourgeoisie that can only see the world around them if it is through a limited and warped lense.

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50 years ago it was the exact opposite as being right wing was the accepted thing. If you don't go with the narrative you won't get any gobernment gibs. also sage

Weird how all the companies who give resaerch grants are all jewish owned. That couldn’t have anything to do with an agenda.

Leftism is for young people with no knowledge of the real world, or for sheltered academics who also have no knowledge of the real world. As people grow up they can see the failures of liberalism, which is why virtually all old people are right wing (and racist too...)

They were leftist at that time because everyone else were monarchists who didn't like their power being taken away. Nowadays they are on the right wing. Especially in economy.

Weird how people get castrated for being anything but left-wing.


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Nearly nobody I've ever worked with is left wing. But then again I'm a military developmental engineer, so maybe we're just not getting enough soy to achieve enlightenment.

This, they are always one monologue away from genocide.

>appeal to science
>science is a social construct

Just like how Orwell's colleagues were all educated but turned out to be spiteful Communists. Then Orwell went to the poorer parts of England and learned a great deal by realizing the knowledge of the common man. Maybe being out of touch, not education, is the common thread of the left-wing.

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a few decades ago 99% of scientist and intellectuals were right wing. So whats your point?

lol no. Engineers have always been right wing.


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Screencap this to repost every time leftypol shills on this subject:
>99% of scientists, engineers, celebrities, artists, journalists, professors, philosophers, atheists, writers, and intellectuals are left-wing
False. Most surveys show that social "scientists" tend to be leftist, while engineers/scientists/mathematicians tend to be conservative. An even greater skew exists between academics in general (lean left) and private sector industry professionals (conservative and libertarian). Take for example the recent Machine Design survey:
>Engineers tend to view themselves as much less liberal and slightly more conservative than the general public, according to a recent survey of over 1,200 readers of MACHINE DESIGN and Electronic Design magazines. The same survey also found that engineers say they are more likely to be Republican (42.1%) or Independent (33.7%) voters, as opposed to Democrats (14.5%). And although over a third of the engineers think Republicans represent the best interests of the engineering community better than Democrats, a majority of engineers (48.1%) believe neither party is really on the side of engineers.
So, Republican (42.1%), Independent (33.7%), Democrats (14.5%).


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>99% of scientists and engineers
Citation needed.

>were racist and right-wing until 30 years ago

not true...

this, i hate einstein.. his "e=mc^2" was the one that brings destruction into this beautiful earth

Gee, I guess that's the reason why 99% of our population are right-wingers.

We have none of those intelligent beings!

>Weird how 99% of scientists, engineers, celebrities, artists, journalists, professors, philosophers, atheists, writers, and intellectuals are left-wing

>implying that most scientist and engineers have time caring about politic and religion.

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>finally got to work in a lab filing samples whilst 2nd year in college
>gotta impress all of them there so they will want to include me in future studys
>have to hide my conservative views otherwise
I would have been a complete fucking retard to tell anyone I'm a conservative in that world. There's a lot out there like me.

I'm not sure what kind of scientists you have in Catalonia, because I've never worked with any. But generally ours are smart enough to know when a viewpoint is gonna fuck your life over something so easy to hide. At work, I'm with her. But if they really knew...

>Weird how 99% of scientists, engineers, celebrities, artists, journalists, professors, philosophers, atheists, writers, and intellectuals are left-wing

Well it's hard to be any of those when right-wing policies are against them or completely deny their work. There are some high IQ academic people that do have a more right-wing leaning positions such economics but even then it's only in terms of economics not in their social values(also many doctors have this stance just because of their high salary.)

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Source, meme flag.