What's your favorite yuri couple this year?

What's your favorite yuri couple this year?

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I like to pretend anons are girls and then I ship them while they are arguing and demanding the other other one leave or kill themselves.
It's more realistic than most anime yuri couples, and more lively too.



Not main character but Beaver and Prairie Dog really speaks to me


I like Tsuchinoko and Sand Cat.
They're just Friends though.

Well there are two things you must address.
A. Is the couple actually a thing and not just the fans desires?
B. Do they actually have chemistry and work well together?
Going by that metric the only worthy pair in that image are Princess and Ange.

Despite all the sweet fanarts, I honestly can't see those 2 in a relationship.

You just opened my world.

ange and princess

They're both lonely and autistic enough for it to work out.


Caulifla/Kale and Lefiya/Filvis are obvious bait/"they're just close friends"
Kobayashi/Tohru probably is too to be honest
LWA and Girls Last Tour aren't even yuri at all



The only couple with good characterization and development.

None of these are yuri.

Kobayashi is starting to fall for Tohru

Time for you to watch Pripri.

>mfw all these are shit

Thanks 2017.


It's shit.

I can't trust Cool. Kobayashi will probably get transformed into a man forever or something

Come on, you don't even like these two?

The ones not in the OP are.

>Two Car is yuri
yeah, no

Boys and girls don't hold hands in such a way. You need two girls for that. This is purest love.

Diakko is for me. I liked a lot of yuri pairings this year but that's the one I find the cutest.

The purest form of love, the lewdest form of intercourse, a girl's hand intertwined with another girl's hand

These dork

>two car isn't yuri

Only the first episode had het but the following episodes was damned gay. Canon lesbian bdsm, man

Although New Game is as generic as you can get in its character writing it certainly delivers some well made and fun pairings. Nenechi x Aheagon must be one of the most enjoyable to watch relationships I have seen in recent seasons, too bad the appearance of the newcomer and the whole drama changed their duo's dynamic.

At least these two are a yuri couple.



I agree there relationship is developed in a good way; however their relationship has no romantic developments whatsoever.


While they probably are the best legit yuri couple of the year, they're still a poorman's Izetta and Finé.

That last OVA kinda implied something, but it was up for interpretation. Kobayashi acted a bit different during the chocolate scene at the bridge. I feel like she's at least acknowledging Tohru likes her now.

You say that but there are only two couples in this thread from this year better developed than them.

is Izetta as good as Pripri besides that?

It's way better.

I'm hoping there's a season 2 for Pripri, because the main plot was honestly kind of disappointing.

Literally false

Which ones?

Lionina and AngePrincess.