Let's have a serious discussion. Are these girls in love with other?
Hibike Euphonium
No but Ribbons and Natsuki are. Also oboe is a lesbian.
Novel summaries when?
Kumiko might be a lesbian, but Reina wanted Taki's dick inside her tight, smooth pussy since the very beginning.
But she has already been rejected and will most likely redirect her lust for flesh towards Kumiko.
what happened to novelanon? two new novels released and we haven't heard anything from him. is the new books bad?
No, because Kumiko had the hots for Asuka.
Gayness doesn't exist in Hibike universe
I’m sure is hairy
Senpai owns the fluff.
Kumiko perhaps. Reina is probably ready for Taki at all times.
>implying Asuka can tame the wild dyke Kumiko
I want to tussle my hands through her silky soft fluff and take a strong whiff.
She'll be too busy with college to control Kumiko's lust for pussy. Kouhais will be deflowered.
Why not both?
It was just bait from what I saw. Also, that ending with Asuka just confused me.
There's nothing confusing about the purest form of love.
Asuka taking Kumiko away from Reina is NTR.
Isn't it opposite of NTR since Reina is already taken?
>Novel summaries when?
All you need to know is Kitauji blown the fuck out by an all boys school, Yuko cucks Reina out of VP and shoefags on suicide watch.
no one cares about how Kitauji places because we all know they won't get gold in the nationals. Also only plebs care about Reina and shoe
Someone already spoiled it. Search in one of old thread.
Given scenes like this, it's hard to argue that they a re not.
Also, kudos to how you chose to frame the question, as sexuality often has nothing to do with who you fall in love with.
3rd time's the charm. Feels like all this unfortunate stepback is just gonna build up to that inevitable gold. Also Kumiko is President.
Wasn't Reina cast aside and they did something with Asuka in the end?
So many Hibike threads where somehow bi girls don't and can't possibly exist.
Yes, I'd argue she was.
There are tidbits here and there but no summaries.
So they fail to even make it to the nationals this year?
>doubting Kumiko
Also Rivbonsa shit. She is most likely the reason why they coudnt even get to nationals this year.
All this talk of Ribbons being a great buchou and them also having a better members than last year. Feels bad.
>still butthurt
Are there new novelanon summaries?
You spoilerfags are truly the worst. It's because you all sucked that tripfag's dick so hard that the second season and its threads were ruined for the majority of people who wanted to watch the show.
Probably. What else can it be?
If Reina and Kumiko aren't in love, Natsuki and Yuuko less.
>Not only Kumiko end up with Asuka in S2 (probably with Shoe1 later in the movie)
>But also Reina canonically only thinking about Taki cock in the end
>ALSO Kumiko Love Story movie coming soon
Reina faggots karma for turning Hibike thread into absolute shitfest in 2 seasons in a row.
Better couple than the former.
I guess Reina saying she's in love with Sensei means fucking nothing to people on Sup Forums.
So has shoe deflowered Kumiko in the novel yet?
I had a dream about Hibike S3. Reina was apparently practicing karate in Kumiko's room
Imagine their sex
No. Adolescence.
Kitauji's failure to get into the National has nothing to do with Yuuko as president or any individual. Kitauji is certainly stronger than the last year but the same also goes to their opponents. Since they did worst than their opponents, they lost. This is the nature of competition.
Also, let not forget that Kitauji only made it to national in the last year because one of their strong opponent messed up in performance. (This info was omitted in anime).
Personally, I think they lost because the author just want to make them lost so that she can continue the story to Kumiko's 3rd year.
About Yuuko as president. Everyone in the story agrees that Yuuko is great president and Yuuko did her best to ensure the band's succeed with her management. Unfortunately, Kitauji band is still not good enough in this year.
With all that said, be prepared for more Hibike films or S3 getting announced.
>I guess Reina saying she's in love with Sensei means fucking nothing to deluded /u/fags.
It's not that it does not mean anything, but it's because she is in love with Taki as if he were an idol not reachable and while she is fooling around and flirting with Kumiko. And you can't say that she does it as a joke, she mean it, so...
Also, bi people exist and you can like two persons in the same time. It's very simple minded to think that because Reina is in love with Taki, she can't be in love with Kumiko.
The biggest achivement of Hibike Euphonium is BTFOing delusional /u/ by first baiting them and then crushing them.
>by first baiting them and then crushing them.
The delusion is real, but it's not on the side you think.
>Implying Hibike not BFTOed hetfags.
>we know better than author and director
>BFTOed hetfags
It's not a secret that most of Shuuichifags support Asuka end.
1. It means Reina fags along with /u/ brigades got BTFO'd
2. It also means Kyaoni still use source material as its main plot. So, Kumiko will end up with Shuuichi sooner or later.
Hetfags aren't baited in this show, in fact, there is nothing for them. Why to continue thinking that there is?
I don't know how hetfags can be more delusional in this point.
>t-there's no way the creators of a product will lie about their own work in order to sell to as much peoples as possible
Hibike was pretty much banned on /u/, but false flage trolls on Sup Forums still try to pretend to be /u/ tards to cause controversy
>complaining about spoilers while browsing Sup Forums
>the new novels in movie format
ew. i'd rather have another season which will never happen because kyoanus
You are wrong. The main consumer is Japan.
Nips that supports Asuka are in "Kumiasu faction" and this is inside /u/.
Now there are 3 factions:
Kumirei faction, Kumiasu faction and Shuukumi faction.
As kumirei and asukumi are within /u/, many nips who support kumirei also like kumiasu and vice versa.
>2. It also means Kyaoni still use source material as its main plot. So, Kumiko will end up with Shuuichi sooner or later.
This means nothing. Kumiko doesn't have to end up together with anyone. Series still ongoing you know? Novel yet haven't a definitive ending unlike before.
Hibike will surely have an S3.
/u/ is retarded as fuck, Hibike is banned but low quality yuribaitrash with nothing respect for anything like Two cars have free pass.
>Failed to make it to nationals
>Senpais are all gone now
>Break-up with shoeitchy
Nuclear Kumiko when?
>Series still ongoing
Asuka graduated, Kumiko is with Shuuichi in their second year of highschool. What will the future bring? Who knows.
>Break-up with shoeitchy
This is a good thing actually.
Reina is in love with Sensei in the same way that Sakura is in love with Yukito
>Series still ongoing you know?
I know and Hairpin is also cannon in the novel.
>Asuka graduates
>band doesn't make nationals
>Kumiko broke-up with Shuuichi
idk probably the spoiler where kumiko returns the hairpin. not like she's been wearing it anyway.
Asuka is shit.
Sounds like a fake spoiler to me
They really pushed Reina and Kumiko as a yuri couple up until midway in the second season when they introduced Reina's previously unknown crush on her teacher. I don't even like Yuri and it was plain as day.
The Asuka thing was purely platonic and anyone who says otherwise is full of shit.
>midway in the second season
>they introduced Reina's previously unknown crush on her teacher
The fuck are you talking about yurifag?
Well I have memory problems, but I don't remember them introducing Reina's crush until after the festival episode.
And again, I don't like yuri. It's not my fault they wrote the series and shifted direction.
Wrote it one way and shifted direction.*
There was no shift. KyoAni just played up Reina/Kumiko scenes to bait yurifags.
Hints were thrown around during the first few episodes, mainly episode 4 and 5.
Wrong pics fuck
This is unrealistic, Reina would wear black thong
The hairpin meaning in the anime is different than novel.
Anyway Kumiko give back the hairpin to Shuuichi
If you say so... I'm not the same user and I've known about this spoiler for a long time.
Let's be clear here, at this point if Kyoani pulls on the Shuuichi route, this will harm them, it's a matter of trust.
What do they gain with this "yuribait" for 2 seasons to then go against direction?
General buthurt. What credibility they will have?
If this is bait then all their" romances" are too.
What is it that you have seen in the anime, that Kumiko has a crush on Shuuichi or on Reina? Plus, there are hints here and there that Kumiko have no so much interest in boys ...
Why are yurifags always ESL autists?
What I mean is that they deliberately wrote an emotional tension between them (for whatever reason) and then dropped it.
It's just bad writing, which is ironic because the series itself is excellent, just inconsistent.
You're a retard, Reina's crush on Taki was already known early on S1.
I had a dream the other night I was watching a stage play of this.
What is wrong with me?
Sup, Reina.
I'm gonna predict what went on in this read without reading it, tell me if I'm right.
>Just adolescence
>But muh sensei
>Kumiko is actually for Asuka
>Kumiko is heterosexual, MUH HAIRCLIPPP
So how did I do?
You're awesome. I would love to watch a stage play of this. Hopefully when we die and we return to our soul, we will be able to manifest a stage play that we can watch in the afterlife.
no, because I love Asuka-senpai
Or both
Something like that, even more idolpoi. At least Sakura talks and interact to Yukito. Reina sees Taki in the distance when he is someone close. She does not make any serious attempt to conquer him. Like sakura, she admires him and she confesses to him and nothing more.
Rika or Hanabi were more direct about their love for their teachers.
>with other
They're both in love with me.
why did Kumiko return the hairpin?
>Kumiko return the hairpin?
That /u/fags head canon. Don't believe them.
To focus on being president and pair with the anime
me too.
She realized Reina is her true love. About damn time.