They expanded the list, have they added your city?
Fate/Stay Night: Heavan's Feel
Already saw the premiere and even if it was playing in my city I would never watch another anime movie in theater again. That alone, movie was fucking amazing.
fuck off shills
Of course not, no one cares about my state
They actually did add one in the Philadelphia area. Thanks Aniplex of America©
>scottsdale AZ
fuck yeah, I'll be there
The only time I've seen an anime film in person was with my pillow on a date.
It didn't go well, what can I expect besides a good time going along to a movie?
going alone*
Of course not, but now I'd only have to drive 8 hours each way to see it instead of 10.
>I would never watch another anime movie in theater again
I've been to two with civilians, the first Bleach movie and the DBZ F movie.
The Bleach movie was autistic levels of no from the audience while the DBZ movie was amazing.
The experience for this one will probably be like the former, but the theater serves alcohol so fuck it.
Why is Canada still getting fucked?
There is one airing close to me, but guess what? I'm not a fucking normalfag so I won't be going.
Will they show it in Canada!!!?
Canada when?
Live in the USA like a normal person, faggots.
>no Idaho screening
Every fucking time. Fuck you, Aniplex.
You can just drive to SLC though
It's probably illegal for Illya to be present on a screen in Canada desu
I went to SLC for Rebellion screening, never again.
>added Jacksonville and Tampon
>still no Orlando screenings, not even the Downtown Disney or Universal theaters
I'll be in 3 major cities over the next couple months, and none of them have it.
Louisiana, I expected nothing from. I thought Boston or Seattle would have stood a chance though.
it's like an hour and a half from orlando to tampa. surprised that there isn't one for orlando though
Why never again? I'm in Montana and thinking about making the drive.
It'll show up in Cineplex sooner or later, leafcucks.
Y&Dfags assemble
Gross wormslut
Yeah I don't get the whole not having it in Seattle or Tukwila (does a lot of funimation movies) for Washington state. Unless there is something special about Vancouver's movie theater, it's out of the way for quite a few people.
I'm also surprised there isn't a screening in the Seattle area. Might try to carpool with people to watch it in Vancouver.