Why do millennials trust science more than religion?

Why do millennials trust science more than religion?

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Education and access to information

*tips fedora


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Because science is observably true, and religion asks you to believe what it says just because.

Because they know that every road leads to a church.

literally because it's trendy

We're smarter and BETTER EDUCATED than Gen Xers and boomers, statistically speaking. Also we've seen what previous generations have done to human beings and the world in the name of their schizophrenic desert cults and we want none of it.

remember to sage bait threads

>We're smarter and BETTER EDUCATED than Gen Xers and boomers, statistically speaking
Gen Xer here. This is true. And in the near future, the amount of young ppl with formal education will peak - the highest its ever been. I'm proud of you guys.

Because science has become religion. It is the synagogue of satan.

>just because
Nigga you going to Hell. And by Hell I mean you’ll be forced to confront the worst secular nihilism has to offer and you’ll beg for death but you’ll be continuously resurrected until every last drop of profit is squeezed out of your wheezing corpse.

better education.. when over half of your courses are social engineering

2 genders

Because they don't know what either is for.


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Not dogmatic bullsh*t.

What reason do we have to believe in an afterlife of any kind? What reason is there to not think this is the only life we have, and that after we die it's any different from the state of non-existence we experienced before we were born? There is no reason, people just believe it because they don't want to think this is all we have.

no, we don't trust science more

we just don't care anymore

I never had a religious upbringing, my loyalty isn't to god or religion, to state or any man.

I'm only loyal to money...

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Religion is the oldest bluepill of the history of humanity

If you become really really quiet, you may hear a voice. That voice is very precious for it has seen beyond what you see and lived many lives. Right now it's probably trying to tell you that you're a faggot and need to stop "thinking" for a second and just listen.

Hearing voices in your head is a sign of mental illness. There is medication you can take to make it stop.

>Hearing voices
Why do people act like this? Are we living the zombie apocalypse? Is this their way of being funny? It's not funny at all. It's pretty worrying in fact that most I read on Sup Forums have lost their touch with nature.

they trust anything they perceive as being "counter culture"

fucking idiots

critical thought is dead.

The real question is, why do the mods let this shit get posted on a regular?

good fucking quote lad

Science is very observable but nobody realizes how biased the funding is

and people have been brainwashed to be unable to recognize just how observable the teachings of religion (or lack thereof) are.

most people at this point realize our world is going to hell but so few people realize why.

nah, its more counter culture to be religious, at least among young people. That's why this place is mostly religious, this place is for contrarians.

you're confusing cyclical paradigms.
millennial youth rebelled against religion. now that rebellion has been going on long enough that today's youth are coming back to it.

it's all about perceived counterculture.

donald trump is a perfect example.
people of all ages who had grown to distrust the news automatically voted for him because the news pretended not to like him.

it's all just simple reverse psychology. but in the liberal marxist paradigm, traditions are seen as something to rebel against rather than something to embrace as part of your identity.

because the 'science" they believe (as presented by bill nye, al gore, neil "i swear i'm black, no really" tyson et al.) is consonant with the commie lies they have sucked like mothers milk all their lives from idiot media and public schools, duh.
While religion ...is a little too challenging.

Because it's real

Can somebody please explain this meme to me. Leave soe alone.

this, we prefer imperical evidence


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>"science" now claims there are a billion genders