Why do the jews push for atheism so much?

Why do the jews push for atheism so much?

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They're very anti-Christian in America.

Because goyim arent allowed to be jewish and all other religions are false according to them, so just push atheism. One less thing to worry about when ruling over a population

They don't so much "Push Atheism" so much as they push for anything that results in divide and conquer from a religious angle.

Because they know God doesn't give a fuck about them anymore

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A society without faith is a dominated society

They only push for atheism when religious people are using religion to fight against their interests.
Jews do no care what religion you believe, they don't care whether or not god exists. They ask themselves ''does this branch of the religion serve my interests?'' If the answer is no, they try to subvert it with atheism, if the answer is yes, they promote it.

most people are gullible retards, if you remove traditional culture(religion), they are easy prey for jewish tricks: from feminism/multiculti to gender fluid open relationships..leading to society in chaos - so they can thrive and subvert.

Read the Protocols of Zion. Most of the answers here are bullshit.
Here's the kike plan regarding religion.
1) Attack tradition
2) Push Evolution
3) Make every religion weak
4) So that one day, you can ban all religions
5) So that in the future, under your worldwide Jew commie system, you can make EVERYONE Jewish.

Basically, both are a distraction.

The only problem that jews have with christianity is that of white people organizing, which historically has been helped by the religious orders.

That's not really true today, as most christian faiths are horrendously cucked by the jew.

The lager part of the problem, is the obvious anti-science push from the christian televangelists, and the obvious "Scientism" of the leftist establishments.

For example... the Christians don't believe in evolution, and this helps the jews by masking the jewish anti-intelligece dysgenics plan from the general population.

Meanwhile, the leftists AGREE with evolution, EXCEPT when it relates to intelligence, furthering the jewish stranglehold.

The only "Science" based shit that leftists care about, are large multinational wealth plundering schemes like "Climate Change"

Because they want to fuck children and animals.

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I'm an atheist but I realise that religion does bring people together and gives them a sense of belonging whereas atheism doesn't. Of course you can still be atheist and feel a sense of belonging to something (like a race, a nation etc) but for most normies religion is ideal and comes pre-packaged with all that stuff.
Also Christianity today is more harmful to white group interests than Atheism. One thinks we're all created equal, the other believes that we have evolved separately for a very long time and are therefore different.

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because they are synagogue of satan, their endgame is literally making hell on earth to make their father, father of lies happy

Paganism is the true answer.

Being Jewish has more to do with culture than religion
Most Jews are religious up until their mitzvah so they can take in tons of relative money

If Jews were really the chosen people, don’t you think more people would treat them as such?
Most American Jews are agnostic, can’t say the same for Israeli Jews

because any ideology that espouses any sort of value in morals or merit inherently leads towards the naming of the jew. This is why they push atheism, for thee but not for me. This is why they push communism, for thee but not for me. This is why they push race mixing and the abolishment of heritage and family values, for thee but not for me.

Get the picture?

Careful, not all Christians believe the same thing. Many don't realize that all humans created equal goes against the Bible itself. Jesus told a parable about servants (representative of human beings) who received different amounts of gold from their master (representative of God). Skipping some long winded explanation (I can get more into it if you are interested) not everybody is created equal. Everybody has an infinite intrinsic value as a human being due to being created in the image of God, but individuals receive different abilities and blessings.
>before "you must support welfare if all human beings have value"
Also there are portions of Ancient Israelite society which had things such as welfare setup where people had to work to eat. There were no free lunches, if you lazed around all day long and wouldn't contribute to your family and your community, the punishment was death by stoning.

the polok is right.

christianity was the one thing that kept them in check, of course they fucking hate it.

this in itself is the most important proof against the "christianity is a jewish conspiracy" theory.
if that was true, they wouldn't work so tirelessly to destroy it.

That parable would only indicate that there are intra-group differences between individuals of the same group. Not that blacks and whites are different as groups because they had to evolve in very different environments.

So they can continue making your life miserable in hell. Probably already made deals with the devil to be the ruling class down there as well.