Does Sup Forums like deep anime?

does Sup Forums like deep anime?

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maybe, post an example of one


By me.

>pic not related

>how to be contrarian the post

Monogatari is my favourite anime


The people in that anime talk really fucking fast and it frustrates me to no end. I'm not a slow reader but slow down a bit like a normal person.

It's okay to be dumb, user.


Talking shit about Monogotari series despite never watching a single episode is one of my guilty pleasures.

>pics not related

Only if the plot is very tight.

>dude puns lmao

The amount of scenes that begin to make sense the more you understand about this show is really ridiculous

95% of instrumentality I assumed was literally incoherent babbling the first time I watched it

I really wish I could understand what's happening in these crayon drawings though.
They flash on screen immediately after Shinji 'kills' Asuka and begins global instrumentality.
Some of them clearly depict Shinji and Asuka, others seem random.


Chemistry is for brainlets and plebs and Kurisu wouldn't want to be assosiacted with such riffraff :^)

Neck yourself

>so look at me!

I don't see what that has to do with that image, it's just the rare moment where she actually said what she wanted.

But she still didn't mean it.

What makes you think so?

Baited for this exact response xd

I've been playing the same route over and over since middle school. I kind of know what to look or look out for.

Of all the things she's said, you can trust the ones concerning her desired to be looked at the most.

What about getting choked and fingered at the same time? Ten to one she'd like that even more.

Any case of an older person being sexually attracted to her would be appealing and make her feel useful.

"This thing Misato is doing, it's just an easy way to feel like you're worth something."

As for whether she likes sex itself, she's a teenager so physically that's a certainty, but I'm sure the sexual attention component is more alluring

Bakemonogatari is meta as fuck. The light novels add a lot to the consistency too(since the author knows how much information to withhold as you would expect from someone who goes for a non-linear release order). Araragi is a fucking Jesus archetype/Asclepius archetype too if you think about it - the show's core message is essentially "own your shit stop blaming other people for it". most of what bad that happens to the characters in the show is entirely the character's fault, there are no victims that are also main characters.

>the show's core message is essentially "own your shit stop blaming other people for it"
Amazing, what an inventive counter-culture subversive message

This is truly what a deep story is!

In the context of the genre, yeah. Ok, so rather it's more about being held responsible for your own self delusion. Each book usually carries a core message otherwise though.

deep ? monogatari series ? 90% of this anime is explaining in detail the plot

__ __.

they dont actually, i watched it all on speed 1.25 and i wouldnt say im a fast reader

I don't care for it. And this isn't deep.

This is only deep if you're a middle-schooler.

Deep is a stupid meme word that means nothing but "I want to start an argument".

But since the argument's already started, people underestimate the complexity of monogatari. Most of it's merit comes from its unique storytelling, visual direction, interesting conflict resolution, framing, etc., and it's a far cry from something like, say, GitS '95 that has a lot to say about a particular subject. But while monogatari is obstensibly about supernatural conflicts and anime tiddies, the character interactions themselves are largely real world problems that teenagers in particular face; inability to trust after a traumatizing event, finding your identity, unrequited love, etc. etc., and these problems are usually solved by working it out with the individual. They may have to banish a crab monster or whatever, but it's by forcing them to confront their emotions or sometimes just by talking it out. It's also got some really fantastic characterization, which I think is what really keeps people watching in the end. Characters do gradually grow and change and never end up flanderized, which is good when many of them have clear gimmicks they could easily be reduced to. Characters are all given their own feeling by the direction, and they all have different types of 'power'. I don't mean this in the sense of super powers, but rather a strength they can use to effect the world around them: Hanekawa has knowledge and research, Shinobu has raw combat strength, Kaiki has deception, and maybe most interestingly to me, Hitagi has a desperation--when she's backed into a corner, she'll do everything and anything to find a way out. This keeps the conflicts interesting as it's rarely about who punches the other guy harder.

It's no great masterpiece, but it does have artistic merit both in it's narrative and presentation and to claim otherwise does it disservice, I think.

tfw you kill the thread with armchair analysis

I agree wholeheartedly

What if I just want to masturbate and laugh?
The best parts about monogatari, at least for me tend to be the humorous parts and fanservice
Obviously I also love the rest, but there's something about Muraragi wanting to fuck his sisters that's really entertaining

Only the deepest. Truly SHAFT are otaku just like us

What does it mean Sup Forums?


That's part of what's great about it, too. It can just be enjoyed on that level without having to worry about any of that, and the """depth""" behind the character's problems also just makes for interestin writing without having to dissect it at all.

And the girls are super bangable.
Yes, this is why monogatari is perfect
