How is he supposed to defeat an intangible villain?

How is he supposed to defeat an intangible villain?

I bet he could be beaten by a Ghost monster.

Brainlets will say he can touch intangible beings
Smart people will say that he will lose

The ultimate super villain, Deadman's Curse. He is unable to be killed as a ghost and spends his time making people really cold and turning off lights.

He won't be able to hit the villain, but he's invulnerable, so he won't take any damage either. It will be a stalemate.

Only ways I could think of are talking them down or throwing salt at them.

By punching

Brainlets will say that he'll lose. Smart people will say that he can touch intangible beings.

we've seen this before in justice league - superman and every other non magic user can get mind controlled and the world is over

Ghosts for the most part are hurt by spiritual energy in fiction which saitama is dense with to the point he can't be moved telekinetically.

>LITERALLY loses to a mosquito

There. You don't even have to worry about "intangible villains".

>Ghost seems unbeatable, goes on and on about how invincible it is
>Saitama finds whatever is binding the ghost to earth
>"What's this?"
>Touches it and crumbles
>Ghost makes le gag deadpan ONE face
>Everybody raughs

He'd punch it

super powered farts

There was literally a monster who was labeled as "unpunchable and unsliceable", and saitama was able to punch it.

>There were cucks that really thought Garou had a chance to win last chapter


How does he beat time travelers? How does he beat monster impervious to physical damage? How does he beat reality warpers? How does he beat getting poisoned? How does he beat real magic users? (not including telekinetics which he can physically resist against) How does he beat mind control? How does he beat anyone who can just blow up the planet from a distance?

Which monster? Evil natural monster? Because he survived and he already had a weakness which was established.


He just does.

evil natural water*

>Saitama finds whatever is binding the ghost to earth
And why would he know how to do that? That is an extremely meta solution. Might as well just say OPM has plot armor and wins.

>Danny Phantom could beat OPM, Goku, and Kal El
Decent troll material I suppose.


>And why would he know how to do that?
Because otherwise there wouldn't be a manga idiot.

>How does he beat anyone who can just blow up the planet from a distance?

He literally did this in episode 13.

Boros wasn't at a distance, he was right there on Earth fighting Saitama. What about someone that can just blow up the solar system from across the galaxy??

Ghosts are always shitty creatures to use because the specifics of their mechanics are played with so loosely. They're basically a kid saying 'infinite+1'

Saitama just punches the death ray when it's about to hit earth, doesn't matter the distance traveled, dum dum.

>Implying you can't punch ghosts
Someone hasn't read ghost puncher before.

One has already established ghost mechanics though. They can be dealt with by telekinesis.

>death ray
pls, he can't punch it the earth blows up from the inside

It's a draw since the ghost can't hurt him.

>Serious move: Serious Series
>Serious Spinning
>Saitama makes a tornado from running around in a circle really fast
>ghost is sucked in and can't get out

your move

>ghost waits until Saitama dies of old age

He already punched one from Boros.

Actually no, Saitama doesn't have gag powers, he is canonically super-fucking-strong and that's that.

Remember that he punched Evil Natural Water and it reformed just fine. His punches don't have an 'instant death' effect.

If physical force isn't enough to kill something, Saitama won't be able to. But nothing in the One-verse operates like that, so he's fine.

Because he shot it directly at him and in front of him.

>suddenly ghost has to face ghost saitama

>-b-b-but he wasn't at full strength

Saitama isn't the "always win" man, he is the "never loses" man.

He either win with one punch or it's a time out draw.

>point out solution is retarded
>user gets mad

check and mate OP he got you there

Easy, he bring his girlfriend to defeat the ghost

Punches so hard it distorts dimensions affecting the ghost.


>doesn't know that Tatsumaki canonically lost to a ghost
this is the average IQ of OPMfags, everyone

>just say OPM has plot armor and wins
Gee, user. How did you got to that conclusion?

What makes you think he can't punch a ghost?

>Remember that he punched Evil Natural Water and it reformed just fine. His punches don't have an 'instant death' effect.
I don't see your point, saitama punched a lot of people and they didn't die because he didn't want to kill them, look at boros for example or garou or the mosquito

>>doesn't know that Tatsumaki canonically lost to a ghost

> ghost
It was Saitama and it was filler.

>written by ONE

A random story where Saitama disguises himself as a ghost, Tatsumaki seemingly tries to attack it but her powers doesn't work. Which doesn't make sense because we canonly know that she would have no problem pushing Saitama and tearing a bit of cloth.

Prove it.

That's the point, retard. Tatsumaki explained to Fubuki that it was a ghost because her powers doesn't work on it which means she admits that her powers won't work on ghosts.

>What is dragon-class Evil Natural Water

Source? You fucking faggot you lied to me

ghosts doesn't exist in the opmworld or they would be at the top of the chain if EVEN Tatsumaki, the strongest psychic, was powerless against them. Stop being retarded.

> Tatsumaki
> ever showing a weak side in front of Fubuki

This is as OOC as it can be.

Wrong quote for the first one

Tatsumaki didn't show her weak side. She actually made an excuse why she couldn't beat it. She even said "Do you REALLY think that something can surpass MY psychic powers"

Then post the damned page and let us see

>What is dragon-class Evil Natural Water
Not a ghost

Saying you're unable to beat something IS showing your weak side you retard. She would never say openly that something doesn't work on her powers.

When Saitama can't beat people stronger than him, he just makes friends out of them, see King

Saying you're unable to beat something IS showing a weak side you retard. She would never say openly that something doesn't work on her powers.

Does anyone else think that King has extreme luck as a superpower?

Maybe his rapid heartbeat alters time and makes Hero's show up and kill whoever's going against him.

But an unpunchable being

> one random punch is enough to destroy most of it and leave it in a very weakened shape for hours.

>How is he supposed to defeat an intangible villain?

By punching it, duh.

Yes exactly, child emperor said that it was unpunchable and saitama was able to punch it

Saitama would lose to Bugs Bunny.

Saitama could punch bugs so hard he'd turn left at Albuquerque

Saitama would lose to Yamcha tier character no need to bring out the big guns

and then Bugs would show up right behind him 5 seconds later and say "Ehhh, what's up doc?"

I've always thought he was saying "duck"

Can he even beat Jiren the black?

it's not unpunchable. It's just that you need to be extra fucking strong to beat it with a punch. It's mostly the wind created by Saitama's punch that beat it.

> King is a real #1 psychic
> He subconsciously created Saitama as a collective image of video game protagonists
> It saps all his power so he can't do other psychic stuff

Why not just punch so hard the wind blows the ghost away

Ghosts are not alive but they are in a state of "existing"
therefore he would throw a punch so powerful that it would rip space and time a new one making everything in front of him to stop existing thus erasing the ghost of lmao it is so simple

oh gee a guy who can defeat anything via punches has plot armour????

>It's just that you need to be extra fucking strong to beat it with a punch
That's a head canon

Post the exact page where he said this.

> no way ,Vegeta, how is that guy able to beat a saibaman? They're as strong as Radditz!
> use your head, that means he's stronger than Radditz
> n-nice headcanon

And how exactly did he lose? He ate the mosquito at last.

Bugs underestimates his opponents way too often. He wouldn't see Saitama's punch packing that much of a wallop.

I'm wondering how'll he'll get out of it, I'm guessing we'll have an early peak of his monster form mabey.

Change "unpunchable" yo "physical attacks are useless"

King is like a DnD character that plays with a 20 sided die, where all sides are 20, and puts all of his points into Bluff skill

it was kind of useless since he didn't die and had to be digested by pig god

You can kinda do that in mutant and masterminds, there's a luck control power that lets you add a certain + to the dice roll.

Maybe saitama didn't want to kill him? Or even if he really can't kill him he still was able to physically effecting him

>Maybe saitama didn't want to kill him?
Why would he want to leave a Dragon tier monster lying around waiting to kill people? Most monsters he just dispatches with a punch.

Evil Water went from a giant size to a tiny blob in one punch. Another punch would have killed him because his weakness, the brain, was barely protected.

It was just a problem of knowing that he had a brain that needed to be destroyed. If Tats knew she would have killed him instantly.

I can't see them fighting it out while being in-character.
They could play vidiya and Saitama would lose, though, so you're correct.

>Why would he want to leave a Dragon tier monster lying around waiting to kill people?
He didn't even know he was a dragon level monster
Probably this, saitama just half-assed Punch him

>half-assed Punch him
No shit. I wonder how many people did he kill with this one.

Tbh, most of saitama's work is half-assed


>saitama vs goku is actually a thing
>people actually even believe Saitama would win
