Date A Live

Who was Sup Forums's best girl when the show first came out?

[x] Touch Tohka's tohkas

Mai waifu.

Queen Kurumi. And she still is. Creepy, sexy and badass.

Plus when she killed those assholes in the park she became a permanent vip waifu.

I don't know about Sup Forums but Kotori became my waifu by the time season 1 ended

All the girls were evenly matched.

Kurumi, Kotori, and Tohka were basically the top three.

>evenly matched
I thought the Tohkafags outnumbered all the fans of the other girls

It’ll be that way even in season 3. If season 4 however happens to be announced at some point, we can expect a new good girl.

It was good until kurumi appearance

>Plus when she killed those assholes in the park she became a permanent vip waifu.
Social Justice Warrior

The fuck are you talking about?!

Stay on youtube.

>comiket just ended a while ago
>no new kurumi doujins

Isn't it sad?

Did we have new Mukuro doujins though?

Wait do Mukuro doujins exist?

Origamifags were the rarest. I'm proud to say I was one of them.

No, unfortunately, they probably don’t know about her yet.


There’s one “doujin” of her but it’s nothing really impressive. Most people who draw doujins, especially DAL, are only animeonlyfags, so they don’t know her.

t. cuck


Are there any good Kurumi doujins?

What does it say?

yes, but they are all old as shit.

Kurumi a best.

Just kidding, season 3 soon

Kurumi and Tohka were the most popular.
Yoshino and Reine are liked by everyone, but don't have as many fans as the other two.

Look at this baka. LOOK AT HER!

She is fat.

How mean

kurumi fag is a hypocrite

Stop eating bread and start to do some exercises. You pig

Who is the "second place girl" right now? As in, the girl that will compete harder with Tohka for Shido.

I heard Novelfags saying Kurumi got this place. Based on the anime, I thought it was Origami. Did Kurumi's popularity make her take this place?

I sure would love to have Kurumi in my dungeon.

>implying you wouldn't be in her dungeon

Something about the anime and I think Date A Bullet. Sorry user, can't read kanji yet, just grasped hiragana and katakana recently.

That would be Mukuro.


Would a retard be this sexy?

There are far sexier girls in this series.

name one

She is one if the least popular girls in japan.

ew user, she's old

Reine and Mukuro are good examples of that. Even Miku has a sexier body than Tohka.

Isn't the least popular girl Miku?

Did she appear after her volume?

Whta do you mean? If sheplayed an active role after her arc? If that's the question, then yes.

I'm talking about the girls overall, not just spirits and even then Miku is only the second least popular.

Miku. She might be a turbo lesbian cunt but her body is literal sex

More than Yoshino and the others to the point that she became Tohka's rival?

Tohka's rival has been Origami since the first volume.

I heard people saying another girl became Tohka's rival.

First things first. You gotta know that DAL isn't centered about which girl will win in the end as the series focuses on more important aspects. Tohka's "rival" would be Origami, but even that doesn't include romatic rivalry for Shidou becuase they only hate each other.

However, if we talk about the girls that love Shidou the most, that would be either Tohka or Mukuro. Her progress was astoundingly fast compared to any of the other girls and by "active role" I meant that she is an useful character that helped Shidou a lot in the current volume.

Threads went through different cicles back then but the purple ones fastest ones

What? That never happened

t. secondary who doesn't read the LN

This must be your first time in these threads.

So, there is not a number 1 "rival" (a Kuroneko, Elf, etc) for Tohka in the Shidobowl?

Not that guy but no. Romance is not an important in this series.

Didn't they call themselves romantic rivals at the end of volume 11?

Romance is not important in DAL. Otherwise the author would write a joke series of "extraterrestial" girls falling in love with a normal guy and let's see who wins. But that's not the case with DAL as it has a plot.

Judging by the anime I thought it would be, since while Tohka and Shidou like each other most other girls have some feelings for him too. And it is harem-ish.

Shidou doesn't really like Tohks in a romsntic way. He stays unbiased until all spirits are sealed.


It's a harem that doesn't feel like a harem. That's why most DALfags who read the series, read it becuase of the story not becuase of the girls.
It's great that season 3 is happening, that way you'll see DAL is not a joke series.


Miku is worst girl.

Ginger twins

Origami and Tohka are supposed to be rivals in love, but that doesn't mean the series will focus on that.

It's hard to say that Mukuro's love for Shidou is around Tohka's level when Kotori and Origami exist.

He clearly likes Tohka in a romantic way.

No, he doesn't. Shidou has never showed romantic feelings for anyone, even the few times he has said "I love you" to a girl is not necessarily related to romantic love.

Not that guy but have you read up to the current LN?

No he doesn't. He likes all the spirits as a family and friends. There's only one girl who's managed to touch Shidou's heartstrings but that girl is not Tohka.

All are Equal

But some are more equal than others

Yeah but you seems to ignore that not all the girls show their love in the same way. Origami used to have an unhealthy obsession with Shidou that wasn't true love but after the timeline changed this obsession turned into love and that is only counting the feelings of the old Origami. If you also count the new Origami, her feelings for Shidou is one of the highest in the series.

There is also the fact that she has been obsessed with him for years. Mukuro and Shidou had similar experiences but it's hardly 1 monty since he sealed her.

That doesn't make sense.

Animeonly here. The green, blonde, greyish-haired are the new girls right? The next season won't cover all of their arcs will it?

Miku is at very bottom, even Ellen has better chemistry with Shidou.

Only the green-haired one will appear.

What about Artemesia. Now that Mukuro unlocked her memories, do you think she'll get along with Shidou?

They are no longer enemies but I doubt they will ever interact. Artemisa seems like she belongs with the AST.

Maybe with Origami. Though the timeline where DAS happened was erased so I wonder what'll happen between those two. Old Origami still remembers.

Well looks like the arcs start getting longer from this point onwards. Season 1 introduced 4 girls.

Origami seems to know about Artemisa so the some of the events in DAS are probably similar in the new timline.

Yeah but the arc of the green-haired girl is only 2 volumes long. This is the standard length of an arc.

The standard lenght of an arc before season 3 was of 1 volume then? From what I read in some DAL threads, the last arc is the longest to date. If the anime doesn't get there I might start reading the novels. The visual for the new season already made me consider reading the LN.

I thought it was only the old Origami who knew her. I assumed the new Origami didn't know her since she quit the AST in that timeline.

I cant stop lustig after Kurumi. Is this normal?

I'm afraid you might be straight

Yeah, except Miku arc that was 2 volumes long.

I was talking about old Origami but it seems like Mana also recognized Artemisa. Whatever is the case, Westcott still needed a living person as a test subject to develop new technology and it seem slike Artemisa was still that person in the new timeline meaning that some events in DAS still happened or in a similar way.

Mana was a minor character in that spin-off but she still had a role too.

but she is not supposed to remember any of that. Only the girls got their memories back because they are spirits. Westcott and Artemisa had to use the book to see what happened in the previous timeline.

I think Kurumi is best girl
What does that say about me?

That you are an animeonly.

>this is what ASfags actually believe

What visuals? They don't have anything to show yet.

That you have yet to explore the female characters this series offers.

You probably think she is a yandere.

Not that guy but he probably meant this one.