Why this guy is such a faggot in social interactions ?

Why this guy is such a faggot in social interactions ?

I'm trying to watch this anime Subaru pls stop being a cringy faggot especially in the mansion

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Don't be mean he has autism

>Why is a NEET who didn't have friends in his previous life act like a sperg when having a conversation?

It's like shinji all over again

>Why this guy is such a faggot in social interactions ?
Because he's a basementless basement dweller that ate too much media so he thinks trying way, way too hard is normal.

I bet any user here would do a better job in that world

Because he is suppose to? He literally is an autistic loser.

He is different kind of NEET. He's like fallen normie.

wtf why he did not watch some vid in the internet of how to seduce woman what a fag fuck

I remember that he had a job protecting people houses while playing games it a katana at his side i'm crazy user ?

what if subaru isn't actually going back in time and it's some kind of recreation akin to The Prestige? At the very least, the possibility would make me afraid of dying, if I was in subaru's position

No such thing.

>Why this guy is such a faggot in social interactions ?
to appeal to the fans who are also faggots who can't into social interaction

>it's some kind of recreation akin to The Prestige
Can you elaborate? I haven't seen that movie.

I'm a realistic guy i would avoid to die even if it's confirmed that i will respawn too much pain and despair. Probably i would be thinking that i would not respawn too lol

In any case, my daughter beako is really cute.
Anyone else agree?

Your daughter is cute, but do you know who is even cuter? Crusch-sama's angel Ferri.

For your own sake, never go to a casino.

In the prestige, a magician creates the illusion of teleportation by cloning his own body to a new location, and letting his current body die in the process.

this is the evangelion of our time

there are normies, failed normies and robots. He is a failed normie

the average user is more stupid than Subaru
do you really think people like
would do better than him?

>would do better than him?

i feel it's a bit unjustified saying i wouldn't do better just because i posted a picture of my cute daughter. but i indeed wouldn't do well anyway.

sorry but a VIRGIN creepy sexist NEET like you won't do better than subaru

This . But Unironeclly.
I don't know why most of Sup Forums hate Subaru but like shinji

w-why are you so m-mean user...?
i- i didn't mean to make you a-angry...
d...did i d-do something wrong...?


You should stop posting Beako and spend more time with me!
A-user you baka

>there are normies, failed normies and robots.
All the same shit. All cancerous faggots that shit up every place they go with worthless normieposting. There's no meaningful distinction to outsiders.

MC is literally a psychopath.

just wait untill the royal announcement part. where he shits all over seasoned knights and such.

Yes Unironeclly got a problem?

Youll soon realize the problem isn't with Subaru, but with the writing and pacing of the entire thing. As other anons said, there is no problem with having an unlikable main character. In regards to the first 4-5 episodes, he actually acts in a completely realistic way. He makes mistakes, he gets scared, he gets beat up, it was cool to see an MC act that way.

Things are moving along just fine, then you hit episode 12. All of a sudden he starts acting like an absolute fucking maniac. This isn't just "he makes mistakes so hes human" or something. He goes full fucking retard. Ok ok, youre thinking, maybe he is just a retard, lets see where this goes.

Then you hit episode 13. This is the moment you realize the anime you thought was going be some unique take on isekai, is actually just another fucking LN advertisement that is targeted towards 15 year olds who don't know any better. Holy shit this episode ruins everything cool, interesting, or different about this anime almost single-handedly. The amount of mental gymnastics required to explain the reasoning behind Subaru's outburst in this episode is insane. It was like the director decided "I want this to be the episode where the kiddies know shit is about to get DARK." They needed Subaru to fall into despair in order to appeal to teens who want to feel mature, so they throw in these scenes meant to be filled with drama and emotion, but youre just sitting here laughing at how out of place it is. The whole thing is the result of (((misunderstandings))) and somehow were supposed to buy this over the top tantrum simply because "thats just who he is"? Its fine to have an offputting character who makes bad choices, but those bad choices have to make some sense within the overall plot and previous characterization. In 13, they just up the drama to 11 out of nowhere in contrast to basically everything before that. Again, Subaru's outburst isnt the problem, its the context in which he has it.

the anime lowered subaru's asshole stat just enough so that he came across as relatable to everyone, but then episode 12 and 13 came and without subaru having his asshole stat as high as it was supposed to be. he just came across as going mental. when he had been established as a egotistical ass clown before in the light novel.

I'm neither rich nor stupid enough to go to a casino. Why give me this warning?

The guy is Pride. Of course he acts up his name.

>Why give me this warning?
>I bet any user here would do a better job in that world
>I bet any user here would
>I bet


He trained to protect his own home

Does anyone know when Volume 2 of the WN will ever get translated? I've been putting off on reading it cause I want to read it from the start in it's entirety

>Volume 2
you mean arc 2? very likely after discount user catches up with tappei.
aproximately a year and a half or more.
maybe there's a rare chance another translator will pick up the earlier parts of the novel.

Ah, that sucks. Thank you user

Which is why its such a terrible episode, and such a disappointing anime. Everything that proceeds after those episodes isn't much better either. Like you mention, Subaru is supposed to be an egotistical asshole and thats supposedly why he acts in such an illogical way. But then the rest of the anime is about how he struggles to 'protect' the ones he cares about. Why does he give a shit again? Oh yea, because otherwise nobody would watch an anime about some asshole nobody likes. So Rem, who has no character other than a punching bag for Subaru's mistakes, decides she loves Subaru and believes in him. Why would anyone love and believe in this guy who has no reedemable qualities? Because how else is Subaru going to have his epic realization that he needs to be a hero!!?!?

Epic. I thought this guy was supposed to be the ultimate egomaniac. Youre telling me he would have given up and lived in despair forever unless some moeblob said she loves him? Wont knowing that make it even more difficult for him to attempt something in case it ends up hurting Rem again?But a LN needs more than one waifu or else itll be boring so apparently Rem is in love now. Yay waifu wars, who is better waifu for Subaru?!

What a shitty anime.

Thank you for the essay. This opinion is very important for us.
But really, everyone knew this show is going to be DARK from the very first episode. Also, there's no reason behind his outburst and behavior. He's just retarded kid who thinks he's the center of the universe and everyone will bow before him. So, all his falling in despare thing is just his pattern interrupt.

Based anti-self insert Subaru

The fact that subaru is actually well liked breaks suspension of disbelief to me.

I mean, everyone has seen someone like subaru IRL at some point. The thing is, those people are almost universally disliked and ostracized.

Meanwhile Subaru is literally charming strangers in a few encounters. What the fuck.

The deal breaker for me was when Rem was PERFECTLY FINE with the "I love Emilia" line. No actual person would be fine with that. Only a fictional character created purely to be wish fulfillment would.

Would have been much better if the series had showed subaru pissing almost everyone off and the changing for the better.

>Why would anyone love and believe in this guy who has no reedemable qualities?
Well, this guy saved her and her sister, risking his own life.

You do realize the only reason I bother to post my opinion, is so that I can catalog the ESL butthurt afterwards right? Most of you have left now that the hype is gone, but I see there are still a few of you lurking. Maybe one day your English will be passable.

>Meanwhile Subaru is literally charming strangers in a few encounters. What the fuck.
Felix thinks he's a shit, and everyone at the mansion are a bunch of freaks who were raised by freaks.
>No actual person would be fine with that.
Rem is generally portrayed as a yandere variant, very clearly mentally abnormal, persistent, and obsessive. She already knows how Subaru feels about Emilia. To her, being rejected just means she has to try harder, which she does in the source material.
>Would have been much better if the series had showed subaru pissing almost everyone off and the changing for the better.
That's pretty much exactly how it is. People think he's an obnoxious tool until he shapes up and shows a little more tact.

Bros, come to my thread


From what has been shown in the manga so far, Felix seems pretty friendly to Subaru actually. Same with Reinhard.

He seems pretty buddy buddy with the fruit seller after meeting him just once or twice. People at the village seems to love him too.


Nice artwork but traps and catgirls are both shit and Felix combines both of these shit tropes

I'm not against a flawed character, in fact I like it, but Subaru is pathetic and he never improves, he does not get stronger, neither physically or mentally, he dumb, does not learn to interact, can not read situations, even now having died about 1000 times, he remains so pathetic when at the beginning of the novel

>shown in the manga
Manga leaves out details. Felix things Subaru is a pathetic piece of shit. Reinhard is nice to everyone. The fruit seller appreciates his business because he bought a bunch of apples, and otherwise sees him as an obnoxious tool.

As for the villagers? He's good with kids, and he saved their children.

why are there no felix doujins?

I didn't ask for your shit opinions. Ferri a best.

For the same reason there are no doujins for the other characters either. Rem is too popular.

Look, I bet I could find you a bunch of doujins of Julius or Reinhard sticking their dicks in Subaru, no problem. Want Subaru to be dressed as a girl? I can find some for that too.

the sad thing is that the rem/ram/emelia doujins are mostly generic garbage.

The one where Subaru gets told that he should make a pact with Emilia via sex was funny though.

But most of the doujins absolutely fail at creativity. Its generic consensual heterosexual sex with mediocre art.

At least come up with something a bit original, like one where Rem/Ram rapes Subaru in one of the early loops or something.

Felix has at least 2 doujins.

Let's chip in together to hire a killer for Catfag

>like one where Rem/Ram rapes Subaru
Those exist.


Did a quick search, theres only one english one, and the art style doesn't even match the original source.

Did a quick search for "ram rape", didnt find any.

The other one and the possible others have not been scanned.

>Did a quick search for "ram rape", didnt find any.
Not all are scanned. But some are. Unless you expect brutal rape.

>you now realize that one of the most important pieces of advice he was given is to actually look at people when he's talking to them and not stare at the floor like a retard

I get that he's intentionally supposed to be flawed, but I'd really prefer he start a bit higher and move towards actually succeeding, instead of just scraping by with the bare minimum of human interaction and the pity of people who are actually accomplished.

If anything he's Shirou, if Shirou was a little bitch that couldn't do anything.

I didn't ask for Felix in this thread which is clearly about Subaru, stop trying to shill your gay cat in every Re:Zero thread

You keep offering me your shit opinions, even though I didn't ask for them?
Ferri is straight. I'll post him when I want, where I want.

Dunno what you expect from a 30yo single japanese amateur LN writer. He literally wrote that garbage just so a loser can become some hero in a fantasy world by using some cheating powers and get Emilia, the manifastation of the author's fetishes. He didn't even care about development for Emilia and just assumed that people would like this generic vanilla-ass creature. Seriously, my shit has more personality than this forgettable piece of trash for a character. Subaru and Rem have some good moments together but boy the author can't let his fetish character lose so she gets literally a free pass in exchange for Subaru's character.

Anyone know what chapter the Seige of Pristella is going to happen?


>The amount of mental gymnastics required to explain the reasoning behind Subaru's outburst in this episode is insane.
Didn't he start acting unhinged because he died a few times after he thought he grabbed the world by the balls? In the choosing ceremony when Subaru gloated about being Emilia's worthy knight, that was him thinking he was in control. Later in the room after the fight with the dude what he said the reason why everything went as well as it did up to that point was because he was given the unique opportunity to correct his usually fatal decisions (or fate if you will). I'd say he acted like a human, can't see fault in his character.

>I mean, everyone has seen someone like subaru IRL at some point. The thing is, those people are almost universally disliked and ostracized.
He does constantly, the people who accept him are the people he works hard for, most have him come across as someone they'd rather not meet pre-arc 5 when he is pretty based. Most o the time the people he comes close to or enjoys his company are people like pic related, basically anyone that is in the rouge gallery or has the potential to be. Subaru is a natural borne villain.
>Meanwhile Subaru is literally charming strangers in a few encounters. What the fuck.
Depends on which strangers, Ram still hates him but due to how much shit Subaru goes or Rem she's at least accepted him. Rem had a crusch on him after "Rem" but it was the two months on spoiling, cuddling and Subaru being an all around alright guy that got her to like him lots. He for some reason treats Rem much differently than the rest of the cast. For Emilia Emilia has no clue what's going on and she got his life saved. Roswaal is manipulating him or his RbD. Ferris hates him for what happened to Crusch and broke the alliance. Everyone else more or less tolerates him than likes him, some outright despising his existence.
>The deal breaker for me was when Rem was PERFECTLY FINE with the "I love Emilia" line. No actual person would be fine with that.
Well without context we have in the WN/LN sure, it would be. But with context is makes sense, Subaru thinks he doesn't deserve a girl like Rem, so he rejected her. Rem on the other hand expected it to happen knowing how Subaru is like. Only to then have Subaru confess to Rem about lying to himself and confessing to loving Rem a few days after which makes sense for his character.
>showed subaru pissing almost everyone off and the changing for the better.
Which does happen, multiple times. Now its him getting pissed at people. Or people pissed at him due to conflicting ideologies rather than being obnoxious.

>be faggot
>die a few times because faggot
>stop being a faggot
>things start to turn out alright
>"hey now I can be a faggot again"

Not even close, near the end o arc 3 Subaru completely stops being a aggot thanks to Rem and entering arc 4 has Subaru acting like someone you'd want to have on your side. Don't blame Subaru for acting like he did in episode 13. The Witch and Roswaal had him by the balls by then.

>hey now I can be an even bigger faggot than ever before

I personally think they didn't have enough space or time to fit in the entirety of arc 2-3, if they were to adapt some scenes differently or give Subaru more freedom to tell his inner thoughts to the audience as well as include specific scenes the anime would have been much better received. Though the director saying Rem is a sub-heroine is a telling sign that he doesn't know the source material as well as he should have when directing the anime.

> Later in the room after the fight with the dude what he said the reason why everything went as well as it did up to that point was because he was given the unique opportunity to correct his usually fatal decisions
Is this English or I am missing something? How exactly does this make him a well written character again?

Because he acts 'human'? That just feels like a different version of the ESL excuses I normally get

>he is poorly written because thats the point
>nothing makes sense on purpose
> there's no reason behind his outburst and behavior. he's just retarded kid
>okay sure it doesnt make sense, but sometimes life doesnt make sense so really, its hyper realistic!

There is a line between an anti-hero MC, and just incompetent writing/direction. Nothing can justify how ham fisted the drama was in the anime. Nothing.

That quickly?

do you realize worrying about how well a character is written is a mental illness? loosen up bud

>Why this guy is such a faggot in social interactions ?
Cause his dad was such an Alpha chad, he rescued his mom that was about to get put into a porno film. He then married her, while having the entire female population of the town throwing their panties at him.
Subaru grew up hearing about how his dad was the most alpha fucker ever, not only from the men and boy of the town, but from the women and girls, yes girls, including his classmates, everyone wanted to ride Subarus dads cock, his cellphone has hundreds of JC, JK and JD phone numbers, its a town rumor that you cant become a woman unless he has your phone number, Subaru tried to rise up to his dads star and failed miserably, that is why he gave up on everything, cause he knew that no matter what he accomplished or how many girls he got, they would all be thinking about his dad.

>Now its him getting pissed at people.
Well they're doing an exceptional job at pissing him off
Well Elsa killed Subaru in Chapter 23 so

As to "why", the reason is given in Arc 4, so it's sorta a spoiler, but barely
He always looked up to his dad who was successful, loving and all-around great guy. The father is actually great at interacting with people, but with his family he acts like Subaru acts with everyone,
i.e. dad likes to be silly, odd, loud, obnoxious with Subaru and his wife.
But Subaru only ever saw this side of him and, looking up to his dad,
he imitated him thoroughly. His dad explains to him much later that he only ever acts like a retard when he's with family, but it's too late at that point

>near the end o arc 3 Subaru completely stops being a aggot thanks to Rem
I thought Subaru became dramatically better after he said "I love Emilia." I'm not joking here. I think it was truly the turning point for him.

yeah that line was certainly what woke him up, are you for real?

Does Felix shave his pubes?

It certainly marked the beginning of the all-new Subaru. It was important regardless.

the moment Rem kissed him on the forehead, they couldn't make it more clear that it was the moment where it clicked for him and yet you managed you miss that, congratz

Well he does have the right to criticize, but to say something like that with his only reference being the anime? He's probably a tad ill.
Oh, you're him. Aren't you ever going to get over you butt-hurt over Rem winning?

No. You can clearly see the change in Subaru's attitude before and after he said "I love Emilia." His eyes were full of hope and confidence as he talked about her.

Man, if yer gonna criticize the source material at least know what is the content inside said source material. Because the exact opposite is happening right now.

Yeah, you're right. From Zero was about Emilia changing Subaru.

what are you talking about?

>is a literal nobody
>still puts a takes a lot of responsibility
>suffers horribly several times
>it all goes unnoticed
>people are shocked that this leads to a mental outburst at some point

>Rem talks, takes a step forward, and then closes her distance.
>Rem extends both of her hands at a distance where she could reach him and then surrounds the still Subaru, who had his head faced down in shame. She didn’t pull him with much strength, but even then the non-resistant Subaru was embraced by her without a way to object.
>He was embraced by Rem, who had a difference in height, and while he listens to the voice that came down from above
>[Rem: I’ll believe that the Subaru-kun who saved me is a true hero.]
>Her lips came near his forehead and he felt the sensation of warmth from her touch.
>The heat of the sensation from her touch spreads, and an incomprehensible emotion expands within his chest.
>[Rem: I wouldn’t want it to be anyone other than Subaru-kun.]
>If he had a person that believed in him when he didn’t even believe in himself…
>Maybe it was okay for Natsuki Subaru to fight.
>――Maybe it was okay to not give up on fighting against fate.
Not true.
Also during the whale battle:
>All-too-familiar despair sneered at him, and put an over-friendly arm around his shoulder.
> — Well now, isn’t it about time for you to give up?
>It’s face nearly unseen, the dim shadow grinned widely, and it’s familiar voice urged him to give up. At those words, Subaru accepted the weight of the situation before his eyes.
>As the shadow frowned in surprise at his action, he smiled at it, and then hit it with a right straight as hard as he could – the shadow shattered, and at the same time, his body stopped trembling.
>Worthless. Pathetic. There was no time to lose his way, no time to slow down.
>So what if there were two more whales?
>His limbs still moved. He could raise his head, and he could still see. He could speak, he could make himself heard. Rem was here. Rem was still alive. It was way too soon to be giving up hope on saving everything.
>…Stand up.

Im chill nigga, just saying that your favorite series is waifu bait written for pre teens. Just embrace it, aint nothing wrong with thay.

What I'm talking about is how about you stop being such an insufferable faggot who criticizes the source material while knowing not even the bare minimum of said source material.

Random but when did Subaru learn the world is flat?