Why is the world so afraid of the possibility of a Turkish-greek alliance

Why is the world so afraid of the possibility of a Turkish-greek alliance.

Attached: Flag-Pins-Greece-Turkey.jpg (400x320, 73K)

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I thought they were allies.
>both brown
>both smelly
>both have some weird language that has nothing in common with other languages nor anyone speaks
>both aren't relevant since hundreds of years
>both go to western countries living on western welfare
name 2 countries who have more in common

Literally who is afraid of that?

As long as I can still get my cheap holiday, inexpensive booze and easy women; Turkey and Greece can do whatever the fuck they want.

Show flag Sergei

thanks for making me laugh

it ain't happening, like ever

>being important

I'd be about as concerned as I would about Turkey making an alliance with an ant colony.

kek the greeks hate the Turks and looking at Afrin and Al-bab turkey doesn't stand a chain against a orginanized military,

but fear not Turks birth rate in Turkey are worse then that of Europe 1.78 and dropping while the average kurd has 5-6 childeren putting them at something of 3 Turkey's population is 66 milion 20 milion of them are already Kurd all greece has to do is sit there and wait till the Kurds start a civil war which they will win because of their numbers then swoop in and reclaim constantinople.

Greek coffee = Turkish coffee
Greek baklava = Turkish baklava
Greek dolmades = Turkish dolma

Hundreds of years of TURKED.COM I think it's fair to say Greeks are Turks.

Good thing you go there for women. Yours seem to be into niggers

Hungry? Eat kebab.

Attached: whereismykebab.jpg (630x395, 40K)

Are you absolutely sure or just 56% sure?

I'm pretty sure Mehmedakis.

Attached: greek kebab.jpg (900x499, 97K)

>Both brown
Not really,the brown turks are the really turks,while the brown Greeks are either tanned or are some sort of Turkish rapebabies,funny enough all of the Turks with Europeans traits have nothing in common with Turkey.
>Both aren't relevant to Western culture since hundreds of years
Funny enough the Greeks built the carrier columns of the western culture:philosophy,literacy,mathematics,astronomy,physics (though Classica)etc.

I know that this is 90% a le epic bantz :DDD,but this post is a warning sign for every user that might fall in this trap,Greeks and Italians solely created 70% of western culture,keep that in mind before insulting or mocking them mates.
I see that this place is full of Nordicists,how can one be proud of le superior blue eyes?Or le supreme blonde hair?Come on,your superficiality it's grievous

greece and the cyprus are the foremost reason why turkey is not in EU and never will be
OP is a shill kike

but hundreds years of TURKED.COM and they no longer Great as Alexander or Sparta. Now they are just moderate Turk. Both looks same, eat the same food, similar music and culture, etc.

How do i know you're an albo diaspora?


Reeda of bate-ey faggotry, screw OP

Wrong pal, albos can suck it.

Yes, we are, your nato will die in our seas, mean while you a hissy fit poison fag, get lost you pink anglosaxon nigger.

Greece is because turkey is disgisting


Byzantine cuisine is Greek, turks stole it like everytjing else jewish faggot, KYS you are a worthless lump of dung

>see that this place is full of Nordicists

They got chased of years ago, barely any of them left. Plenty of people going on about the superiority of meds and how snowniggers suck and on and on and on.

Anyone with eyes can see that Turks and Greeks are very similiar (with the exception of the kurds to the east)

I see you haven't talked with greeks about the subject. Especially Cypriots.

Attached: 1521107355015.jpg (640x637, 404K)

Seriously tell me Greece is important why the world should care. Ever since collapse of USSR Greeks lost their geopolitical advantage, went on spending spree, borrowed money to spend more and now it's a broke country.

>be greek
>muh history
>we are superior

BTFO user

Attached: ProudGreek.png (2000x1333, 133K)

>Superiority of Mediterraneans
Well,unlike the nordicist supremacy theory, it's real.
If the Nordic countries were superior how could they lost a world war and now are being invaded by arabs and Africans?
I have never said that nor I'll ever think that snowniggers suck,but to say that the Nordics create the culture,it's to say an heresy

Plot twist

Greeks are Turks

if the greeks and turks allied with religious freedom and state laws they would be unstoppable

Seriously when will you ever stop using such grievous and pitiful buzzwords?
You are such a low rank troll,talking crap about Greece while your country gets constantly NIGGERED,GOOKED,SPICED,as the days are passing by,please end your miserable life.


nice bubble you live in, kebab is byzantine, that's a first.

Dolma is literally a Turkish word which means Stuffed.
Kofta is a Persian word

so on...

My country is most powerful with greater GDP than entire EU. California and New York combined has greater economy than Germany.


You claimed that this bord was heavily nordicist which from what I have seen is simply not true, maybe it was at some point but not anymore.

Western Turks are to a large extent Greek, which is what makes it so funny whenever Greeks insult them for being brown.

Right on, I don't understand why they think they are better than other. Both are pretty much same, culturally and historically.

>all of the Turks with Europeans traits have nothing in common with Turkey.

If they are Turks they have something in common with Turkey, at least the nationality....

And I though the real Turks were a Mongol tribe, i.e yellow people.

So you renamed them, pizza and primitive spaghetti are Greek too but they're known with their italian moniker, now go fuck yourself turkish pile of shit "hahaha" fucking nigger peasant

>roaches threatening to invade Greece.
>op asserts everyone is afraid of a Greek roach alliance

Culturally no, one is the muslim while the other is christian
And I don't know the GDP per capita of Wester Turkey, but I know that the GDP per capita of Greece is far higher than the GDP per capita of Turkey.

>Muh GDP
How's that wealth distributed among the citizens of your country my friend?Ever thought about that?
Not only this,but do you expect your country's """Population"""" to ever come together as one and help eachother during a tornado,earthquake or even a war?When we had the 2017 earthquakes in Italy everyone started to send money,food and clothings to them,either via the Red Cross or directly,we probably helped them much more than our jewish controlled government,unlike your economically superiour country where niggers start rooming around the streets during every Tornado lol.
In my small comfy village everyone is white,no niggers try to come here,some slavs are settled here too and we live peacefully,sometimes we even have cultural enrichment and slowly their children are getting more italianised day after day;how many non whites do you have in your homeland?Let me answer for you: 56% ;)

The things Turks have are just generic middle eastern or arab

Literally no one cares about 2 irrelevant counties doing irrelevant things

Sure, you invented anything and everything like fire, toilet paper and electricity.

nice bubble user


Attached: 7th largest economy in Europe.png (1296x828, 122K)

>american education


My god a Bulgar that also got TURKED.COM for hundreds of years. You should team up with Greece. You have a lot in common.

Attached: We wuz European once.jpg (2000x1032, 1.02M)

Attached: [email protected] (1460x680, 40K)

i'm vietnamese

A greek citizen has averagely a 63,6% higher GDP per capita than a turkish one,that's a lot.

Attached: [email protected] (1460x680, 34K)

I like Vietnam, much respect.

Leave him alone garçon,he's a retarded mutt

greek-turk-jew here only jews accept me

turkey is aids

Greek population 10mil.
Turkish population 80 mil

you can't match eye to eye with per capita, you gotta look at overall GDP

Looking at overall GDP gives a false impression of x country.
You can have a humongous GDP,but it 1% of x country detains 3/4 of its overall GDP while the 99% has 1/4,we can safely say that there is a big discrepancy in wealth distribution,overall GDP is smoke in the eyes,you must see how much,averagely, a citizen of x country has.
Population difference plays no part here

t*rkgay sure is better than us!

Attached: fuckturkey.png (1216x236, 24K)

How's Golden Dawn doing greekbro?

were doing pretty well, sadly long way to go until #1 spot

We did invent a trillion of stuff, including the fork, you people are trash and just a bunch of apes without us, don't reply

turkey and greece aren't that different they are separated by only 2 IQ points in IQ and the wealth of nations

en.wiktionary.org/wiki/κόβω >persian word
>american education

Anatola was colonized by greeks to begin with. Anatola was never conquered by arabs, so who exactly do you think turned it brown?

No one, greeks and anatolians have always been tanned.

Attached: proof.jpg (585x481, 26K)

my god a mutt that got CHINKED.com for a few years

Aren't turks just persified mongols who pray to an arab god?
Not very compatible with Greece.

they are so close genetically that they are grouped together by geneticists in the study i posted

Fuck off greek cunt. Your country sucks and you need to pay debts

Attached: Screenshot_25.png (1066x847, 1.78M)

Show your actual flag you filthy t*rkroach

I am not surprised, considering their long history of enslaving and forcibly assimilating local populations.

This is my actual flag you kike backing goat whore.

Greece and Turkey are both shit holes that deserve eachother and do nothing but weigh the world down.

Either remember your history, where you came from and grab your balls or disappear into nothingness. Your country is irrelevant, and the only thing you'll be known for is what you did 2-5 thousand years ago.


>do nothing but weigh the world down.

make some contributions
this guy won a nobel prize for discovering stuff about DNA repair

Attached: Aziz_Sancar_0060.jpg (125x131, 5K)

Greeks now call themselves tanned ahahhaaa

Greeks are Turks, I know it's a tough pill to swallow but hey it could be worse. At least kebab is tasty and both of your similar music isn't that bad neither. We can laugh and celebrate.

>How's that wealth distributed among the citizens of your country my friend?
Why do Continentals take to Marxism like a fish to water?

user, come on, what does kovo have to do with keftedes?

This is what he's talking about.

Names are just names, don't take it too seriously.

Jindal was also tanned and he was ready.

Attached: White-Jindal.jpg (620x381, 235K)

We look more like assyrians or armenians than Turka to be honest truly I don't care that much I can still seperate Turks from Greeks. But so you know the Turks on the coast of the mediterenean are very close to european white cause they are some kind of mixture of Greek Turkish Armenian gene shit so the deeper you go into Turkey the more arab looking people become until you reach the kurds you go full arab mod

Greece, the balkans and the middle east are all so fucked up. Ottoman empire can rise again

bruh you sound like Jindal

Attached: White Jindal is tanned and ready.png (630x555, 119K)

fuck off mutt. 56% of your country sucks and you need to pay debts

>Implying he did this because of Greece.

He was born a Greek but all his training and knowledge came from the kikes at Yale.

>He was a trained and practicing physician who was so interested in biochemistry that he decided to retrain. He was forced into a technician job at Yale University after being unable to secure a postdoctoral research position. While at Yale, he discovered the mechanism by which the enzyme exinuclease finds the UV-damaged DNA and cuts the strand, allowing it to be replaced with non-damaged bases by DNA polymerase.

If it wasn't for the US he wouldn't have done shit. Did Greek contribute to his discovery at all?
Did an open vagina contribute to world peace?


Ok Chink. Go fuck some more koalas you syphilis ridden cunts.

This is literally OP right now.

Attached: 1520076549099.jpg (426x481, 29K)

he received his masters degree at istanbul university not a greek

Yeah, he found shit in the toilet. Big deal.

Everything he learned to succeed in his field he learned here. If it wasnt for the kikes at yale forcing him into tech he would have been another biochemist working for pharma.